Exercise Restriction (AHA 2015) Flashcards
Avoid High Intensity Exercise (Low-moderate OK)
LV non compaction:
Avoid High Intensity sports if LV dysfunction (If normal LV function, can consider)
No High Intensity/Competitive sports until 6 months with normal EST, Holter and Echocardiogram
No High Intensity/Competitive sports (Low-Moderate intensity OK)
Aortic Coarctation
If difference > 20mmhg, than no high intensity sports
After Coarctation repair:
3 months if successful repair
Pulmonary Hypertension
If mPAP > 25mmhg, only low intensity sports allowed
Cyanotic Heart Disease
If mPAP > 25mmhg, only low intensity sports allowed
Any Severe Valvular disease
No competitive sports, low intensity exercise only
Low-Moderate Intensity OK if low risk of bodily contact
If above 4cm -> Low to moderate OK , avoid weight lifting or Valsalva
Coronary spasm?
Can participate in all level of sports as long as controlled on medications
Should not participate in high impact sports if pacemaker dependent (Risk of damage to pacemaker)
Should not participate in high impact sports if pacemaker dependent (Risk of damage to pacemaker) ; If not dependent and in impact sports, make sure to wear padding over the site
AAD for VT OR post ablation in structurally normal heart?
if no VT 3 months post ablation or on AAD than can participate in all activity
VT with structural heart disease?
No participation in moderate to high intensity sports
Cardiac Syncope?
No participation in moderate-high intensity until work up is complete
If asymptomatic- no restriction
No activity accept Class 1a sports (low intensity)
Review Classification of Sports