History Final pt 9 Flashcards
What is a railroad that would length the eastern side and connect it with western side called?
A Transcontinental Railroad
Where did the south want the transcontinental railroad to begin in and why?
Begin in New Orleans or Memphis for slave trade and cotton transportation.
To get the south off of wanting Memphis and New Orleans what does Stephen Douglas do?
Organize western territories and make it possible for slavery to exist in those territories.
Why did Stephen Douglas want the railroad?
To get richer and help fund his presidential run.
What act does Stephen Douglas creates?
The Kansas – Nebraska Act.
what vote makes the decision on slavery?
Popular vote
What does popular sovereignty do to the USA?
Is going to have long term issues that are negative for USA.
Out of the Kansas – Nebraska Act we get the Republican Party which 2 parties and why?
The Whigs and Northern Democrats together and it is invented to prevent slavery from moving out west.
What 2 people make newspapers about slavery?
William Lloyd Garrison & Frederick Douglas
Where does a civil war break out? Why?
In Kansas because of the Popular sovereignty issue.
What was the nickname of the railroad that William Lloyd Garrison was a part of? What was the importance of this railroad and what did the garrison want in return?
“The underground railroad” This helped get slaves to Canada where slavery was abolished in return, he wanted interviews of what the slaves went through.
What newspaper did William Lloyd Garrison create? Where? What is the significance of this newspaper?
The Liberator / in New York/ because he wanted to help end slavery and open peoples mind seeing how vicious slavery is.
What newspaper did Frederick Douglas create? Where? What is the significance of this newspaper?
The North Star / Frederick Douglas was from Maryland and fled to New York. / His newspaper was to inform people of his own personal experience as a slave himself
What book did was the bestselling book that was about the horrors of slavery? Who was the author? / What happens in this book?
” Uncle Tom’s Cabin “ by Harriet Beecher Stowe / Where a slave named Uncle tom gets sold to different plantations and it starts good but descends to hell as the book goes on.
Who is Simon Lecree and why is he talked about so much?
He is satin like character in the book and he is talked about because it showed slavery is not only harmful to blacks but also to whites because it can turn a good person to an evil person.
A war breaks down in Kansas between one two fractions?
pro and non-slavery
Who believes God is speaking to him and telling him to go to Kansas and kill people who support slavery?
John Brown
Where does he move to in kansas?
Pottawatomie Creek
Who is John Brown’s first target? What is this bloodshed called?
William Dunlap / “Bleeding Kansas.”
What does Preston Brooks do to Charles Sumner after the speech? / What position did Brooks run for and win?
Beat him with the cane for 6 minutes after Sumner called Butler an inbred. / House of Representatives
Who prepares a speech called the crimes against Kansas and what did he say? What does he call Andrew Butler?
Charles Sumner / blame what is happening in Kansas on the south. / Andrew Butler is an inbred.
Who is the worst president and didn’t try to stop the succession of the south states from leaving USA and incoming civil war?
James Buchanan
What is this landmark case named? This is the first time that which court must make a decision on slavery?
The Dred Scott Case / Supreme Court
Who is the first democrat to be appointed to the supreme court by Andrew Jackson?
Roger B. Taney
What is decision does Roger B. Taney make for the Dred Scott case?
Dred Scott is not free.
When is the Dred Scott case addressed again?
After the civil war.
What is the Dred Scott decision say?
Blacks are not citizens of the United States, they have no protection under the constitution, and they are property.
After the verdict we add 2 amendments after civil war which is the 13 and 14 amendments. What do these amendments do?
13: Bans slavery / 14: African Americans are citizens of the United States.
Who runs for senator but loses?
Abraham Lincoln
What were the 7 debates that occurred throughout Illinois’s called?
Lincon – Douglas debates.
Why didn’t Lincoln want slavery to go out west?
How did Lincoln see capitalism? In order for this to happen what can’t we have?
America’s future; slavery
Free market system where you work for a job and get a paycheck and you use the money to someone employed in the USA called?
Even though Lincoln lost the Senate debate what party saw Lincoln and found him to be their guy in the next presidential race?
The republican party
John Brown comes back, and goes back to Virginia and creates what kind of war? Where does he go to get weapons?
A race war / Harper’s Ferry
Who is arrested for treason against the United States? Also, said “ the horror of slavery is a sin the United States will never heal from. / The only way that slavery would end in the country is if every river in the south ran red with its blood.”
John Brown
How does the democratic party split their votes?
3 ways
Abraham won with no votes from who?
Southern votes
Texas to Florida / Deep south break away and form what after the election of Lincoln?