I&D- nature vs nurture Flashcards
What is the middle section between the debate of Nature vs Nurture
The interactionalist approach
Why is Nature vs Nurture a debate
Examining the relative contribution of nature and nurture in a particular behaviour. Seeing the extent at which nature and nurture are responsible for something and how they interact
what does Nature mean and give an example
The Nature debate is the innate influences that are genetically inherited
For example: Genotypes (genetic makeup) and Phenotypes (appearance people see, blue eyes) are internal factors which may result of in a particular behaviour
what does Nurture mean and give an example
The Nurture debate is behaviour developed from the environmental influences one has when interacting with the environment- both social and physical
For example: upbringing and educational are external factors that affect behaviour when older
name the two examples of the influence of Nature
the concordance rate for schizophrenia in MZ twins (genetically identical) is 40% and 7% for DZ twins
behaviour that helps survival and reproduction will be naturally selected
eg. Bowlby 1969 attachment behaviours bc an infant would be protected and survive as the adult and infant had an attached relationship
name three examples of Nurture
- Behaviourism:
behaviour is learnt through experience
eg. B.F Skinner in classical and operant conditioning can explain attachment
-SLT: behaviour is learnt through vicarious reinforcement (direct and indirect)
eg. Bandura- how they learn to ‘express’ anger is acquired through environmental influences (VR)
- Others:
double blind theory of Schizophrenia
para 1: first evaluation point
The first letter of both words is
I______________ A_______
The importance of the Interactionalist Approach and how the diathesis stress model helps to understand NA vs NU
P- can’t separate Nature and Nurture because they both contribute to behaviour
E- The genetic disorder PKU is an example of the importance of the interactionalist approach
E- because if it is noticed early in childhood,they can be put on a low protein diet, which alters the environment
L- Therefore the disorder PKU (Nature) is not expressed because of the changed diet/ environment (Nurture).
para 2: 2nd evaluation point
How Na____ affects Nu____
P- One way Nature has influences on Nurture is in active
gene-environment interaction, because a child’s heritable traits influence their choice of environment.
E- For example, an aggressive child may and engage in contact sports and choose to watch violent films, due to their innate trits of aggression.
E-This is known as ‘niche-picking’ theory and is one reason research has shown that the influence of genes increases as children get older.
L- Therefore, demonstrating the impacts of Nature (inherited aggressive gene, such as a warrior gene) on his lifestyle (nurture).
para 3: 3rd evaluation point
How Nu_____ affects Na____
using N_____ Pla_______
P- Furthermore, Neural (brain) Plasticity demonstrates how Nurture impacts Nature.
E- For example, in Maguire et al 2000 did a study on London taxi drivers, brains especially their hippocampus
E- because they had a bigger hippocampus than the ppts in the control group. This was due to it responding to the increase use of their spatial memory
L- Therefore, showing that their innate visual system (Na) had been altered through life experiences (Nu).
showing that life experiences can shape your brain
para 4: 4th evaluation point
How Na____ and Nu_____ Int_____ with e___ o____
Research by Plo____ et al 197_
P- Their are many gene-environment interactions such as Evocative (reactive) gene-environment, Passive gene-environment and Active-gene that have been described by Plomin et al (1977)
E- For example, The passive gene-environment interaction occurs when a parent passes on genes, as well as provide the environment which are both influential to the child’s development. If the parents are intelligent, then those genetics will be passed on and will provide high cognitive stimulation and education.
E-This is because the correlated genetic and environmental influences and
L- therefore increase the likelihood that their child will be highly intelligent.