History Final pt 8 Flashcards
What was it where South Carolina were taxed called Tariff of 1816 where 60% of what farmers were making to be turned over to federal government for taxes. What is this called?
Nullification crisis
What happens if people leave a state? / What is John C Calhoun tries to do to the tax? / Since Jackson does not agree what does he do?
The house goes down and tax revenue. / John C Calhoun nullifies the tax and tells the federal government, and they aren’t going to pay it. / Jackson mobilized the military to go to the borders of South Carolina and wait to invade and take over government.
How is the nullification crisis solved?
The Nullification Compromise is made. Where the tax is reduced from 60 to 40% and South Carolina pays it and Jackson agrees.
What is the Indian remove act?
The military escort the Indians off their land to Oklahoma.
What is the trail of tears?
The USA Cruelty effors to kill native American life under the Indian Removal Act.
Who is the president of the Second Bank of the United States?
Nicholas Biddle
Who did Nicholas Biddle go to help keep the bank alive?
Henry Clay and Daniel Wester who is leader of the senate.
What bill does Henry Clay make?
Rechartering bill
What does Andrew Jackson do with the money, that he takes out of the second bank of the United States? / What happens when the bank loses money?
Andrew Jackson gives it to the south for southern banks / Now the second bank of America raises interest rates to get back losses.
What happens every time Congress makes a bill and sends it to Andrew Jackson?
He vetoes it and pulls money out of the second bank of America.
After Andrew Jackson didn’t veto or sign the bill what happens now?
The President has ten days to decide on a bill and after ten days with no decision made the bill will become a law.
What is President Martin Van Buran know for?
Paid off national debt overseas.
Who is the first governor to get impeached from office?
Sam Houston
What does Martin Van Buran do with the left-over money? But what happened to the money?
Gave money back to states; The money was embezzled
With the money not used wisely what does USA enter?
A depression called Panic of 1836
How did we get the name Houston Texas?
Sam Houston led Texas to dependence.
Who died three months in office?
William H Harrison
Why does Henry Clay hate John Tyler?
He called Henry Clay’s little sister a fat cow.
Who is famous for his attitude and having his entire cabinet resign at the end of every year?
John Tyler
Texas enters a nationhood called what?
The Republic of Texas.
A time where USA expands across continent is called what?
Manifest Destiny
While James K Polk was president what states did, he bring into the USA?
Texas, Oregon, and California.
Where do the miners’ strike gold in? Why?
California to get rich
80 thousand Americans move to California called what?
” The Forty Niners”
How long does it take for California to reach statehood status?
1 year
what is Henry’s Clays last compromise? What kind of state does Henry Clay say California should be? / What other state does he say slavery should end in?
Compromise of 1850 / It should be a free state because cotton can’t grow in California. / Washington DC
What act requires northern law enforcement to return runaway slaves back to the south?
Fugitive Slave Act
What does John C Calhoun argue? What does he say slaves are like? What does the south get?
Have the right to take slaves anywhere they want to in the USA. Slaves are like Property. The south gets nothing.