How effectively have presidents since 1992 achieved their aims 3.4 Flashcards
Clinton presidency’s policy aims
- reducing budget deficit
- health care reform
- greater gun control
- greater protection of civil rights
- foreign policy
how did CLINTON’S ‘reducing budget deficit’ policy pan out
- major success of the Clinton presidency
- deficits have occurred in virtually every year since 1945
- Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) helped cause budget shutdown
how did CLINTON’S ‘health care reform’ policy pan out
- similar to the one eventually passed under Obama
- clear mandate for the policy in 1992
how did CLINTON’S ‘greater gun control’ policy pan out
- got Brady Bill passed
how did CLINTON’S ‘greater protection of civil rights’ policy pan out
- advocated the end of the ban on lesbian and gay soldiers in the military during the 1992 campaign
- ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ = effectively ending the ban.
how did CLINTON’S ‘foreign policy’ pan out
- US involvement in Bosnia, Rwanda and Somalia to prevent civil war and genocide
CONGRESS FORCED CLINTON TO - launch airstrikes in Bosnia
- withdraw troops from Somalia.
what sort of democrat was CLINTON
moderate democrat = republican’s liked him ( left was worried with his centrist policies)
Bush presidency’s policy aims
- major tax cuts
- commitment to public education
- social security reform
- ‘war on terror’
how did BUSH’S ‘major tax cuts’ pan out
- steered budget through congress
- major reductions in tax, mainly for the wealthy.
how did BUSH’S ‘commitment to public education’ pan out
- No Child Left Behind Act, imposing federal standards of education on states = increased federal intervention in state policy.
how did BUSH’S ‘social security reform’ pan out
- reform social insurance for the elderly
- idea of privatising social security system
- controversial among Democrats and Republicans and failed to make progress in Congress
how did BUSH’S ‘war on terror’ pan out
- increased his power hugely and set a ‘war on terror agenda’
- began the Iraq War
- created the Homeland Security Department
- mass surveillance of internet/phone
communications - executive order to create Guantanamo Bay
Obama presidency’s policy aims
- affordable care act
- Close Guantanamo detention centre
- Remove US troops from Iraq and increase US involvement in Afghanistan
- Stimulus package for the economy
- Immigration reform
how did OBAMA’s ‘affordable care act’ pan out
- partially
- no federal health insurance company to compete in the marketplace.
how did OBAMA’s ‘Close Guantanamo detention centre’ pan out
- 41 left in Guantanamo when finished terms
- 242 detainees at the start of the presidency and 197 being transferred
how did OBAMA’s ‘Remove US troops from Iraq and increase US involvement in Afghanistan’ pan out
congress agreed to both of these
how did OBAMA’s ‘Stimulus package for the economy’ pan out
to additional spending of $787 billion
how did OBAMA’s ‘Immigration reform’ pan out
Failed to pass Congress in the first and second terms
- DAPA as exmaple