Client Care and Communication Flashcards
1. Can you elaborate on RLB’s CHP?
a. Acknowledge complaint within 2 days, then 5 days to agree resolution/remedy. If still dissatisfied, mater raised to MD who does review within 28 days. If still dissatisfied, goes to negotiation/mediation operated by RICS. Then if still not resolved, goes to Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
- How would you put together a fee forecast?
a. Using the scope of service to estimate the amount of people that would be required and at what level to complete the tasks, and apply the rate used for each professional level against the time to give a total fee amount.
- How would you negotiate a fee with a consultant?
a. Be open and honest, use previous benchmarking data to assist, figure out the scope of services.
- How would you identify the need of the client?
a. Ask them what their priorities are for the project, how they want it delivered, and what is most important to them. Ask them what project constraints there are, and any third parties I should be aware of. In terms of their needs from me as the QS, I can send them a schedule of scope of services, for them to look through and check which ones they would like undertaking as part of my scope of services and fee
- Prior to working with new client, what pre appointment checks would you undertake?
a. Am I skilled and competent to do the work
b. Conflicts of interest
c. Anti money laundering checks
- When setting up new practice what steps would you take to ensure good client care?
a. Processes for terms of engagement, procedures for client feedback/monthly reviews, business development activities
- What is meant by duty of care?
a. Ensure that another party does not suffer harm or loss as a result of breach of contract.
b. Reasonable skill and care expected by a professional to perform services to a standard.
- What is soft landings?
a. Strategy for easy transition from construction to occupation
b. Aim is to realise optimal performance and ensure end users can operate in the building.
- What would you do if a client asked you to undertake work which you felt sat outside your scope of services?
a. I would inform the client that I do not have the expertise to advise on this matter, and propose a way forward whereas a team we can get the proper advice from the right professional.
b. If it was additional works for which I feel I am informed about, I would advise the client this is not included in my current cope of works, let them know I would like to complete this task for the project, but notify them this would warrant an additional fee, and issue this to them as a proposal for acceptance.
- What is a stakeholder?
a. Someone with an interest in the project
- If a client asked for the cost per sqft of a development over the phone quickly, what would you do?
a. I would advise I cant do this over the phone with such little information, I would need a functional unit, GIFA or elemental breakdown, and I would issue it formally in writing, after doing a benchmarking analysis properly with this info. I would also request a fee for doing so.
- Can you define communication?
a. Exchange of information between people
- Can you provide a project example of where you have used a dashboard and what information you have used it to present?
a. Medical Physics Bunker / Dental Hospital
- How would you go about chairing a meeting?
a. Firstly send out an agenda, then on the meeting do introductions (if a new team), with small talk, any apologies/no-shows. Then get into the key actions, items, and discussion points, (project specific).
- What are barriers to communication?
a. Time zones
b. Cultural
c. Use of jargon
d. Body language
- Difference between efficient and effective communication?
a. Effective comms is doing it well, elaborates and gets to the point, efficient is avoiding jargon, speaking in a normal pace.
You mentioned in your experience on a project that made sure all stakeholders were aware of their responsibilities, why is this important?
Improves communication, who to communicate with, makes it more streamline and not messy, avoids conflicting info, and that the persons with knowledge and expertise can advise
Why is it important to formalize discussions with an email? Can you give an example for when you may do this?
To ensure that communication about important information or decisions by someone is backed up and agreed in writing, then there is a trail and audit history, as someone’s words or decision could affect what actions you take next. example - mid tender interviews.
How did you communicate with the client to maximise care during the phases and fee updates on Symmetry Park?
I ensured openness and transparency in negotiation, as well as data sensitivity when dealing with multiple stakeholders fees and private invoices.