Computer science Flashcards
What is the purpose of an operating system
To manage hardware and run software
What are the functions of an operating system
communicate with input and output devices through drivers
provides a user interface
manage system security and user accounts
organise CPU and its processing tasks
What are some ethical issues of technology
some people don’t have enough money to buy smartphone- barred from opportunities
each country has a different level of tech- people in countries of lower tech will be barred from some opportunities
internet grants anonymity-causes anti-social behaviour
What are some legal issues of the internet
malware can be used to steal info from users and then sell that info without there permission
identity theft is more common
What are the pros of using compilers
translates the whole source code and the creates an executable file
only needed once to create an executable file
what are the cons of using a compiler
compiling takes a long time
What are the pro’s of using a interpreter
will return first error it finds- good for debugging
What are the cons of using an interpreter
needed every time you want to run the program
program will run more slowly-code being translated as program is running
doesn’t create an executable file after one use-translates and runs code one line at a time
What are the pros of using high-level language
easier for humans to write and understand
what are the cons of high level language
it has to be translated into machine code for computer to understand
What are the pros of low level language
easier for machines to understand
what are the cons of low level language
harder for humans to understand
What is an SMTP
simple mail transfer protocol- used to send and transfer emails
What is a HTTPS
a version of HTTP that secures data
what is HTTP
hyper text transfer protocol-used by web browsers to access websites and communicate with websites
What is FTP
File transfer protocol- access edit and move files to another server/device
What is a relational database
a database with multiple tables that are linked.
Reduces the amount of times data repeats and data that don’t match
What are some examples of data compression methods
Run length encoding
Huffman coding
What is White box penetration
To simulate an attack from a malicious insider, who have knowledge of basic credentials example username and password.
What is a penetration test
A penetration test is a simulated cyberattack carried by ethical hackers to find vulnerabilities in a system, website, mobile application, or network
What does wan stand for
Wide area network
What does WAN stand for
Wide area network
What does LAN stand for
Local area network
What does PAN stand for
Personal area network
What is in a PAN network
blue tooth devices
What is Rom
ROM is a non volatile primary storage
What does non volatile mean
when the computer is turned off the stored items will still be kept
What is ROM used for
to store instructions and data that the computer needs to run
What is cloud storage
remotely accessed storage which is accessed through the internet
Adv of cloud storage
you can access your files from any location that has connection to the internet
reduced need to make backups as the cloud already makes backups
Disadv of cloud storage
cloud storage hosts could be targeted by hackers
people have less control over their data
access to data is only possible with an internet connection - no connection means no access to data
What is the formula for calculating pixels
resolution X colour depth
what is the formula for calculating sounds
length X sample rate X bytes
What is sample resolution
the number of bits per sample
What is Abstraction
a technique that removes the unnecessary details so that you can focus on the important parts of a question
What is decomposition
When you break down a large problem into smaller manageable steps
What is selection
Selection is where a piece of code is only run if a condition is met
What is Iteration
Iteration is the repeated execution of a section of code when a program is running.
What is algorithmic thinking
a way of solving problems by producing algorithms
What are sort algorithms
a set of instructions used to arrange a data set into a particular order
What does Boolean represent
True or false
basically just one of two values
What are the factors that affect CPU speed
clock speed
Cache size
Cache type
how many cores the CPU has
What is Secondary storage
Storage that is directly connected to the CPU
Why is Secondary storage needed
Needed so there is long term storage is available