History: Germany: Unit 1 Flashcards
the German revolution
What was the economic costs of the war for Germany?
1- agriculture and production fell
2- 16% of the war was financed through taxes
3- between the years 1913-1918 the current lost 75% of its value.
Who was in the triple entente?
Britain, France, Russia and USA.
Who was in the triple alliance?
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
Reasons for the German defeat in WW1
1- stalemate (not progressing but not backtracking)
2-failure of a final offensive in March 1918
3- USA joined in 1918 and added more manpower to allied side.
What does ‘national self determination’ mean?
a country’s self independence.
29th October 1918
sailors started mutinying at Wilhelmshaven and at Kiel, as a result of the British naval blockade that was starving the nation
6th-8th November 1918
workers councils had taken over many German cities and towns and Bavaria was declared a socialist republic by Kurt Eisner.
7th November 1918
the SPD (largest party) stated that they wouldn’t withdraw from Prince Max’s government unless the kaiser formally abdicated.
9th November 1918
Kaiser Wilhelm ii abdicated to Holland where he remained in exile.
What was formed in the days following the kaisers abdication?
Ebert’s new democratic government.
When was the armistice signed?
11am on the 11th November 1918.
10th November 1918
Ebert-Groener pact.
What was the Ebert-Groener pact?
Chancellor Ebert agreed to maintain the army and maintain adequate supplies, General Groener agreed to support the new government and suppress disorder and street fighting.
What was Ebert’s hidden agenda?
that he has to keep it a secret- his enemies from the far right cant find out about the pact.
What was Groener’s hidden agenda?
he had no long term loyalty - viewed the pact as only temporary.
Left side of the political spectrum
SPD - slightly left
USPP - more than moderate
KPD - extreme left
German centre party
Right side of the political spectrum
ZP - centre party (slightly right)
DVP - moderate right
DNVP - extreme right
NSDAP - extreme right
19th January 1919
first elections
What was the turn out for the elections? (National Assembly elections).
% for pro-democracy parties?
Who was in the Weimar coalition?
% of vote for SPD?
% of vote for DDP?
% of vote for ZP?
Who was the first president of Weimar Germany?
Friedrich Ebert
Ruhr meaning
industrial land, home of most of germanys coal and steel production.
Saar meaning
coal mines
Rhineland meaning
area surrounding the Rhine river
Junkers meaning
the German working class
March 1918
spring offensive - failed.
What did the naval blockade result in?
424,000 deaths (food shortages)
200,000 deaths (deadly influenza)
November 1917
Russian revolution
What was the bill of rights?
more freedom (speech, religion, socially) and elections,
What was the Lander?
meant that Germany was a regional state, they had local responsibilities such as police and people.
What was the electorate of the people? also known as universal suffrage.
all citizens aged 20+ could vote
(previously only men 25+)
What was proportional representation?
a voting system for the Reichstag, a fair system - if it got 5% of votes it got 5% of seats, encourages coalition governments.
What was Article 48?
the president could rule by decree and abandon democracy - allowing him the pass laws without the support of the Reichstag.
Weakness of the Reichstag
proportional representation meant that even a party with a small number of votes would gain seats in the Reichstag.
Strength of the Reichstag
allowed Germany to be more democratic
Stab in the back legend
the weimar government had to come to terms with the defeat of the First World War and its aftermath.
Stab in the back legend terms
weak (jewish) politicians gave up easily and the belief that Germany could’ve fought on and won.
When was the treaty of Versailles signed?
28th June 1919
The terms of the treaty.
territorial losses
military losses (100,00 only)
reparations (6.6 million)
war guilt
Religion in Germany
98% christian - 2/3 protestant
- 1/3 catholic
2% non christian - eg jewish.