Humoural Response (B cells/ plasma cells/ antibodies.) Flashcards
What is the “humoural response?”
- Humoural response is the response of B lymphocytes to a foreign antigen, clonal selection and the release of monoclonal antibodies.
What is “clonal selection?”
- When B lymphocytes differentiate AND divide into either plasma cells OR memory B cells.
What do plasma cells and memory B cells do?
- Plasma cells: produce antibodies/ release them into bloodstream.
- Memory B cells: can divide rapidly into plasma cells when re-infected with same pathogen to make more antibodies a lot more quickly!!
True or False
Memory B cells make antibodies.
- False.
- Memory B cells don’t make antibodies, they divide by mitosis and differentiate into plasma cells rapidly if they collide with antigen they have already encountered.
True or False
Plasma cells remain in the bloodstream for decades.
- False.
- Plasma cells are short-lived but, memory B cells will remain in the blood for a long period of time!
What are the two different immune responses called, when pathogen enters body for 1st time/ when pathogen enters for 2nd time?
- Primary immune response
- Secondary immune response.
What are antibodies?
- Antibodies are soluble proteins, specific to an antigen - produced/ released by B lymphocytes.
- They are quarternary structure proteins (have multiple polypeptide chains.)
What is the structure of antibodies like?
- Has 4 polypeptide chains. 2 light chains, 2 heavy chains.
- Has constant regions (will be same in all antibodies.)
- Has varibale regions (every antibody has different variable region - complementary to specific antigen.)
- Disulphide bridges (between heavy chains) provides stability and joins the polypeptide chains together.
L2 Immune system (black arch file school folder) –> you will find a diagram.
What allows the variable region of antibody to have a specific shape?
- Variable region has specific amino acid sequence, which means shape of binding site is complementary to specific antigen.
How will antibodies actually help to destroy an antigen/ pathogen?
- Antidbodies will bind to specific comp antigen, forming antigen-antibody complex.
- The antibodies will bind to multiple antigens at once - causing the pathogens to clump together: AGGLUTINATION.
- This will enhance phagocytosis.
What do B cells have on their cell-surface membrane?
- Specific antibodies that will bind to specific antigen.
What is the name of the complex formed when antibody binds to anitgen?
Antigen-antibody complex
Exam Q
Describe how B lymphocytes would respond to virus vaccination (do not include cellular response in answer.)
- B cell antibody (on its surface) binds to complementary antigen of virus.
- B cell will divide by mitosis rapidly - forming clones.
- Clones will differentiate into plasma cells/ memory cells (clonal selection.)
- Plasma cells produce antibodies (comp to antigens on surface of virus.)