History-Germany Flashcards
what was Stresemann’s role in between the period of 1923 to 1929
Foreign minister
what is the definition of Weltpolitik
The Kaisers plan to turn Germany into a leading world power
What is the Dawes Plan
An agreement between USA and European countries
Written up By Charles Dawes in 1924
Reparations were reduced in the short term to 50 million pounds per year
The United States gave loans of $25 billion to Germany to help rebuild its industrial capacity
who is the Chancellor
The leader / prime minister of German Gov
What is Democracy
Where the Gov is chosen By the people
E.G. Weimar Gov were every adult was able to vote for the political party they wanted
who were the Edelweiss Pirates
a youth group that rebelled against Nazi Ideas
what was the Enabling Act
A law that was passed in 1933
gave Hitler power to act without talking to Reichstag or president
Who were the Freikorps
An organisation of armed ex-soldier volunteers
What was the German Labour Front (DAF)
an Organisation set up by the Nazis to help workers and improve their lives
who were the Gestapo
Hitler’s secret police
Who was Goebbels
The person who was in charge of Nazi propaganda
Who was Himmler
The leader of the SS who controlled both the police and the Gestapo
Who was Hindenburg
president of Germany from 1925 till 1934
made Hitler Chancellor in 1933
what was the purpose of the Hitler youth
to convert young people to Nazi ideas
What was the July 1944 Bomb Plot
an attempt to assassinate Hitler .mainly by a group of people in the army, to take control of the Gov and end WW2
who were the Junkers
Land-owning class in Prussia
Pro Millitary
supported Kaiser
What was The Kapp Putsch
uprising against Gov led by Wolfgang Kapp and involving many Freikorps
Berlin 1920
What was Kristallnacht
took place November 1938
Jewish people, their synagogues, and businesses attacked throughout Germany
What was the Munich Putsch
an armed uprising that took place during 1923 led by Hitler and the Nazi party
What was the Night of the Long Knives
when Ernst Rohm and other SA leaders were arrested and murdered on the 30th of June 1943
What was the Nuremburg laws
a set of laws that excluded Jews from being German citizens
Jewish German passports were considered invalid unless there were J stamped on them
Jews had to were the star of David on their Chest
Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor- Jewish and German couples cant marry nor have sexual relations
Reich Citizenship Law- only those of the Aryan race will be able to have a citizenship- Jews not Aryans were not seen as proper citizens- they had no political rights
when was the Ruhr invaded
Who was Von Papen
leader of centre party who agreed to make a coalition with Hitler
what is Prussian Militarism
Admiration for the army and its values
What was the Reichstag Fire
Burning down German parliament in 1933
Who was Rohm
Leader of the SA
What was the SS
Hitler’s private bodyguard
what was the swing youth
a group of young people who didn’t support Nazi ideas or join any Hitler youth group
what was the purpose of the Wannsee conference
a meeting in which they planed on how to murder all Jews in Europe
During the depression how many business firms closed down
50,000 closed between 1929-1932
how was the great depression caused
the wall street crash 1929
what did America do when the wall street crash happened
it asked for its loans to be returned
what did Germany face during the depression
mass unemployment and damage to their economy
what happened to the wages of German workers during 1932
they fell by one third
when was Himmler made head of the SS
When was Goebbels put in charge of Nazi Propaganda
how many gestapo members were there
15000 Gestapo members for 60 million Germans
What powers did the SS have
They could arrest people without trial
could search houses and take control of property
who were the SS deaths head
They were the SS members who ran concentration camps
How many members did the SS have by 1939
all recruits had to be recognisably Aryan and physically be fit
Were the courts under Nazi control
Yes so in turn fair trials were impossible as the judges were Nazi’s
what did Judges Have to wear after 1936
A swastika and the Nazi eagle
Who were Block leaders
Local Nazi in charge of their own block
collected donations for Nazi Party
noted signs of any disobedience
What were signs of disobedience
Not being enthusiastic enough when talking about Hitler
Not flying the Nazi flag during celebrations
how many books were burnt during 1933
how many paintings were burnt during 1936
what punishment did people face when listening to foreign radios
Death penalty
What programmes used for propaganda were on German radio
Hitler’s speeches
German History
German music
How many Germans owned radio in 1932
when was the Dawes Plan
when was the Munich putsch
when was the Kapp putsch
when was the enabling act passed
when was Kristallnacht
9th Nov 1938
What was the young plan
A plan to lower reparations from 6.6 billion to 2 billion and allow Germany to pay over a longer time frame (59 years)
When did the Germany join the league of nations
Who was assassinated in 1922
Walter Rathenau- foreign minister -showed that Weimar republic faced political instability
When did Hyperinflation start
1923- loaf of bread cost 100,000 million marks
Whose trial happened in 1924
Hitler’s trial happened in 1924
What was set up in 1925
Hitler sets up the SS
What does Stresemann win in 1926
The Nobel peace price
What youth group was first set up in 1926
the Hitler youth
Who dies in 1929
Gustav Stresemann dies of a heart attack
How many seats in government do the Nazis get in 1930
107 seats
What major financial event happened in 1930
Wall street crash
Who was made chancellor in May 1932
Von Papen
In the 1932 November election how many seats did the Nazi party get
196 seats
In the 1932 December elections how many seats did the Nazi party get
Who replaces Von Papen as Chancellor in December 1932
Von Slcheicher
What happened in 1942
the Wannsee conference was held to see how all Jews should be handled-final solution
When were the Nuremburg laws enacted
They were enacted on the 15th of September 1935
How much in reparations did Germany have to pay
6.6 billion pounds
What German colonies in Africa did Germany lose
They lost Togoland and Cameroon to France and England
Lost German south west Africa to South Africa
Lost German East Africa to Britain
What article in the treaty of Versailles led to Germany taking the blame
Article 231- War guilt clause
How much of the 6.6 billion pounds in reparations would the French get
How much of the 6.6 billion pounds in reparations did Britain get
What were some Nazi social policies against women
Abortion and contraception was restricted except for people with weaknesses or inherited diseases
Jobs and education- no female members of the Reichstag- all woman employed by the state were banned- woman judges and lawyers were banned in 1936- amount of women going to uni was restricted to 10%
Divorce made easier- having no children was seen as grounds for divorce
Social policies towards children
1933- 20% of teachers sacked due to not wanting to teach Nazi ideals
1929-Nazi teachers league- provided training for teachers in Nazi ideals- textbooks rewritten to fit Nazi ideals
1936- all Aryan children were required to join a Nazi youth group at the age of 6
How was the Nazi school curriculum structured
PE- three double lessons a week- trained boys to be soldiers and and woman to produce healthy children- Boxing compulsory for boys and girls were taught homemaking and healthcare
History-taught about unfair treaty of Versailles + wicked Jews and communists
Biology-pupils were taught eugenics and superiority of Aryan race
Physicist- linked to warfare- taught about radio communications, fire arms and explosives
When was the law for encouragement of marriage passed
July 1933
What was the law for the encouragement of marriage
Married couples were given a loan of 1000 reichmarks
Each child a married couple had a quarter of the loan would be payed off
How many German woman applied for abortion between 1935 and 1940 and how many were accepted
Between 1935 and 1940, there were only 14,333 applications and 9,701 approvals.
How many German women applied for an abortion before Hitler rise to power (1932)
In 1932, the year before Hitler’s rise to power, just under 44,000 German women applied to terminate a pregnancy and 34,698 of these were approved. .