History: Germany: Unit 3 Flashcards
the development of the nazi party
Nazi ideology
“Volgemeinschaft’- one ruler.
conservative family views
one party, one state
“Volkomeinschaft” peoples community
“Herrenvolk”master race theory
“Lebensraum” living space
anti-treaty of versailles
aryan superior race.
When did Hitler change his ways of restoring power?
after 9 months in prison, February 1925
What is his change in restoring power known as?
The Reichstag principle.
What was the nazi party organised into?
35 areas of Gaues.
each Gaues had a nazi appointed representative called a Gauleiter. (initially started in Bavaria)
What was the “Fuhrerprinzip?”
the passing of a motion in which made him the supreme leader of the party.
When was the Fuhrerprinzip accepted?
February 1926 at Bamberg party conference
What year was Hitler youth set up?
What year was the nazi newspaper set up and what was its name?
Der Angriff in 1927
What was the other nazi newspaper called and when was that set up?
Volkischer Beobachter in 1920
What year was the SS set up?
What was the Urban plan?
a switch from he countryside to cityside in hoping to appeal more to cities to gain more votes in the election.
What was the Liberty Law?
a number of conservative groups in Germany under the leadership of Hugenburg - it brought down the reparations bill to only 25% of its original figure in 1929.
Who is Strasser?
DAP in 1920
Munich putsch
(him and his brother Otto shared the same views)
1926 appointed propaganda minister.
assasinated in 1934 as he became a threat to hitler
Who is Goebells?
close with the Straser brothers
won over by Hitler’s flattery and rewards
was a Gauleiter of Berlin in 1928
made chief of propaganda in 1930.
Why did the Urban Plan fail?
1- Hitler refused to allow trade unions to form
2- the workers had stereotyped the nazi as being for the middle classes.