CCS ACHD 2022 Flashcards
Indications to close ASD (4)
-Symptoms and Qp/Qs > 1.5 if PAP < 50% MAP, PVR < 1/3 SVR (Reasonable if < 2/3 SVR, MAP after consultation with ACHD and PH experts) (Strong)
-Qp/Qs > 1.5 (weak) or RV enlargements (Weak)
-Stroke/TIA/Embolism (Weak)
-Orthodexia/Platypnea (Weak)
-Chronic Pacing/Indwelling Catheters needed (Weak)
3 contraindications to close ASD (3)
-PVR > 2/3 SVR
-PAP > 2/3 MAP
-Right to Left shunt
When to close VSDs? (5)
-Qp:Qs > 1.5 or LV enlargement (Reasonable if < 2/3 SVR, MAP after consultation with ACHD and PH experts) (Strong)
-Pulmonary Hypertension (PAP 50% systemic and/or PVR > 1/3 SVR but Qp:Qs 1.5 at baseline or in response to vasodilator challenge) (Weak)
-Recurrent Endocarditis (Weak)
-If pacing or chronic indwelling venous catheter required (Weak)
-Progressive Aortic Regurgitation (Weak)
When to close PDA? (2)
-LV enlargement with left to right shunt
Indications to close AVSDs? (3)
-Qp:Qs > 1.5
-LVOT gradient > 40mmhg (Or if < 40mmhg but symptoms, LV dysfunction or progressive Aortic Regurgitation)
-Severe left sided AV valve regurgitation (As per guideline directed recommendations)
When to operate on BAV aortopathy when going for OHS? (1)
4.5 cm
When to operate on Turners aorta? (1)
Aorta measures > 2.5 cm/m2
When to operate on Subaortic Stenosis? (3)
Symptoms with LVOT gradient > 40mmhg
Symptomatic patients with moderate LVOT gradient (20-40mhg) with moderate or more AR
Asymptomatic with LVOT Gradient > 40mmhg with one of the following: Moderate or severe AR, Decrease in BP to exercise, LVH or LV dysfunction
When to operate on Supravalvular stenosis? (3)
-Symptoms with MG > 40mmhg
-Asymptomatic MG > 40mmhg if surgical risk low (weak)
-Symptoms or LV dysfunction < 40mmhg attributable to obstruction
*At time of repair of ostial stenosis of LMCA then Angioplasty/CABG recommended
When to intervene on Aortic Coarctation? (1)
-Gradient > 20mmhg or 50% narrowing of the aorta with concomitant systemic hypertension
Indications for RVOT obstructions? (2)
-Symptomatic moderate-severe PV stenosis
-RV dysfunction
When to operate on PR post TOF repair? (4)
-Severe PR and symptoms
-Severe PR and RV enlargement (> 160 ml/m2), RV dysfunction or decrease in objective exercise capacity
-Severe PR who need other valves fixed
-Severe PR with atrial arrhythmias and sustained ventricular arrhythmias
When to operate on Ebstein’s Anomaly?
-Symptoms and Severe TR
-Asymptomatic with Severe TR and progressive RV dysfunction or dilation, or objective evidence of declining exercise capacity
When to reoperate Atrial switch for TGA? (4)
-Symptoms with Severe TR if RVEF > 45%
-Symptoms from stenosis or obstruction of systemic venous baffle
-Symptoms with interatrial baffle leaks
-Residual shunt Qp:Qs > 1.5
When to reintervene on Arterial switch?
-Coronary obstruction with obstruction
-Symptoms and RVOT obstruction
-Severe AR with LVEF < 50%
-Aortic dilation > 5.5 cm
- TAA > 4.5cm going for OHS
When to replace systemic AV valve in LTGA?
-Symptomatic severe regurgitation
-Asymptomatic severe regurgitation with mild RV dysfunction or dilatation
When is transplant recommended in CCTGA?
-Severe systemic RV dysfunction with NYHA III-IV symptoms
7 indications to intervene on Fontan? (7)
-Obstruction to systemic venous return in the Fontan circuit
-Obstruction of branch Pulmonary arteries
-Obstruction of pulmonary venous return
-Veno-venous collaterals or a PA malformation
-Residual ASD or fenestration resulting in significant right to left shunt in absence of elevated PVR
-Significant LVOT Gradient
-Significant SAVV regurgitation
Review algorithm for Supravalvular stenosis management?
Review TOF repair indications?
Review Fontan repair algorithm?
Label the following ASDs
1: Secundum
2: Primum
3 + 4: Sinus Venosus (Inferior and Superior)
5: Unroofed Coronary Sinus
How to decide if Stent or surgical repair for Aortic Coarctation?
-Focal/discrete -> Stent
-Long or concomitant arch hypoplasia -> Surgical
What lesion is this?
Tetralogy of Fallot
What are two indications for device closure of interatrial communication in Ebsteins?
-Paradoxical Emboli
-Desaturation at rest