History Final pt5 Flashcards
Who is elected to office after Thomas Jefferson?
james Madison
what act replaces the embargo act and what does this act do?
The Non intercourse act; USA reopens trade with world except with France and England.
Who speaks up first to respect USA? But what actually happens?
France speaks up first, but Napoleon does not actually respect USA,
England and France will step up and respect America. we will reopen trade with that country. Whichever country speaks up first we will give that country favorable trade status. What bill is this called?
Macon’s Bill #2
Who is the leader of the Shawnee tribe? What event was Tecumseh involved in before?
Tecumseh: He is the fallout of the Mad Anthony Wayne slaughter.
What is the importance of the Battle of Tippecanoe? What seal is on the crates Tecumseh left behind?
Tecumseh retreats to Canada and goes to Quebec ; Seal of England Stamp.
After France gets trade status what does England do? What new ship enters the Atlantic Ocean? What another ship does it come across?
England retaliates, and we get another impressment issue;U.S.S President; U.S.S President comes across H.M.S Little Belt.
Who is the governor of Illinois?
William Henry Harrison.
how does England come back against the USA after finding out what happened to the little belt?
Through the native Americans at the Ohio valley.
who is captain of the U.S.S President? What war did he serve in?
John Campbell and he served in the Tripoli War.
What does the U.S.S President do to the H.M.S Little Belt ship?
We sink the little belt killing every British sailor on board
Where does another war break out in?
The Ohio Valley
What areas does Tecumseh now have territory in?
Ohio valley, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Virginia.
Who provides Tecumseh with weapons?
Where does William henry Harrison take his army to?
The border of Michigan and Ohio.
What is the 12th congress named? Why are they important?
” War Hawks” / They are brand new generation of Americans.
What happens with the nullification crisis? What state is John C Calhoun senator?
He tries to get South Carolina to nullify Andrew Jacksons federal law. / Senator of South Carolina.
Where is Henry Clay from? What name he get in congress? What compromises does he create later in life? What position does he hold?
Kentucky. / “ The Great Compromiser” / The Missouri compromise, the nullification compromise, and the compromise of 1850 / Speaker of the house for 34 years.
Who is the vice president under Andrew Jackson? What position is he in? / What crisis does he end up leading?
John C. Calhoun / secretary of war / a nullification crisis
What kind of soldiers is England facing against the USA? What forts and territory does Tecumseh have control over? How is the war of 1812 for USA?
The soldiers are less experience. /Tecumseh invades fort Detroit, Fort Wayne, Fort Dearborn) controls Michigan territory for a year/ !812 is an embarrassment for USA
Right now, in 1812 what are the “ War Hawks” doing?
New and getting their toes wet into war. They are war hungry.
What were the 2 reasons the war hawks said we need to go to war with England?
National honor and Impressment
How is Tecumseh killed? What battle does Tecumseh die in?
William henry and his Militia kill Tecumseh/ The Battle of Detroit