AHA EST 2013 Flashcards
How does stroke volume and HR contribute to increasing level of exercise?
- Lower intensity -> Increase SV
- At 50-60% max -> SV maxes out
- Above this -> HR has to increase
About how much does HR increase per one MET?
10 beats per MET
What is 10th percentile for double product? (HR x SBP)
-25 000 (40 000 90th percentile)
How much does coronary blood flow increase by during exercise?
-5 fold above resting value.
What level of VO2max is submaximal?
What does 1 MET equal?
3.5ml O2 per KG of body weight per minute
Name 10 absolute contraindications to exercise?
- Acute MI within 2 days
- Ongoing unstable angina
- Uncontrolled arrhythmia with hemodynamic compromise
- Active endocarditis
- Symptomatic severe AS
- Decompensated heart failure
- Acute PE
- Acute myo/pericarditis
- Acute aortic dissection
- Physical disability that precluded testing
What are some instructions for patients before stress testing?
- Should not eat for three hours
- Explained the purpose of the test
- Should get a history and physical for excluding contraindications
What is the sensitivity for the lateral precordial leads?
-90% of all ST depression
What is the Cornell protocol?
Reduces the large workload changes between stages, reduces the stage duration to 2 minutes while interpolating additional half stages
What is arrest risk per 10 000 tests? what about MI risk?
- 0-6 deaths
- 2-10 MIs
What is maximal exertion on the BORG scale?
- > 18 rating
What 8 indications to stop the EST?
- STE > 1mm in leads without pre-existing Q waves
- Drop in SBP > 10mmhg with accompanied by any other evidence
- Moderate to severe angina
- CNS abnormalities
- Signs of poor perfusion
- Sustained VT
- Technical difficulty monitoring
- Patients request to stop
What is poor METS for men and women?
- Men 7
- Women 5
Chronotropic incompetence definition
Inability of the HR to increase commensurate with increased activity or demand.
definition of Chronotropic Index?
- <85% of APMHR
Definition of abnormal HR recovery?
HR drop less than 12 beats in the first minute of recovery
Two hypotensive response definitions?
- Decline in SBP below resting value
- Initial increase in BP and then >10mmhg decrease from top with increasing exertion
What is relative indication for termination for high BP?
- > 250/115 mmhg
4 different ways to prescribe exercise?
- 40-80% of Heart rate reserve
- 40-80% of peak VO2 reserve
- 65-80% of peak HR achieved
- RPE 11-16 on BORG scale
Review pretest probability prior to EST