Aggression- SLT (Social Psychological Exp) Flashcards
Name the three social psychological explanations of aggression
2 Frustration aggression hypothesis
3 Deindividuation
First one SLT In relation to aggression
Name the researcher for SLT and his belief of aggression
Bandura claimed that aggressive behaviour is LEARNED either through direct experience OR observing others
SLT suggesting behaviour is learnt via two ways
Learning aggression by 1 Direct experience 2 indirect experience
Explain how reinforcement is involved in both
Learning aggression by direct experience- is when they learn through direct reinforcement which includes positive and negative reinforcement and punishment.
Learning aggression by indirect experience- is when children learn through vicarious reinforcement- requires observational learning of a role models behaviour- when it’s aggressive the children reproduces that behaviour when they observe the consequences that the role model gets, which determines if they reproduce the behaviour or not
Give an example of children learning aggressive behaviour through direct experience
Behaviour occurs due to Direct reinforcement that’s pos/neg/ a punishment
Eg. Pos- A boy pushes another child while fighting over a toy, and he gets the toy- positively reinforced this aggressive behaviour
Neg- a child is teasing a girl and she hits him in hope that he would stop calling her names, and the teasing stopped - aggressive behaviour led to the removal of an unpleasant experience
Punishment- getting into a fight then the consequences is his phone was banned, reduces his agg behaviour
Who did Bandura believe aggressive reinforcement, would be most prominent source of modelling that aggressive behaviour
Give an example
Family members
Boys who observe their father beating up their mum, is more likely going to be an abusive parent/ father to
Recall bandura’s procedure
date of study
3 conditions
Bandura’s 1963 study
66 preschoolers
3 conditions 1. C saw RM being rewarded by another adult
2. C saw RM be told off by another adult for the aggressive behaviour
3. Adult model was neither rewarded or punished
What were the findings of Bandura’s study
mention the first 2 conditions
- findings - children when with the doll, behaved more aggressively
- findings- children behaved the least aggressive
- 2 conditions the children din’t display the aggressive behaviour
What aspect of the Bandura’s study, was in all three conditions
The children all learnt how to aggressively behave with the doll
AO3 Evaluating SLT of aggressive behaviour
Strength of SLT is the presence of empirical evidence to support it
P- Strength of SLT is the presence of empirical evidence to support it
E- This study reinforced influence of role models in the development of anti-social behaviour
E- This is because they collected questionnaires and found agg people have high aggresion homes, which further supports the important role model parents play
L- Therefore, supporting the SLT, as this is found to have an impact of the child’s developing behaviour
AO3 Evaluating SLT of agg behvaiour
Another strength of SLT research- has high reliability
P- Another strength of SLT research- has high reliability
E- Bandura’s research was mostly in the laboratory.
E- This means that the IV (pos or neg reinforcement) and the DV ( Child’s behaviour that was displayed) were all controlled
L- Therefore, the study could be replicated identically, and the same results would be achieved
AO3 Evaluating SLT of agg behaviour
However, a weakness is that SLT lacks ecological validty
P- Weakness of SLT- lacks ecological validity becayse the research is based in a laboratory
E- Bandura’s experiment was carried out in an artificial environment, where the doll was designed to be hit
E- This means that the study doesn’t replicate reality
L- Therefore, uncertain if these children was hit another real person, which means that this research can not be applied to real situations.
AO3 Evaluating SLT of agg behaviour
Another weakness is that the SLT is oversimplified, when explaining aggression
P- Another weakness is that the SLT is oversimplified, when explaining aggression
E- e.g. evidence criticising this theory, suggests that testosterone is a contributing factors to initial cause of aggression
E- This suggests there are other factors including genetics and hormones that are involved in the develop of agg behaviour
L- But, SLT doesn’t address the importance of these biological factors. as it is focused on the basic parts of learning being due to the environment, which shows that SLT is reductionist when explaining agg behaviour