ICAO Articles Flashcards
Article 1 - States recognise each state has control over the airspace of its territory
Article 2 - A states territory is the land and waters the state has sovereignty
Misuse of civil aviation
Article 4 - Each state agrees not to use civil aviation for anything outside the aims of the convention
Right of non-scheduled flights
Article 5 - Each state allows aircraft from all other states to fly into/through its airspace and land without prior permission
States have the right to ask overflying aircraft to land
states may require overflying aircraft to follow prescribed routes or obtain permission if the terrain is remote and navigation facilities are poor
Landing at customs airport
Article 10 - States can require aircraft to land or leave at customs airport unless the flight has permission to cross the territory without landing
Applicability of air regulations
Article 11 - Any aircraft shall obey rules of the state it’s flying in
Rules of the air
Article 12 - Each state shall ensure aircraft within its territory or carrying its nationality mark follows the rules.
Each state shall prosecute violations of the regulations
Search of Aircraft
Article 16 - Each state has the right to search aircraft from other states without causing unnecessary delay
Nationality of Aircraft
Article 17 - Aircraft have the nationality of the state they are registered
Dual Registration
Article 18 - Aircraft can only be registered in one state at a time
National laws governing registration
Article 19 - Registration/transfer of registration in any state shall comply with that state’s laws and regulations
Display of marks
Article 20 - Aircraft operating internationally shall show appropriate nationality and registration marks
Facilitation of formalities
Article 22 - Each state shall facilitate flights between territories of contracting states especially in relation to customs, immigration quarantine procedures
Customs and immigration procedures
Article 23 - Each state shall establish customs immigration procedures in accordance with international practice
Customs Duty
Article 24 - Aircraft entering another state’s territory shall be admitted temporarily free of duty, subject to the state’s
customs regulations.
• Fuel, oil, spare parts and regular equipment that are on board an aircraft on arrival in another state,
and retained on board on departure, shall be exempt from duty. Does not apply if
unloaded from the aircraft.
• Spare parts imported into a state for use by an aircraft shall be free of duty.
Aircraft in Distress
Article 25 - Each state shall assist aircraft in distress and allow the registered state of the aircraft to aid
Investigation of Accidents
Article 26 - If an aircraft registered in one state has an accident that causes death, injury or hints technical fault the state it happened in shall run an inquiry and the registered state can observe the inquiry
Air navigation facilities and standard systems
Article 28 - each state facilitates international aviation by:
providing radio services, meteorological services + air nav
Operating standard systems for communications, markings, signals + lighting
Co-operating internationally in the publication of aeronautical maps/charts
Documents carried in aircraft
Article 29 - Aircraft flying internationally:
Certificate of registration
Certificate of airworthiness
Appropriate licenses for each crew member
Journey logbook
Appropriate radio licences
If carrying passengers list of names with boarding and destination
If carrying cargo, manifest and detailed declarations of cargo
Aircraft radio equipment
Article 30 - Aircraft operating in other states can carry radio transmitting equipment licensed by the registered state
only crew members licensed by the registered state can use it
Certificate of airworthiness
Article 31 - Aircraft operating internationally will be provided with this by registered state
Recognition of certificates and licences
Article 33 - other states recognise licences and certificates of other states if they follow ICAO standards
Journey logbooks
Article 34 - All aircraft on international operations shall keep this. has details of aircraft, crew + journey following ICAO standards
Cargo restrictions
Article 35 - weapons or munitions cannot be carried in or above states territory without permission. States may prohibit/regulate other items for public order/safety
Photographic Apparatus
Article 36 - States can prohibit/regulate the use of photographic apparatus in aircraft over their territory
Licences of personnel
Article 32 - Pilots and crew on international; operations will hold licences issued by registered state
Adoption of international standards and procedures
Article 37 - Each state tries to implement uniformity in aviation regulation, standards and procedures. ICAO shall amend/adopt international standards matters of:
Comms systems + air nav aids, inc ground markings
Airports and landing areas
Rules of the air + air traffic control procedures
Licensing of the flight crew and maintenance staff
Airworthiness of aircraft
Meteorological services
Aeronautical maps and charts
Customs + immigration procedures
Aircraft in distress and accident investigations
Endorsement of certificates and licences
Article 39 - Aircraft that have failed to meet airworthiness standards must have details of failure on the certificate
Flight crew who fail international standards must have it on their licences
ICAO name and composition
Article 43 - An organisation formed by the convention. it is made of an assembly, council + other necessary bodies
Validity of endorsed certificates and licences
Article 40 - Aircraft + crew can only operate internationally if licences are In order. Use of an aircraft/certified part in another state then the registered state is at the discretion of said state
ICAO objectives
Article 44 - Aims to develop air nav + international air transport:
Ensure the safe and orderly growth of civil aviation throughout the world
Encourage aircraft design and operations for peaceful purposes
Encourage the development of airways, airports and nav facilities for international civil aviation
Provide the world with safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport
Promote fair competition + avoid discrimination between states
Legal capacity
Each state provides ICAO with legal capacity to perform its function