Hypertension 2021 Guidelines Flashcards
How frequent does ABPM cycle blood pressure?
30 minutes
What is BP cut off for AOBP? 24 hour?
> 135 / 85 mmhg (awake)
> 130 / 80mmhg (24 hour)
What is BP cut off for office measurement?
140 / 90 mmhg
How to diagnose hypertension?
- HTN urgency/emergency
- 3 visits > 160/100mmhg
- OBP > 140/90mmhg
- AOBP > 135/85mmhg
- 24hr AOBP > 130/80mmhg
How to diagnose hypertension in diabetes?
3 readings > 130/80 mmhg
5 diagnosis that should be ordered in Hypertension?
Lytes and renal function
Lipid panel
In which patients are BB first line BP agents?
< 60 years old
In which patients are ACEi not a first line agent?
Black patients
What two combo pills are recommended?
What DBP level should you be concerned about in CAD patients?
< 60mmhg
What are two agents preferred for post stroke management?
< 140/80mmhg
When can Renal artery angioplasty recommended for RAS?
Uncontrolled hypertension resistant to maximally tolerated pharmacotherapy
Progressive renal function loss
Acute pulmonary edema
When to assess for renovascular hypertension?
2 or more of the following:
>55 <30 Absence of abdominal bruit Hypertension resistant to 3 drugs Increase in serum Cr 30% with ACE/ARB Other ASCVD Recurrent pulmonary edema with hypertensive surges
4 reasons to screen for FMD?
Significant > 1.5 cm unexplained asymmetry in kidney sizes
Abdominal bruit without apparent atherosclerosis
FMD in another vascular territory
Family history of FMD
When to screen for primary hyperaldosteronism? (3)
- spontaneous hypokalemia with K < 3.5, diuretic-induced K < 3
- Resistance to treatment with 3 drugs
- An incidental adrenal adenoma
When should patients be screened for Pheochromocytoma? (5)
Any of the following:
- Paroxysmal BP > 180/110 mmhg, refractory to usual therapy
- Multiple symptoms suggestive of catecholamine excess
- Patients with hypertension triggered by beta blockers, MOAs, micturition
- Incadentally discovered adrenal mass
- Patients with a predisposition to hereditary causes (MEN 2a, 2b)
What are three indications for BP treatment ?
> 160/100
> 140/90mmhg with target organ damage or CV risk factors
> 130/80 with DM
> 130 mmhg who is high risk (by SPRINT)
What is high risk in guidelines? (Target SBP < 120mmhg, >130mmhg is threshold)
Age > 50, SBP > 130mmhg with:
- CAD/Subclinical CAD
- CKD (20-59, Non diabetic Proteinuria < 1g/day)
- FRS > 15%
- Age > 75
What are 6 behaviour modifications to lower BP?
- Exercise: 30-60 minutes mod aerobic activity 4-7 days per week
- Weight reduction: BMI 18.5-24.9 WC < 102cm / 88cm
- ETOH: Limit to < 2/day
- Diet: DASH Diet
- Relaxation therapies
- Smoking Cessation
What is diagnosis cut off for Diabetes BP?
> 130/80
What are examples of Target Organ Damage?
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD, ACS, Angina, HF, LVH)
Hypertensive Retinopathy
Peripheral Artery Disease
Renal Disease: Albuminuria, CKD eGFR < 60
What is definition of Microalbuminuria? What is definition of Proteinuria?
- Microalbuminuria: ACR > 2.0
- Proteinuria: Urinary Protein > 150mg/24h
5 important things about positioning for BP measurement
Back supported
Legs uncrossed
Feet flat on the floor
Do not talk or move during the measurement
What are three important things about the cuff during BP measurement?
- Use an appropriate cuff size (Bladder width 40% or arm circumference, length of bladder should cover 80-100% of arm)
- Middle of cuff at heart level
- Lower edge of cuff 3cm above elbow crease
How long should patient rest for before measuring BP?
5 minutes
What BP numbers to use when using AOBP?
Take 3 measurements, discard first one -> average last 2
What is the systolic BP using auscultation?
The systolic level is the first appearance of a clear tapping sound (phase I Korotkoff).
What is the diastolic BP during auscultation?
The diastolic level is the point at which the sounds disappear
(phase V Korotkoff).
What is the rate of diabetes developing in those with hypertension?
1-3% / year
What two hypertension medication classes increase risk of diabetes in treated patients?
- Beta blockers
- Diuretics
How frequently should patients be seen with Hypertension on therapy if not at target?
q1-2 months until two consecutive readings below target (and then q3-6 months)