CPD Q's Flashcards
- CPD on Ariba and Icertis, online procurement software?
a. This allows population of tender documents by all parties, to the clients supply chain under their frameworks
- Decarbonisation in the UK
a. Companies have incentives to reduce CO2 emissions, and there are targets in place for companies to
- What is the knowledge and practice committee?
a. An RICS committee reporting to the board which develops the knowledge and working practice, highlighting areas of improvement
- What happens at lease expiry?
a. A section 25 notice can be served by landlord to terminate existing lease.
- Whole life carbon in offsite construction?
a. Decarbonisation and use of sustainable materials in off site construction. Creating and designing materials to lookahead in the future how the end of life of those will work
- You delivered workshop on drainage, how do you measure drainage?
a. Generally speaking for a drain run, I take the invert level and cover level of two manholes and calculate the average depth of both invert levels (the bottom), I then take the average depth and times it by the length. Manholes are Nr’s.
- What is a RICS surveyor?
a. Someone who is professional surveyor for RICS in the construction industry, providing services to clients
- CPD on development funding, how are they funded?
a. Through joint ventures and banks. Risk is cashflow.
- What is the purpose of the memorandum of understanding?
a. The coming together of multiple organisations to drive diversity in the industry
- What is immersion cooling technology?
a. Data centres have massive energy demands, for cooling which solar power cant do for air handling units. It is the process of pumping water through the servers to extract the heat output.
- What do you know about ISO 19650?
a. This relates to BIM, and offers guidance on how BIM is implemented in a business.
- Termination in JCT?
a. Contractors employment is terminated. It is difficult for employer to do and must have significant reason for doing so under common law.
a. Class P is for piling works. Civil engineering standard method of measurement
- What does the net to gross ratio of a building tell us?
a. If there is a lot of useable space. 75% ratio is the goal.
- If the drawings and specification clash, what takes precedence?
a. Generally in JCT anyway the drawings take precedence.
How is net present value assessed?
To do with cashflows at different times, to analyse the profitability of a project
When is Nabers typically used on a prokect?
Soft landings
What is force majeure and how do you assess?
Contractor has to demonstrate and show it was the event that caused the delay and nothing more, and how they looked to mitigate the delay
What ratio of net to gross area should residential units aim for? And what is this?
75%. It is the ratio of useable area to unusable area
What is the best way to reduce risk on a project?
Early design certainty.
Why would you want to amend the contract to shift the risk of statutory requirements to the contractor?
As these can be a big risk to both programme and cost to the client, especially where there are unknowns. ground risk is biggest risk
What is the lowest risk type of contract sum for the client?
Generally a lump sum is lowest risk, as the cost is known up front, and any other change will be by variation to this only.
If there is an error between the spec and design docs, which takes precedence in JCT?
Generally the drawings take precedence
What is the RICS ethics decision tree?
It sets out how to assess a possibly unethical situation, and how to act on it.
What % of the lobal CO2 emissions does the construction industry contribute?
How does JCT define defects?
it doesn’t
Is there any regulation when doing a PQQ that you are aware of?
PAS-91, offers a standardised approach
Is there a clause in JCT that allows for material price changes?
Fluctuations provision, options A B C. based on different ways of estimating the change
What takes precedence the ER’s or CPS’ and why?
The ER’s, although the contract does state the Employer has examined the CP’s, the contractor still must meet the ER’s
Why is a CE different to a Variation?
CE deals with both time and money
What pricing doc does NEC option B use?
What pricing doc does NEC option C use?
Target cost with Activity schedule
What is the X29 clause?
(KPI’s) - Puts a requirement on the contractor to adhere to a performance indicator, such as CO2 emissions, materials used.
What is the difference in force majeure between NEC and JCT?
In NEC contractor can claim time and money