History-Conflict Flashcards
What was the Paris Peace conference
conference set up to decide the fate of Germany
Germany was not allowed to attend
What was the treaty of Brest-Litovsk
a peace treaty between Russia and the central powers
Ended Russia’s participation in WW1 signed on 3 March 1918
When was the treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed
What were the consequences of the Brest-Litovsk treaty
When central powers lost the Russian states of Estonia and Lithuania were taken away
What were the three military terms of the Treaty of Versailles
German Navy limited to:6 battleships, 15000 men, 1500 officers
Germany not allowed to develop: tanks, air force or submarines
German army: only 100,000 soldiers-conscription banned
What were the three territorial terms of the TOV
German colonies in Africa such as Togoland, Cameroon, German East-Africa and German South-West Africa were given to the League of nations as mandates
The Rhineland was to be demilitarised
Germany lost 10% of its lands which included Alsace Lorraine, Eupen, Malmedy, North Schleswig
Who was given Alsace Lorraine
Who was given Eupen and Malmedy
Who was given North Schleswig
Who were the permanent members of the league’s council
Britain, Italy, France and Japan
What are some examples of the leagues agencies
Disarmament commission
Refugees commission
Slavery commission
Health commission
Mandates commission
What are some examples of the leagues agencies
Disarmament commission
Refugees commission
Slavery commission
Health commission
Mandates commission
What was the aim of the disarmament commission
All members of the League will reduce their armaments
What was the aim of the disarmament commission
All members of the League will reduce their armaments
What was the evidence of success for the disarmament commission
All countries sat down and actually talked about disarmament
What was the evidence of failure for the disarmament commission
Germany started to rearm in 1935
When did Germany rearm
What was the aim of the ILO
to set a minimum wage for workers
What successes did the ILO have
Four members of the league agreed the working day should be limited to 8 hours
What failures did the ILO have
Most members ignored ILO’s suggestion that children under the age of 14 should not work
What was the aim of the refugees commission
resettle refugees
What successes did the refugees commission have
resettled hundreds and thousands of refugees from the 1st world war
what was the aim of the slavery commission
stop modern day slavery
what successes did the slavery commission have
Afghanistan, Nepal, Iraq, Persia abolished slavery
When did Afghanistan abolish slavery
When did Nepal abolish slavery
When did Iraq abolish slavery
When did Persia abolish slavery
What was the aim of the health commission
Make humanity healthier as a whole
What were the successes of the health commission
Destroyed small pox
established a campaign to kill mosquitos
What were the failures of the health commission
did not kill all mosquitos
did not cure all diseases
What was the aim of the mandates commission
To take care of all taken German colonies
What successes did the mandates commission have
governed the SAAR region for 15 years
What happened in Upper Silesia during 1921
Poland and Germany wanted to control- upper Silesia important for iron and steel- Plebiscite happened-Germany was voted by majority to take over Upper Silesia
How did the league intervene in upper Silesia
Poland got 1/3 of upper Silesia while Germany lost its coal mines
They sent League member nations armed forces to occupy the area whilst the issue was resolved.
What was the treaty of Rappalo
the treaty in which Germany returned the lands and money it took from Russia during the treaty of Brest-Litovsk
When was the Treaty of Rapallo signed
Why was the treaty of Rapallo important
showed that important agreements can be made without the involvement of the league
How many in Britain were unemployed after WW1
2.5 million
Why couldn’t Britain help the league during the Manchuria crisis
Britain was economically weak as well as millitary wise- didn’t have time, funds nor army to help
How many were unemployed in Germany after WW1
6 million
What was japans main export before WW1
There main form of export was silk
Why did Japan plan to build am empire
Their main form of export lessened in demand-wanted an empire so they could have more forms of exports
What is nationalism
supporting your own country in its actions against other countries
When did Hitler’s Germany leave the league
When did the Dolfuss affair happen
What was the Dolfuss affair
When the Nazi’s commanded Austrian Nazi’s to wreak havoc and cause chaos in Austria so they can perform a land grab
What happened in the SAAR in 1935
90% voted that the SAAR should be owned by Germany
When was conscription re-introduced in Germany
When did Germany rearm
When was the Anglo-German naval agreement made
When did the Rhineland remilitarise
Why did hitler want the Sudeten land
lots of Germans lived there
What happened on the 15th of September 1938
Chamberlain had a meeting with Hitler as a last ditch effort
Why did war seem imminent
Hitler kept on making demands
What were the reactions to the Munich conference
Czechs felt betrayed
rest of Europe felt relief
Which countries promised to support Czechoslovakia if war came
What was announced in Munich 29th sept 1938
The Czechs will lose the Sudeten land
What were the causes and consequences of the Manchurian crisis
18th sept 1931- explosion on the Southern Manchurian railway- Japan claimed it was attack from China - took chance to invade
Causes: Japan overcrowded + silk trade collapsed + Manchuria rich in forestry, minerals, rich agricultural land + Japan heavily invested in Manchurian railway
Consequences: Lord Lytton condemned invasion. League reluctant to act. Japan left league in 1931 and began its conquest of China
What were the Causes and Consequences of the Abyssinia crisis
December 1934-Italian soldiers fought Abyssinian soldiers at Wal Wal. 150 Abyssinian and Italian soldiers died. deals with France and Britain allowed Italian soldiers to march to Capital Addis Ababa on 5th May 1936.
Causes: Abyssinia rich in minerals/ easy to capture/ Mussolini wanted to become Roman emperor.
Consequences: trade sanctions on Mussolini but not on steel, coal, oil or Iron
Hoare-Laval of December 1935 pact which allowed Mussolini to invade
Italy left league on May 1936
Reasons why the League was destined to Fail
it had no army
league was slow to act
Depression led to people following dictators
League met only once a year
America refused to Join
How was the Rhineland remilitarised
22,000 German troops entered the Rhineland in 1936
How much in reparations did Germany have to pay
German had to pay 132 billion gold marks
when did France occupy the Ruhr
How much did Germany have to pay in reparations after the young plan of 1924
Germany then had to pay 112 billion marks