I&D- cultural bias Flashcards
define Ethnocentrism
Judging other cultures, based off of your own cultural experience and seeing your on as ‘normal’ or ‘superior’ because that is what you are used to, so judge other groups as ‘strange’ and ‘deviant’
define Cultural relativism
a behaviour can only be properly understood in the context of the norms and values of the culture it occurs in
define Culture
culture is the values and beliefs that people share that defines them as a group
define Cultural bias
The tendency to judge other cultural groups based off of your own cultural assumptions
define Etic approach
Etic approach is identifying UNIVERSAL traits, looking at similarities in multiple cultures
define Emic approach
Emic approach is focusing on one specific culture and submerging yourself in it to get the full and detailed understanding of that culture
what begins with E and is an example of Alpha bias
name the two bias’ that are used in culture as well as gender
Alpha and beta bias
3 ways to reduce cultural bias
- Different cultured R
- Test …..
- Report…
1- Different cultured researches Doing the study and analysing
2- Test retest for a reliable study
5. carefully report the data, so there is no report bias
what study is ethnocentric
Ainsworth - secure attachment was most normal in western cultures, which made others feel they were parenting wrong
explain one way ethnocentrism can have alpha bias
ind____ groups and col____ groups
One culture is seen as better than another which devalues the other culture. E.g. individualist and collectivist cultures have different values
Ethnocentrism also has beta bias
US IQ test for the military was used worldwide as they assumed it would be the same for everyone
Describe diff between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism
cultural relativism all cultures are respected and studied individually whereas
Ethnocentrism is the opposite where one culture is researched and then it is generalised to other cultures
explain one way cultural relativism can have alpha bias
Cultural relativism can have alpha bias when there’s assumed gender real differences, which doesn’t lead to a universal based research
explain one way cultural relativism can have beta bias
it occurs in mental disorders, when behaviours are statistically infrequent in one culture may be statistically more frequent in another culture. For example hearing voices is a symptom of schizophrenia but in another culture hearing voices is common,
so applying the same rule (universal)- a beta bias- may diagnose people as mentally ill
which research had imposed etic
Ainsworth’s Strange Situation done in the US
She phrased it an ‘ideal attachment type’ for everyone,- no emic approach–> to see there’s different rearing techniques
list 3 things to do with individualists
- focus on individuals
- they are competitive
- Uk and Usa
list 3 things that collectivists do
- focus on groups
- they are cooperative
- south Korea and china
Define sampling bias, which culture is used the most
Sampling bias is when the sample is not representative of the target population
Mostly white undergraduates
Recall the acronym WEIRD to remember the standard ppts sample
W.E.I.R.D- western educated industrialised rich and democratic
How much do W.E.I.R.D socities represent the ppts in research for psychology
how much do the W.E.I.R.D societies represent in the world
only 12%
Strength of having an understanding of cultural bias has led to….
P- More cross-cultural research, to counter ethnocentrism
E- e.g. Research in African cultures and using an Emic approach increases reliability of research
E- Findings that are culturally relative to them and not generlised from western research
L-However, Weakness Emic approach only explain one behaviour in 1 culture, no universal traits identified
Bias Research method -leads to cultural bias
P- CB occurs when RM are biased, e.g. the ppt ethnicity in the sample
E- Study found that nearly 70% of all ppts for research are american psych undergrads
E- Demonstrates- initial sample being biased towards white people –> leads to increasing results of research thats culturally bias
L- Using this study to understand how research is culturally bias, has led to more recent researchers ensuring there sample has a diverse selection of ppts.
Strength to reduce cultural bias- easier to travel to other cultures now, than 50 yrs ago
P- A strength of nowadays, is that travel is easier- more frequent cultural research
E- e.g Buss used indigenous research in each of the 37 cultures to increase his understanding
E- ability to travel to all places, is a more realistic thing we can do
L- Using indigenous research reduces ethnocentrism because buss findings is not sharing everything that is different to his ‘norms’
It is identifying real differences between cultures
But the presence of culturally bias research, reinforces stereotypes
P- A consequence of culturally bias research, is that it reinforces stereotypes
E- EG. US army IQ test - culturally biased to white
led to lowest scores being from African-Americans ppts, who didn’t get in.
E- This test was cultural bias- white americans created it, and answers were biased towards white’s getting it more correct- as they learn it and other do not
L- White got into the army and african americans didn’t, showing neg effects on army system as it was CB- unfair