History: Germany: Topic 6 Flashcards
the creation of a nazi dictatorship
What obstacles stood in Hitlers way when he took the chancellorship role?
1- he had to gain more votes in the reichstag (he only had 3/12 seats)
2- he had to stamp out the opposition (communists)
3- hindenburg (as president)
4- the SA’s power
5- von papen as VC (stamp out opposition)
when did hitler take the chancellorship role?
30th jan 1933
when was hitler’s ‘appeal to the German people’
1st feb 1933
what happened on the 22nd of feb 1933?
decree in Prussia resulted in police being reinforced with the SA.
what did this ensure?
that the SA was incorporated into the German police force which legitimised them.
what occurred on the 27th feb 1933?
reichstag building was set on fire.
who was accused of the arson?
Martin van der lubbe
what actions did the nazis carry out after this arson attack?
to clamp down on communists
which included the use of article 48.
22nd feb 1933
goering use of 50,000 SA to use terror for support.
what was passed on the 28th feb 1933?
1- protection of people and state
2- 4,000 communists aressted
5th march 1933 elections
nsdap - 43.9%
13th march 1933
ministry of information and popular enlightenment set up under Goebbels (RMVP)
20th march 1933
first concentration camp set up (DACHAU)
21ST MARCH 1933
how did the nazi party gain more votes during the march 1933 elections?
by persuading the DNVP into a coalition in which they managed to gain an extra 52 seats (taking them over 50%)
when was the KPD banned?
in the protection of people and state on the 28th feb 1933 decree.
what was the propaganda coup on 21st march 1933?
the re-opening of the new parliament which was to ensure nationalism in Germany and that people remembered the historic value of Germany.
what was the day of Potsdam?
a nostalgic coup to remind Germans of the old nazi regime, which would gain the support of conservatives.
when was the enabling bill passed?
23rd march 1933
by march 1933 how many were killed by SA?
what was the malicious practices law?
banned gossip about the government - passed on the same day as the day of Potsdam.
what did the enabling act pass with? (votes)
441 to 94 votes
how was the SA used outside the Kroll opera house?
to intimidate and persuade voters
what type of phrases did the SA use?
1- ‘marxist cow’
2- ‘centre pig’
which was the only party top vote against the enabling law?
how did the NSDAP secure a deal with ZP?
By ensuring that the nazis didn’t interfere with the church.
when was the NSDAP and ZP agreement made?
July 1933 CONCORDAT - they needed a 2/3 majority to pass it.
what was gleichschaltung?
co ordination
- removing opposition (like trade unions and state govt)
July 31st 1933
local state government were dissolved and diets created.
when was this process completed?
in July 1934 when the upper house (reichsrat) was abolished and any local councils were made subordinate to Berlin.
7th April 1933
law for the restoration of the civil service
what was this law?
it rules out any political opponents of the nazis (jews, communists) which removed them from their civil service jobs
may 1933
trade unions banned and a committee under Robert Ley formed.
what was Robert Ley’s committee?
DAF (labour front) which controlled labour in Germany
22nd June 1933
SPD banned and ZP also banned.
14th July 1933
law against the establishment of political parties which prevented further opposition.
popular phrase to suggest hitlers way of legislating:
‘facade of legality’
what does PAPEN say in jan 1933?
’ in two months we’ll have pushed hitler into a corner so that he’ll be speaking.’
why was the reichstag fire of feb 1933 useful to hitler?
ask he was able to legitimise his hate of communism by passing the law for the protection of people and state and by controlling Germany through article 48.
who did hitler feel threatened by in 1934?
1- rohm
2- Sa
who did the SA represent?
populist, anti-capitalist, left wing of nazi party in society
April 1934
goering made himmler head of gestapo
30th June 1934
night of the long knives
13th July 1934
hitlers speech which legalised NOLK actions.
why did hitler have to take action against rohm and SA?
As goring and himmler pressured hitler into taking action against rohm as rohm wanted the SA to be the main German army
results of NOLK
1- 400 killed
2- 180/400 nazis
2- opposition defeated
when was rohm killed?
2 days after the NOLK
what did rohm want to create?
a ‘people militia’
other leaders who were also executed?
schleicher, Strasser brothers.
13th July 1934
reichstag passed a law which legalised hitlers actions for the NOLK
2nd august
president himmler died and hitler was appointed as fuhrer
19th august 1934
German people asked if they supported hitler - 43.06 million germans voted (89.93% yes)
20th august 1934
army oath of allegiance (general Bloomberg)
‘it was completely legal constitutional process’
‘used the power of the state to consolidate his control, eliminate opposition and initiate a revolution from above’
‘reign of terror’
‘intimidation and violence were vital’