Hjertesvikt - Amboss Flashcards
Hva mener man med hjertesvikt?
Hva mener man med kronisk hjertesvikt (“congestive heart failure”)?
Hva er venstresidig hjertesvikt?
Hva er høyresidig hjertesvikt?
Hva er global hjertesvikt?
Hva mener man med kronisk kompensert hjertesvikt?
Hjertesvikt med stabile symptomer
Hva er akutt dekompensert hjertesvikt?
Hva er systolisk/diastolisk dysfunksjon?
Hvordan er epidemiologien til hjertesvikt?
Amerikansk data
Hvilken kardiovaskulær etiologi kan hjertesvikt (HS) ha?
Hvilke endokrine/metabolske etiologier kan gi HS?
Hvilke pulmonale etiologier kan føre til HS?
Pulmonal arterie hypertensjon; cor pulmonale
Hvilke substanser (toksiske) etiologier kan føre til HS?
Hvilke andre etiologier kan føre til HS?
Ikke kardiovaskulær, endokrin, pulmonal eller toksisk
Hva er de tre vanligste årsaken til HS?
The three major causes of HF are CAD, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus.
Patients typically have multiple risk factors that contribute to the development of HF.
Hvordan klassifiserer man hjertesvikt ut fra venstreventrikkels ejeksjonsfraksjon?
The ejection fraction is preserved because both the LV end-diastolic volume and stroke volume are reduced.
Hvordan klassifiserer “American College of Cardiology/American Heart association” (ACC/AHA) HS?
Patients with stage C HF will always remain categorized as such, even if they become asymptomatic (i.e., NYHA class I) with treatment.
Hva er “NYHA” klassifikasjon?
The “New York Heart Association” (NYHA) classification system is used to assess limitations in physical activity and symptoms of patients with symptomatic HF (i.e., ACC/AHA stages C and D); it helps determine treatment eligibility and prognosis.
Hva bestemmer hjerteminuttvolum (“cardiac output”)?
Cardiac output, which is stroke volume times heart rate, is determined by three factors:
- Preload
- Afterload
- Ventricular contractility
Hva er den underliggende patologiske mekanismen ved HFrEF?
Hva er den underliggende patologiske mekanismen ved HFpEF?
Although systolic heart failure and diastolic heart failure have similar pathophysiological characteristics, symptoms are less pronounced in the latter.
Hva er den underliggende patologiske mekanismen ved venstresidig HS?
Hva er den underliggende patologiske mekanismen ved høyresidig HS?
Hva forteller denne?
Pressure-volume loops of the left ventricle in systolic and diastolic dysfunction
*The pressure-volume (P-V) loop in systolic dysfunction (yellow): *
Loss of contractility in systolic dysfunction reduces the slope of the line depicting the end-systolic P-V relationship.
Therefore, the end-systolic volume (top left corner of P-V loop) appears increased compared to the normal P-V loop (green).
The end-diastolic volume (bottom right corner of P-V loop) is also increased because of normal venous return to a high end-systolic volume.
This higher end-diastolic volume partially increases the stroke volume via the Frank-Starling mechanism.
*The P-V loop in diastolic dysfunction (blue): *
Increased stiffness of the ventricle in diastolic dysfunction means that the line depicting the diastolic P-V curve is shifted upwards and to the left.
For any given diastolic volume, the ventricular pressure is higher in a dysfunctional heart compared to a healthy heart (green loop), and the end-diastolic volume is reduced compared to a healthy heart (bottom right corner of P-V loop).
Reduced end-diastolic volume with preserved ejection fraction means that the end-systolic volume (top left corner of P-V loop) will be reduced compared to a heart with normal diastolic function.
Hva er konsekvensene av dekompensert HS?
The hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries becomes greater than the oncotic capillary pressure, causing fluid to leak into the interstitium and alveoli.
Hva viser preparatet?
Hepatic congestion (nutmeg liver)
Liver (sagittal section; lateral view)
Yellow streaks of fat and speckles of dark spots can be seen throughout the hepatic tissue.
These findings are consistent with hepatic congestion. The dilated liver sinusoids appear as dark spots. The lack of nutrient supply to the hepatocytes surrounding the central vein leads to additional atrophy and fatty degeneration, causing the liver to resemble a nutmeg seed – hence the name “nutmeg liver.”
Hvilke kompensatoriske mekanismer “settes igang” ved HS?
Baroreceptors detect changes in blood pressure and release catecholamines.
And, to a lesser degree, the afferent arterioles.
An increase in preload also leads to an increase in cardiac output via the Frank-Starling mechanism.
Fyll inn
Pathophysiology of heart failure
Reduced cardiac output results in the activation of compensatory mechanisms (i.e., ADH and BNP production, activation of the renin-angiotensin system and sympathetic nervous system) in an attempt to restore cardiac output.
Cardiac remodeling and increases in afterload both have a negative effect on cardiac output. Increases in heart rate and preload have a positive effect on cardiac output. The net effect of these compensatory mechanisms may be sufficient to restore cardiac output. If not, the cycle repeats.
Fyll inn
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
Flowchart summarizing the biochemical and physiological effects of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
Hvilke symptomer oppstår ved HS?
In the supine position, cardiac output increases and renal vasoconstriction decreases, leading to an increase in filtered urine and nocturia.
Due to an increase in sympathetic tone.
An S3 gallop indicates rapid ventricular filling, while an S4 gallop indicates ventricular hypertrophy (reduced compliance). Other heart sounds may indicate valvular disease as a potential cause of HF.
Hvilke kliniske tegn oppstår ved venstresidig HS?
Predominant signs of left-sided heart failure
Initially exertional dyspnea; as HF progresses, also dyspnea at rest
In severe cases or acute decompensated heart failure
Supine position at night increases pulmonary venous congestion
Caused by the build-up of fluid in alveoli
Caused by cardiomegaly
In advanced HF
Hvilke kliniske tegn forekommer ved høyresidig HS?
Predominant signs of right-sided heart failure
Primarily of the feet and calves
Caused by stretching of the liver capsule
Also seen in biventricular heart failure
Hva viser bildet?
Pitting edema of lower leg
The tissue is markedly edematous above the line to which the patient’s sock had previously been pulled up. After applying pressure to the pretibial area, the residual indentation characteristic of pitting edema becomes visible.
Hva viser bildet?
In this patient with kidney and heart failure, edema of the foot indicates interstitial accumulation of fluids.
Hva er definisjonen av “High-output” hjertesvikt?
Heart failure secondary to conditions associated with a high-output state, in which cardiac output is elevated to meet the peripheral tissue oxygen demands
Hvilken etiologi har “High-output” HS (HoHS)?
Conditions that result in a high-output state are rarely the sole cause of HF; patients usually have a preexisting cardiac condition that reduces ventricular reserve.
In a high-output state, the heart cannot meet the additional demand, leading to heart failure.