what was considered the center of the cult of the Virgin throughout the twelfth and thirteenth centuries?
what is the most cherished relic at the Chartres Cathedral?
the tunic Mary wore at Jesus’ birth
what was the chief purpose of the stained-glass programs in all Gothic cathedrals was what?
to tell the stories of the Bible
One of the stained-glass windows at the Chartres Cathedral shows the genealogy of Christ. This window called “ _ _ _” depicts the Virgin Mary descended from Jesse, the father of King David. Thus fulfilling a prophecy in the book of Isaiah?
“Tree of Jesse”
In a Gothic Church, what was traditionally built against an exterior wall to support more windows and brace it against strong winds?
flying buttresses
what figure is found on the jamb of Chartres’ south transept portal stands in a contrapposto position?
St. Theodore
what is a collection of musical works created by many composers that provided music for all feast days of the Church calendar?
Magnas Libri Organi
what is a four part polyphonic composition intended to be sung in the middle of Christmas Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris?
Viderunt Omnes
what is the minimum number of voices included in a motet?
the trivium consisted of what?
grammar, rhetoric, dialect
what was the first city to found a university, establishing itself as the center for the study of law?
what language was mandatory in all courses for the first four years of study?
who played a significant role in organizing theology students in Paris?
Robert de Sorbon
Peter Abelard, a logician and author of the treatise “__ __ __” taught by the dialectical method?
Sic et Non
Trotula is widely recognized as the author of what?
On the Diseases of Women
Thomas Aquinas wrote “____ ___” and was one of the prominent spokesmen for Scholasticism?
Summa Theologiae
what Gothic church features the highest ratio of glass to stone?
Ambrogio Lorenzetti is credited with painting the fresco known as what?
Allegory of Good Government
By the twelfth century, what was the center of textile production in the Western world and played a central role in European trade markets?
Florentine bankers introduced Europe’s first single currency, ___ ___ ___? This was considered the most important contribution of Florence’s bankers and money lenders to world trade?
the gold florin
Arte dei Lana formed the ___ ___ ___, or Department of Worlds of the Duomo, a committee in charge of building a new cathedral?
Opera del Duomo
The Dominicans and Franciscans were both mendicant orders; that is, they neither ____ ____ nor ____ __ ____, relying for their support on contributions from their communities?
held property nor engaged in business
the accomplishments of Pope Innocent III consisted of:
formalized the church hierarchy
gave full sanction to the doctrine of transubstantiation
made annual confession and Easter communion mandatory for all adult Christians
Simone Martini is credited with painting the “___ ____ ____ ____”, which once hung in the council of the chamber of Siena’s Palazzo Pubblico?
Maesta Virgin and Child
According to an old story, one day Cimabue discovered a talented shepherd boy by the name of Giotto di Bondone and tutored him in the art of painting. The pupil soon did what?
he soon surpassed the teacher
Dante Alighieri is credited for being the author of what?
Divine Comedy
When Dante and Virgil reach the lowest level of Hell, they found Satan himself chewing on the worst of all traitors:
Judas, Brutus, and Cassius
who serves as Dante’s guide through Paradise?
Beatrice, the love of his life
The _______ provides a startling description of Florence during the outbreak of the plague?
what is composed of heroic couplets?
The Canterbury Tales
Geoffrey Chaucer is credited with being the author of what?
The Canterbury Tales
Chaucer’s characters come from all three estates, or social ranks:
the nobility
the clergy
the common people
Christine de Pizan is credited with being the author of what?
Book of the City of Ladies
The Medici Family was heavily involved in the _____ _____ that resulted in their becoming the most powerful family in Florentine affairs from 1418 until 1494.
banking industry
_____ was considered to be the most preeminent Italian city-state in the fifteenth century
what story from the Hebrew Bible was assigned topic for the competition to create a new set of doors for the north entrance to the Baptistery at Florence’s Duomo?
The Sacrifice of Isaac
who produced the winning design for the dome of Florence Cathedral?
Filippo Brunelleschi
when composing the Nuper Rosarium Flores, a motet reflecting “ideal proportions,” Guillaume Dufay had what in mind?
the Temple of Solomon
Brunelleschi’s investigation of optics in Arab Science also contributed to his understanding, particularly Alhazen’s Perspectiva, which integrated the classical works of which three people?
Euclid, Ptolemy, and Galen
In Masaccio’s “The Tribute Money” the Apostle Peter appears how many times?
In Masaccio’s “The Tribute Money” the Apostle Peter appears in what illustrated scenes?
Christ tells Peter to catch a fish
Peter catching a fish in the Sea of Galilee
Peter paying the tax collector
The Medici Family supported the rebuilding of the old monastery of San Marco for the Dominican Order, the sections added were what five things?
library, cloister, chapter room, bell tower, and alter piece
Marsillio Ficino is credited with having coined the term “____ ____”
Platonic love
Heinnch Issac, humanist composer of Lorenzo Medici, taught music to Lorenzo’s sons, served as organist and choirmaster at Florence Cathedral and before he knew it, found himself doing what?
collaborating with Lorenzo writing songs for popular festivals
Pico dell Mirandola is the author of ____ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ which is considered one of the greatest manifestos of humanism?
Oration on the Dignity of Man
Federigo de Montefeltro financed his lifestyle as a ____ ___ who was a valuable and highly paid ally to whoever could afford both him and his army?
mercenary soldier
The ____ ___ _____ by Baldassare Castiglione recounts conversations and debates among humanists in the Manifesto court
Book of Courtier
Leonardo da Vinci’s ____ _____ ____ is located on the north wall of the refectory of the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie
The Last Supper
What is Pope Martin V credited with doing, which became something of a papal duty to restore the city to its former greatness?
bringing the papacy back to Rome
After becoming Pope, Julius II commissioned architect ______ ______ to renovate the Vatican Palace and to serve as chief architect to replace St. Peter’s Basilica with a new church.
Donato Barmante
Even though it is located in Rome, what is associated with the nation of Spain?
San Pietro in Montorio
The Tempietto was designed by who?
where was the Tempietto built?
on the site of St. Peter’s martyrdom
the characteristics that contributed to the making of the Tempietto are:
it’s classical reference
it’s incorporation of original classical Roman columns
the mathematical orderliness of its parts
to finance the construction of the new St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Julius II did what?
sold indulgences
Martin Luther launched what in Germany in protest against the sale of indulgences?
Protestant Reformation
In the city of Florence, Girolamo Savonarole organized ___ ____ ___ to collect the cities “vanities” which were burned in giant bonfires.
troops of children
the city of Florence commissioned Michelangelo to create what using a huge, cracked block of marble?
a freestanding statue of David
throughout the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo includes the Della Rovene heraldic symbols of ____ and ____ to symbolize the patronage of Pope Julius II
oak and acorn
Pope Julius II hired who to paint his private rooms in the Vatican Palace?
who are the central figures in Raphael’s School of Athens?
Aristotle and Plato
Pope Sixtus IV is credited with what?
establishing the Sistine Chapel choir
who composed the Pange lingua mass?
Josquin des Prez
the author of “The Prince” was who?
Niccolo Machiavelli
in what book does Machiavelli write that the prince’s chief preoccupation and primary duty was to wage wars?
The Prince
Machiavelli argues that The Prince, once engaged in war, has three alternatives for controlling a state once he has conquered it, what are these three things?
he can devastate it
live in it
allow it to keep its own laws
what is the symbol of the Venetian Republic?
who forced the local population on the Po Rive Delta to flee the swampy lagoon islands that would later become the city of Venice?
the Lombard’s
Venice considered itself blessed by St. Mark, whose relics reside in what?
the cathedral of St. Mark’s
what family is associated with Venice’s Ca’D’Oro?
According to Vasari, who did not make preliminary drawings for his paintings?
the painting, ______ ____, includes a fully clothed nobleman playing a lute while a nude woman plays a flute
Pastoral Concert
The painting, ____ ____ ____, includes a dog sleeping on white sheets
Venus of Urbino
who was the first professional woman composer to see own compositions in print?
Madalena Casulana
Ferrar house the “____ _____ ____” which attracted many of the most prominent madrigal composers of the day
Ensemble of Ladies
Adrian Willaert served as a choirmaster where?
St. Mark’s in Venice
who set to music in the madrigals of New Music the Sonnets of Petrarch?
Adrian Wellaert
what is also known as “virtuoso prelude” designed to feature both the range of the organ and the dexterity of the organist?
who was a careful student of Vitruvius, sharing an interest with Leonardo?
what served as the model for central dome of Palladio’s La Rotunda?
the Pantheon in Rome
what encompassed modern Holland, Belgium, and Luxenbourg?
who compared the population of Bruges to the people of the Golden Age Athens?
Desiderius Erasmus
Many scholars consider ____ ___ the Master of Felmalle and therefore, the creator of Merode Altarpiece
Robert Campin
the ____ ____ is a three-part work, or triptych
Merode Altarpiece
The Merode Altarpiece’s patrons are depticted in the _____ panel
what is depicted in the central panel of the Merode Altarpiece?
the Annunciation
the reflection of ___ ____ ____, the artists, can be seen in the mirror at the back of the room depicted in the double portrait f Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanni Cenami
Jan Van Eyck
Hieronymus Bosch created the _____ ____ ____ ____
Garden of Earthly Delights
The ____ _____ was created by Matthias Grunewald
Isenheim Altarpiece
The ____ ____ was commissioned for Abbey’s hospital?
Isenheim Altarpiece
Albrecht Druer’s “The Large Turf” depicts what?
the minutest details of nature
Desiderius Erasmus is the author of what?
In Praise of Folly
Erasmus was one of ____ teachers and wrote the Praise of Folly?
In direct conflict with the established Church of Rome, Martin Luther supported the salvation by _____ rather than by ____
faith; works
who was chosen as people’s priest of the Zunch’s Great Minister Church and led the Protestants against the Catholics in Switzerland?
Ulrich Zwingli
who proposed the concept of the Elect and the Damned in Institutes of the Christian Religion
John Calvin
According to the author, what probably contributed the most to the spread of Luther’s ideas?
the printing press
Who translated the Bible into English?
William Tyndale
what is among the hymns that Martin Luther composed?
“A mighty fortress is our God”
who is the author of Utopia?
Thomas More
The specific virtues among those most esteemed by all in Utopia are:
Thomas More became what to King Henry VIII in 1529?
Lord Chancellor
Michel de Montaigne invented a new style of writing known as the what?
personal essay
who is considered among the greatest playwrights during the Elizabethan Era?
William Shakespeare
what was the standard price of admission for all London theaters during the time of Richard Burbage?
one penny
what theater was most closely associated with Lord Chamberlain’s players and with William Shakespeare?
The Globe
which of Shakespeare’s plays is considered a “revenge play”
who painted a portrait of England’s King Henry VIII dressed in the clothes he wore when he married Anne of Cleves?
Hans Holbein the Younger
the Jesuits advocated a return to strict and uncompromising obedience to what?
the authority of the Church and its ecclesiastical hierarchy
the Council of Trent concluded that the arts should be directed toward three specific areas:
who served as a choirmaster at the Capella Giulia in the Vatican and composed the Mass for Pope Marcellus?
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestnna
the term _____ was assigned to those who painted draperies over the “offensive” areas of the nude figures in Michelangelo’s “Last Judgement”
who created Jupiter and Io as part of the set of paintings commissioned by Federico Gonzaga of Mantua
Jupiter appears to Io in the painting commissioned by Federico Gonzaga of Mantua as a what?
a cloud
Teresa of Avila wrote ___ ___ ___ ______, which describes the ascent of the soul to union with the Holy Spirit
The Way to Perfection
who painted the “Resurrection”, which includes distinct mannerist qualities and is decorous to the extent that draperies carefully cover all inappropriate nudity?
El Greco
the characteristics mentioned as “innovative” qualities of “Don Quixote:”
-using everyday speech in dialogue
-creating vivid and complex portraits of the main and subordinate characters
-presenting the narrative in a solemn style free form affectation
-in delicate juxtaposition with the comic scenes
As the author of Spiritual Exercises, who called on the Jesuits to develop all of their senses?
Ignatius of Loyola
who is the author of Spiritual Exercises?
Ignatius of Loyola
Bernini completed the ____ ____ for the Corraro Chapel in the church of Santa Maria dell Vittoria in Rome
sculptural program
Michelangelo Merisi (Caravagio) painted ____ _____ ____ ____ ___ for the Contarelli Chapel in the church of San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome
The Calling of Saint Matthew
In Caravaggio’s “The Calling of Saint Matthew,” who is standing beside Christ?
Saint Peter
Artemisia Genrileschi painted how many separate versions of the biblical story of Judith and Holofernes and was admitted to the Florentine Academy of Design
Artemisia Genrileschi, in addition to Judith, she dramatized the stories of what 7 other women?
Susannah, Bathsheba, Lucretia, Cleopatra, Esther, Diana and Potiphar
In the 17th century, Venice became the center of what 2 things in Europe?
musical innovation and practice
who is considered the first composer to specify dynamics by indicating piano as “soft” and forte as “loud”
Giovanni Gabrieli
Venice was so popular that composers from across Europe came to study music thus making what language the international language of music?
Orfeo required an orchestra of 3 dozen instruments- including:
ten violas, three trombones, and four trumpets
Antonio Vivaldi is known for creating the….?
the concertos
Antonio Vivaldi composed ___ ___ ____
The Four Seasons
the View Haarlem from the Dunes of Overveen is considered what type of painting?
Jan Steen was particularly successful with genre scenes, including “____ ____ ___”
The Dancing Couple
Johann Sebastian Bach composed the series of instrumental works known as the ____ ______
Brandenburg concertos
Louis XIV known as the “___ ____”
Sun King
Among the French during the 17th century, architecture was designed to convey what?
the absolute power of the monarchy
____ ___ ____ served as chief painter to Louis XIV and directed the team of artists who decorated the interior of the Palace of Versailles
Charles le Brun
_____ ___ _____ was the landscape architect charge of the grounds at the Palace of Versailles
Andre le Notre
who painted “The Arrival and Reception of Marie de Medici at Marseilles”
Peter Paul Rubens
Louis XIV and Armand-Jean du Pieissi wagered the painting collections of Poussin and Rubens over what?
a tennis match
Nicholas Poussin painted ______ _____
Arcadian Shepherds
who served as the head of the Royal Academy of Music and created a new operatic genre known as tragedie en musique?
Jean-Baptiste Lully
A ______ refers to a very lively dance, fast in tempo, and usually employing a 6/8 meter?
heels touching, feet forming a straight line
first position
heels wide apart, feet forming a straight line
second position
one foot in front of the other against the instep
third position
feet apart, one in front of the other, heels in line
fourth position
one foot in front of the other with the heel against the point of the big toe
fifth position
______ refers to a slow and stately dance, with the accent on the 2nd beat, in triple meter
_____ refers to an elegant triple-time dance of moderate tempo, a dance form that quickly became the most popular of the age
who is the author of “Tartuffe” and was in disfavor with many in the French Court because he permitted few people to escape his ridicule?
who lost the throne during the Glorious Revolution of 1688?
James II
who created La Meninas and became the only artist permitted to paint Spain’s King Philip IV?
Diego Velaquez
who created “Our Lady of the Victory of Malaga,” which employs a brocateado, a technique extremely popular among the Cuzco painters
Luis Nino