human sexuality Flashcards
what can evolution tell us about behaviour
help generate and evaluate hypothesis recognise different types of behaviours that are currently adaptive previously adaptive by products of adaptive behaviours
evolution via natural selection
individuals in a population have variation in their physical and behavioural traits
some of this variation is heritable
variation can help individuals reproduce more than others
a consequence of being better adapted = produce more offspring
survival of the fittest
characteristics allowing us to survive and reproduce
not all behaviours are adaptive
some are by products such as belly buttons
features that many have once been adaptive for one function changed over time to serve a different function
role of the environment
interactions with the environmental features during development are critical for normal development eg speech
input may be
required in order to activate certain adaptive features
evolutionary psychology
application of Darwinian principle to the understanding of human nature
behaviour is created by gene environment interactions
conspicuous consumption
showing off that you have money to gain status/ impress others
parental investment
driving force behind natural selection on reproductive strategies is the degree of parental investment each sex devotes to their offspring
in most species females invest
heavily in their offspring while males do not
female strategy evolutionary
more picky about who they mate with
hardworking , resources
male strategy evolutionary
compete for more quantity over quality
physical attractiveness
10000 participants asked about partner preferences
97% women valued qualities associated with gaining resources
males - youth , fertility , attractiveness
waynforth and Dunbar
lonely hearts research
findings confirmed buss
Clarke and hatfield
no females agreed in response to requests from males
75% males agreed
asked males to rate drawings of female figure s
0.7 waist to hip ration was rated most attractive
schakelford and Larsen
found people with symmetrical faces are rated most attractive
signal of genetic fitness cannot be faked
several features correlated positively with attractiveness - large eyes , smallness, small chins, prominent cheekbones
penton - voak
females preferred masculine looking faces at ovulation but less masculine faces when non fertile
powerful cue to reproductive potential
attractiveness - how appealing someone looks