I Advised... Flashcards
1. IC7 - Drafted prelims
Containing site specific info
- Tyseley - drafted EOI prior to tendering
EOI with 5 contractors, 2 of which declined
- Data Centre - prepped tender packs, bespoke pricing template
Inc cover letter, and made a bespoke pricing template
- Havant - Advised architect and client to draw up sketch to show where welfare facilities could go on site. wrote prelims, and raised a query that there is not detail on welfare facilities location.
Helped come to an agreement on best way forward, as there was another contractor, and landlord may have pushed back
- Data Centre - analysed uplift from framework rates on tender return and advised client of costs.
Subsantiation was requested and costs negotiated with supplier
- S278 - advised on doing a retendering process to provide cost certainty, as tender came back higher
a. PTE was more in line with retenders, and reduced cost of initial tenderer.
- S278 - during tender process I made clarification logs and advised client of resolution to disputes
a. To ensure fair tendering process
b. I advised the client through clarification and query meetings, and an interim and final tender report
- Data Centre - Scoring matrix, qual and quant assessment, with help from design team, and provided recommendations to my client on outcome in this report.
a. To form tender recommendation and assess returns, as well as level those returns
- Medical Physics - clients dashboard was inputted to report to board level, adjusted contingency and risks, maintaining a change control tracker.
To ensure clear communication of facts and figures
- Havant - adjusted PSums during construction, i.e. plant deck. Financial reports bi weekly, and agreed and reported on variations
To ensure client was aware of expenditure and money left
- Havant - Final Account agreement
To avoid future disputes and close out the contract
- Enabling Works - Advised client on spending on monthly basis, and found an error with contractor cashflow which showed they were behind, and advised client on lack of expenditure.
a. Could be a risk to client, did deeper digging, but the contractor had just hit some things that slowed progress
- Medical Physics - Variation control template was used, I advised contractor how to sue it and the whole process to be adhered to throughout construction.
a. To ensure communication, and avoid delays and disputes
- Dental Hospital - issued financial statements and cashflows, advising on monthly changes and key risks. I made and presented a dashboard for the client which they used to present to board level.
a. Allowed board members to disseminate high level project information
- Tyseley - produced order of cost estimates and formal cost plans from RIBA 1 to 4, using NRM 1 and 2
Throughout RIBA stages as design developed
- Worcester Breast Unit - valued works using a BQ, and used this to value variations. Client wanted to change floor finish in reception from carpet to vinyl, which I negotiated and informed the CA of these costs
used Bill rates for Omission, and basis of new rate
- Southport - produced a schedule of works template for contractor to use to price
So it offered comparison between tenders
- Enabling Works - quantified and valued topsoil removal during valuations, and agreed final account
To ensure accurate valuation of works done to reduce financial risk to client
- Advised colleague on use of NRM to produce a cost plan, NRM1 would be suited, while using COMP6 as basis.
to ensure right measurement principle was used
- Data Centre - framework and tendered rates, I advised client that a specific template should be made and included in the tender which included the framework rates, with areas for vendors to input price increases.
a. Improved transparency, substantiation
- Medical Physics - acted as EA, issued certificates, partial and sectional, released retention. I followed clients proformas, and stuck to interim valuation dates
To follow contract and ensure less risk to client
- Windows Replacement - agreed on vesting of materials, and valued these
To reduce risk to client in event of contractor insolvency, and proper vesting of materials
- Rugby Utilities - Acted as CA (MW contract), and valued works in line with milestone payments.
To ensure timely payment, and reduce risk. As per contract
- Dental Hospital - chaired and facilitated risk workshops as QS, and assessed risks, advising on cost updates of risks
To enable clients contingency to be revisited
- Date Centre - managed risk of lead In times of equipment using dates. Advised client of current risks in weekly catch ups.
To manage risk of equipment delivery on key project, highlighting escalations and where support is required
- Havant - structural engineer warned roof structure was not strong enough to hold mechanical plant and suggested a structure would be required. I advised client that due to timescales and the time for the tenderer to price this mid/post tender item, to include a PSum in the contract.
Due to timescales a Psum was included in contract, with design just about completed to stage 4
- Data Centre - EOT on tender, advised to meet deadline, and distributed queries to all vendors.
a. To ensure fair tendering strategies, as per RICS guidance on tendering, and general procurement regulations.
- Data Centre - Advised on quantitative and qualitative scoring matrix to be separate.
a. Due to any unconscious bias that could come with scoring them holistically.
- Advised colleague on receiving gifts.
a. Due to RICS policy and RLB policy on accepting gifts and risk of bribery.
- IC7 - chaired VE workshop
Facilitated VE process
- Cromwell - viability assessment then cost plan
through different design stages
- Tyseley - initial cost plan to PTE, highlighting areas of increase cost (additional demo, forming openings, ramp)
through different design stages
- Moreton - Abnormal’s cost plan, using rates in house data, RIBA stage 3
in house rates, for example cotswold stone façade
- S278 - PTE, 2 adopting authorities, significant traffic management prelims.
a. Due to the different sections, logistics of works etc.
- Southport - initial cost plan, then due to inflation and scope increase advised client costs had increased through reproducing a cost plan.
a. Due to scope and inflation increase.
- Bankfield lane - analysed third party order of cost estimate, recommendations on excavation and disposal, suggesting further investigation is required. (possible to sell material on muck market), design wasn’t clear about quantities.)
a. Design didn’t have the detail.
- S278 PTE - measured carriageway, drainage etc, different spec by authorities, found a clash between levels on drawings (matching up with the wider development), resulting in shortfall of excavation required.
advised designers to look into this as it seems its an error (two different designers designed different sections)
- Measurement of SUDS and surface water systems.
Excavation using transects
- Made assumptions in cost plans on build up of carriageways when information is lacking.
a. Due to limited design information.
- Horsham - made assumption on CBR (3%), on similar greenfield sites, due to lack of GI, to inform build-up of carriageway. Also allowed for depths of drainage and utilities when not known
a. Due to lack of design information.
- Cromwell - GI report highlighted poor ground, advised on cost of different foundation solutions.
a. Advised this because the GI report highlighted foundations may be required, and needed to include allowance in cost plan based on scenarios.
- T&L centre - wrote prelims and contract docs
Using NBS Chorus, using contract amendments
- IC7 - drafted contract with contract amendments (12 month rectification, 21 days payment terms)
And issued to client and contractor for signing
- Havant - PC, drafted the final account statement and penultimate valuation.
Agreed and negotiated it, getting both parties to sign it
- IC7 - advised use of PCG and Performance Bond, insurance option A.
a. As it was a new build and Employer wasn’t confident in insurance
- S278 - advised on use of LAD’s regarding sections of works, as well as sectional sums.
a. As there was a wider development to consider/loss of profit
- Medical Physics Bunker - advised contractor on valuation timescales, and managed change control procedure.
a. Due to amended contract dates.
- Havant - recommended the use of the JCT ICD, due to retaining design control on completed architectural design and handing risk of uncompleted M&E design to contractor.
a. Because there was no time to wait for M&E design/risk allocation