Homework 12 Flashcards
Which of the following are important for Abdominal Surgical Procedures?
Balfour Retractor
Sterile Laparotomy Sponges
Warmed Lavage Fluids
What is the most common abdominal surgical approach?
dorsal recumbency for a ventral midline approach
What is the usual prepped location for an abdominal surgical approach?
ventral abdomen just above xyphoid process to the pubis and laterally to edge of ribs
According to the readings, which of the following is appropriate for skin closure of an abdominal surgery?
simple continuous suture pattern
simple interrupted suture pattern
What is the term for the complication from a surgery where there is a separation of all layers of an incision?
Which of the following foreign bodies is more likely to be found in a cat?
When incising the stomach, which of the following is / are TRUE?
a stab incision is made in the hypovascular region of the ventral stomach
Endoscopic retrieval of a GI foreign body can be accomplished for which anatomic locations?
After successful gastrotomy with no perforation, peritonitis or vomiting, what dietary management should occur?
a bland diet introduced 12 – 24 hours postoperatively
Which of the following should be used for lavage of the abdomen?
0.9% warmed saline
Which of the following is / are TRUE for a linear foreign body?
With continued peristalsis it can cause perforations of the intestinal tract
A portion of the foreign body can get lodged under the tongue
The foreign body can cause the intestines to plicate
Which of the following instruments is recommended for “clamping” the intestines?
Doyen Intestinal Clamps
When an Intussusception occurs….
the proximal end of the intestine usually telescopes into the distal end
Which of the following cat breeds are more likely to have an intussusception?
When performing an intestinal resection with anastomosis which of the following is / are TRUE for clamping technique?
Carmalt forceps should be used on the side of the intestine that is to be removed and Doyen clamps should be used on the side of the intestine that is going to be anastomosed.
What diagnostic procedure may be indicated with a partial obstruction from an intussusception?
barium contrast study
Which analgesic, recommended for pain management, has the added benefit of slowing bowel motility?
an opioid
a parasympatholytic
What is the incidence of recurrence of intussusception in dogs?
11-20% following surgical correction and 25% following manual reduction
Which of the following is / are TRUE for short bowel syndrome?
It can be a result if a large amount of bowel has to be removed
It can manifest with signs of diarrhea and weight loss
It results in malnutrition, fluid loss and electrolyte disturbances
Which of the following is / are considered potential causes for a GDV?
Deep narrow thoracic conformation of a dog
Once a day feeding
Which of the following is / are physical exam findings of a patient with a GDV?
Tympanic abdomen
Which of the following radiographic positions should not be attempted on a patient with a GDV?
Ventrodorsal view
Which of the following patients has the highest potential for a GDV?
A 5 year old male neutered Labrador retriever who runs and plays at the beach every morning after his breakfast of dry food. He is a fast eater and “inhales” his food.
The stomach of a GDV when viewed in dorsal recumbency will be..
rotated clockwise anywhere from 90 to 360 degrees
Which of the following treatments should occur prior to surgery?
Place 2 large bore IV catheters and fluid administration
Pass an orogastric tube to decompress the stomach
Percutaneous decompression with a trocar if orogastric tube fails to relieve pressure
What is a gastropexy for prevention of a GDV?
Suturing the distal aspect of the stomach to the right abdominal wall
Most splenectomy surgeries are…
emergencies surgeries with hemorrhage
Which of the following are causes for the need for a splenectomy?
Abdominal Trauma
Splenic Based Tumor
Splenic Torsion
Hemangiosacroma is a major cause for splenectomy. Which of the following are breeds predisposed to hemangiosarcoma?
The clamp technique for removal of the spleen, described in the supplement uses…
three clamps with the incision placed between the clamp closest to the spleen and the next adjacent clamp
According to the supplement, how many areas of ligation are there for removing the spleen?
Patients undergoing a splenectomy usually need…
Shock fluid therapy
Transfusion therapy
ECG monitoring
What is the median life expectancy of a cat with mast cell tumor of the spleen?
145 days
Most PSS are…
The clinical syndrome caused by PSS is…
hepatic encephalopathy
The build-up of what chemical in the blood is primarily responsible for the clinical syndrome identified in the above question?
What is / are some clinical signs associated with PSS?
Small body stature
Episodic neurologic anomalies
Which of the following PSS usually affect small breed dogs?
congenital single extrahepatic shunts
What is the fluid of choice when treating a patient with PSS?
0.45% NaCl with 2.5% dextrose
Partial or Total Ligation of the PSS are surgical approached to correction of a PSS. Which of the following is / are TRUE?
The prognosis is excellent with a full ligation of the shunt as long as portal hypertension does not occur.