I&D- nature vs nurture Flashcards
What is the compromiser approach, that settles the Nature vs Nurture debate
The interactionalist approach
Why is Nature vs Nurture a debate
Assessing the contribution of NA and NU in a behaviour, to identify their responsibilities and how they interact together
Outline and give an example of the Nature side of the debate
Nativists argue behaviour has innate influences that are genetically inherited
e.g. Genotypes (genetic makeup) and Phenotypes (appearance people see, blue eyes) are internal factors that lead to a particular behaviour
define heredity
Heredity is the process where traits are passed on to the offspring, known has genetic inheritence
Outline and give an example of the Nurture debate
Empiricists believe that behaviour is developed from experience of interacting environmental influences (external factors: upbringing and education
Research findings that support the nature debate to use in essays
two examples- one from genetic explanations and other is evolutionary explanations
Genetic: 40% MZ twin CR for SZ- shows there are internal influences but not 100%
Evolutionary: Natural selection- where surviving behaviour helps reproduction and survival
(Bowlby 1969) attached relationship between adult and infant, do they are protected and do survive (the infant)
name three approaches/theories that support Nurture
- Behaviourism:
behaviour learnt through experience
(Skinner: Classical and Operant conditioning) - SLT: behaviour is learnt through Vicarious Reinforcement (direct & indirect)
(Bandura- Learning to ‘express’ anger is acquired through environmental influences,VR)
Double Bind Theory of Schizophrenia- parents giving contradictory messages, that leads to uncertainty of what behaviour to repeat, due to the different reactions each time- inconsistent- not pos reinforced- development of SZ symptoms shows how nurture is influential
Limitation of this debate- studies show that NA and Nurture can’t be separated from each other
P- Debate limitation- can’t be separated.
E- eg. research supporting the interactionalist approach show that both Na and NU contribute to behaviour, through the diathesis stress model.
E- PKU is a genetic disorder that demonstrates this model
=predisposition is triggered by a high protein diet which is the external factor that leads to the genetic disorder being expressed, but altering the environment (low protein diet), PKU doesn’t appear
L- Therefore, suggesting that neither argument can fully explain behaviour
How Nature impacts Nu____
due to what interactions
P- Nature influencing nurture can occur due to the gen-environment interaction
E- e.g. The warrior gene may influence a child’s engagement with violent films - as gene agffects the environment you go in
E-Known as ‘Niche-picking’ theory- shows genetic characteristics that lead to a correlating lifestyle
L- Demonstrates affects of Na on Nurture
Using neural plasticity to support the effects Nurture has on Nature
P- However, Neural (brain) Plasticity shows how Nurture factors impact Nature more.
E- Maguire et al 2000 = London taxi drivers, increased size of hippocampus
E- Bigger head than control group, increase of spatial awareness
L- Showing innate influences on life experiences can shape your brain
Consideration of epigenics
Epigenics is another consideration in this debate, where environmental experiences of previous generations leaves Epigenic marks in your DNA, which tells your genes which to ignore and the ones they should be pasted onto future generations. However, the research studying impacts of Epigenics was done on rats, reducing the reliability of the research because this can’t be generalised to humans.
But, this does reinforce how important the interaction between env and genes is on influencing behaviour