History Final pt2 Flashcards
Who is the new dictator of France?
Napoleon Bonaparte.
What were the 3 agreements in the convention of 1800?
Quasi war comes to an end, treaty of alliance is ending, and we would pay France 250 thousand dollars to the damages they did to USA ships in quasi war.
who is Napoleon Bonaparte fighting with and who does he not want to fight with?
Napoleon Bonaparte is fighting with 8 other European countries, and doesn’t want to fight with USA.
what did the Louisiana Purchase do?
Double the size of America.
What agreement did Napoleon and the ambassadors sign?
Convention of 1800 in Palace of Versailles.
How did Napolean feel about USA after the convention of 1800?
Napoleon respected USA.
Who are the nominees for the federalist party?
John Adams and Charles C Pickney
Who are the nominees for the Republican Party?
Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr
Who broke the tie between Jefferson and Burr?
The House of Representatives (Alexander Hamilton)
what does Jefferson call his address?
The Revolution of 1800
Who did Alexander Hamilton choose to be president and why?
Thomas Jefferson because he has principles and Burr doesn’t have any principles, he is a sellout.
What does Thomas Jefferson say in his address and what does he tell the people that he will do?
Washington, Hamilton, and Adams betrayed the USA. Since Jefferson is president, Jefferson will restore America back to its roots.
What does Jefferson do to the military?
Downsized to 5 general and 0 soldiers.
Under Jefferson’s presidency who does he shift power to?
The States
Under Jefferson orders what 3 ships do we keep?
USS Philadelphia, USS constitution, USS declaration of independence
what does Jefferson say he would not bend? What does he promote the USA?
Not bend the constitution; He promotes agriculture over manufactories.