Hypokinetic Movement Disorders Flashcards
Absence, slowness, or decreased amplitude or movements
Increased muscle tone to passive motions
Velocity independent
Spasticity vs rigidity
Rigidity is increased muscle tone to passive movements
Spasticity is the abnormal muscle contravtion
PD classic signs
Tremor at rest
Postural instability (stoop)
Tremor in PD
Slow Pill rolling Asymmetric initially May emerge with distraction Reemerge with sustained posture or walking
Tremor predominant types are slower progressing
Bradykinesia of PD
Slowness of movement
Look for decrement in amplitude
Rigidity of PD
Lead Pipe (can be especially felt at the rist)
Must be distingusihed by spasticity (velocity-dependent component in spasticity…UMN)
Check axial rigidity at neck
PD gait
Decreased armswing and turn en bloc
Pull test positive if more than 2 steps
Also will have freezing of the gait and festination
REM behavior disorder
Loss of REM sleep
Vivid dreams
EMG atonia
Parkinson prodrome
Mood changes
Also could have small handwriting
Parthyology of PD
Degen of SN and striatum
Increased microglial activity
alpha synuclein accumulation
Prior like hypothesis
Misfolded protein in cell
Transcellular porpogation
Seeding of further misfolded protein in recipient cell
Enteric synucleinopathies hypothessi
Neurotropic pathogen enters Meissner’s plexus at gut and then reaches preganglionic parasynpathetic of vagus nerve to travel to medulla
Non pharm tx of PD
Exercise early and often and PT
PD pharm tx
Mostly carbidopa-levodopa
If younger, may give dopamine agonists
Motor fluctuations of PD tx
Wearing off Dyskinesias Dystonia Early morning akinesia Freezing of gait
For tremor nonresponsive to dopaminergics
For wearing off/motor fluctuations
For dyskinesias
Anticholinergics in young
GPI or STN - rigitidy, bradykinesia, gait, dystonia
VIM - tremor