History Unit 1: Conscription 1917 Flashcards
What is conscription
A bill that means all ambled bodied men would be required to join the army
What was the military voters act
Soldiers over seas allowed to vote
What is the wartime election act
Allowed female relatives of solders to vote
Did the French support the conscription. Why or why not?
- because they never lived in France and their loyalty lies with Canada
- country does not respect their language
- no one to take care of widow and family
- in training officers only spoke English
- think Canada will not gain anything from the war, spent to much money and lost to many men
- felt deserted by France when conquered by British forces
- a lot of farmers
Did the Canadian women support the conscription
Maybe Yes: - have husband come home safely - if significant others aren't listening know they have to go No - the pain of losing a son/father
Did English Canadian support conscription
- as a former British colony, we must help Britain
- don’t want Germans to gain more ground, need to send more troops
- mad French Canadians have not done their parts, this will make them go
- trade with Britain, Britain loses Canada will suffer from foriegn trade
- been fighting for 2 yrs can’t stop now
- finish war till end be able to have pride in accomplishments
Were farmers, pacifist, and union leaders for conscription
Farmer: run farm who will produce the food
- need sons to help run the farm
English Canadian:
- Canada is democratic can’t force people to fight
- prime minister Borden is breaking promise, can’t trust government that doesn’t keep word
- do not believe in war, (pacifist) never harm another individual
- their fam and city is not being threatened, why get killed on other side of the ocean