Hypose Flashcards
Hypoglycaemia is defined as plasma glucose under ?mmol /L, but ? thresholds for symptoms are variable. Symptoms are ? or ?;
Autonomic; o ?. o Anxiety. o ?. o Tremor. o ?.
o ?.
o Drowsiness/?.
o ?.
In episodes of hypoglycaemia, the a cells of the pancreas will release ? which works to;
Increase ?.
Increase ?.
Inhibit ? synthesis.
In ?, the a cells become ? to ? in glucose, making patients more vulnerable to hypose.
Aetiology of hypoglycaemia; Excess ?. o Inhibits hepatic ? and ?. o Either exogenous, or ?. Depletion of hepatic glycogen; o ?, fasting, exercise or ?. o ? failure can also cause this. ? insufficiency, ? insufficiency and non-pancreatic ? can also cause hypoglycemia.
t1 insensitive falls insulin gluconeogenesis glycogenolysis insulinoma malnutrition alcohol hepatic adrenal pituitary neoplasms
If able to ?;
Promptly consume ?-? g of a ?-acting form of ?, preferably in ? form.
o Avoid ?/? as sugar content lower, and fats may delay ? emptying.
swallow 10-20 fast carb liquid chocolate/biscuits gastric
If able to ?
Recheck blood glucose levels after ?-? minutes.
o Hypoglycaemia should be reversed in about ? minutes.
o Improvements in signs and symptoms may ? ? improvement in blood glucose.
If inadequate response, ? as above and recheck again.
When symptoms improve, the patient should eat some ?-acting
swallow 10-15 10 lag behind repeat long carbs
If unconscious/ unable to ? (severe hypoglycaemia).
Administer ? ? immediately.
o If years: ?mg
o If >? years: ?mg
If glucagon not available, the patient has consumed ?, or the person does not respond to glucagon within ? minutes, call ? for emergency hospital ?.
o Glucagon is not effective if ? has been consumed.
swallow IM Glucagon 8 .5 8 1 alcohol 10 999 transfer alcohol
If the patient responds to glucagon, advise intake of ?-acting ? when able.
? is common during recovery, which can precipitate further episodes
of ?.
o If episodes recur, the patient may require ? ? for ? treatment.
long carbs vomiting hypose hospital emergency IV
Within hospital, ?ml of ?% ? can be used as an alternative to glucagon, and this can be repeated ? times.
o If IV access is not available, administer ? ? whilst gaining access.
Following recovery, never omit ? in patients with ?.
100ml 20% glucose 3 IM Glucagon insulin T1