Human Elective - population Flashcards
What does demography mean
The study of human population. People who study demography are called demographers
What is population distribution
The way in which people are spread out across the world, a country, or region
What is population density
It is used to help measure population distribution of people throughout the world. Total population divided by size of area
What is infant mortality
Deaths before one yr old
What is a natural increase of population
When birth rates exceed dead rates
What is total fertility rate
The average number of births per woman in a particular country
What is population replacement level
Total fertility rate at which a population replaces itself from one generation to the next
Age dependency ratio
The ratio of persons in the ages defined as dependant (under 15 and over 65)
By 2030 X% of the worlds population will live in urban areas
Ireland population density
70 per km squared
Dublin population density
185 people per km squared
Why is population density higher in Dublin
Job opportunities encouraged in migration
Population of Dublin commuter zone
How many counties in Dublin commuter belt
Eg Louth, Meath, Kildare, Wicklow
Cheaper houses and commute to work
Industry of their own eg maynooth, drogheda
Places around Dublin also have high density, why
Why low density in west of Ireland
Unfavourable land
Out migration
Highlands, bogs
Average population density of France
119 people per km squared
Highest populated regions in France, why
Seinne valley
Greater Paris
Industry eg fashion
Ports eg channel to London
Mediterranean coast due to tourism
Nice, France population density
More than 500 per km squared
Low density in France
Empty diagonal
Little cities to attract industry
Agricultural land
Out migration
Population density of Brazil
20 per km squared due to vast space the rainforest take up
Factors that effect population growth
Technology Government policy Development of resources Society and culture Income levels
Types of technological improvements
Examples of medical technology
Vaccines (preventative)
How does contraception and family planning effect population growth
Controls, declines birth rates
Improving standard of living and life expectancy in poorer countries
How do vaccines effect population growth
Prevent disease so decrease death rate
Eg for measles, reduces child mortality rate
Cheap and available widespread
An example of medicine which effects population growth
Cures bacterial infections
Examples of water technology
Water filtering technology
Where is irrigation used
Along Mediterranean coast
Effects of irrigation on population growth
Increased food supply allows population to increase
Irrigation has increased food production globally by:
Example of a dam that effected population growth
3 gorges dam
Built to stop floods such as that in 1931 which killed 130,000
Also provides energy to 60 million people
Why is water filtering technology vital
For preventing water borne disease eg cholera
Examples of agricultural technologies
High yielding crop varieties developed in labs (GM)
Chemical fertilisers and insecticides
Machinery eg tractor
Green revolution
Scientist developed miracle varieties
Crossed strains of rice to make a plant that matures in a shorter time frame
Mexico, India, Pakistan, China. A staple food, need to grow enough to keep up with their growing populations
Examples of why food would be genetically modified
Resist disease
Grow in different conditions
Produce higher yield
Benefits of GM food
More food grown in less space (used in USA) because we are constantly eating into farmland for infrastructure
Disadvantages of GM foods
We don’t know their long term effect on our health
What is a resource
Something that is useful to people eg soil, minerals, wind turbines. When a resource is being developed, population increases because labour is needed
-% of the known global oil reserves exist in the Persian gulf
Example of Persian gulf countries
Saudi Arabia.
United Arib emirates
When did oil drilling begin in Persian Gulf
By - the world was dependent on Persian gulf for oil
By 2016 -million migrant workers were working in Persian gulf
31 million
Where did the oil related workers mainly come from
Where did the more educated and professional workers come from
Resource in Brazil
Amazon (iron ore)
Iron ore mine in Brazil
Bangladesh pop density
1266 per km squared
Effects of overpopulation on Bangladesh
Poverty, hunger, malnutrition
Migration, cash jobs
- children under the age of 5 in Bangladesh are malnourished
7 million
Where would Bangladesh people move
Cities (Dhaka)
Persian Gulf
Examples of cash jobs in Bangladesh
Fruit and vegetable seller
Rickshaw drivers
Outward migration reached X in the 1950s
411,000 people
Lowest Irish population in history
2.8 million
Push factors in 1950s
Mechanisation of agriculture
Manufacturing limited outside Dublin
Pull factors in Britain
Post war economic boom
Rebuilding of damaged buildings
Social life
Effects of emigration in the 1950s on Ireland
Parishes lost young adults
No Gaa team
Elderly dependents
In the 1960s and 1970s, X migrants returned to live at home in Ireland
What attracted people home in 1960s/70s
First Programme for Economic Expansion attracted foreign companies to set up in Ireland. It gave them grants and low corporate tax. Created employment
When did ireland join EU
Highest emigration levels
70,000 left
Brain drain
Celtic tiger era
By 2005, X% of the population were born outside the country
Job opportunities during Celtic tiger
Majority of immigrants came from where during Celtic tiger
Unemployment reached X% during recession 2010
Main emigration destination 2010 recession
2017 unemployment rate