History Final pt3 Flashcards
what is the Judiciary act of 1801?
Adams tries to make laws hard to get created for Jefferson.
what is court packing?
Packing courts with federalist people that believe as he does so they can shoot down whatever Jefferson creates.
What kind of judges does Thomas Jefferson want?
republican / Jeffersonian
Who was promised to be the judge in Maryland?
William Marbury
What is the first Supreme Court case named?
Marbury vs Madison
Who did William Marbury have in the meeting with him?
Chief and Justice of the Supreme Court John Marshal.
What is judicial review?
Judicial branch can review the other branches of government.
What is the argument that whoever sits in the chair must honor what previous presidents have done before their administration if you are working with congress is called?
The definition of the president
What 2 acts can the Supreme Court override?
Override presidential and congressional acts.
What country does Napoleon Bonaparte take over? What treaty does he have them sign?
Spain. Treaty of San Ildefonso
what was the Tripoli War?
Jefferson cut payments with the Pirates and now USA ships are being harassed by the Pirates in the Mediterranean Sea.
What European countries does Jefferson go to get help to stop the Pirates?
England, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy.
why does Jefferson go to these countries?
Because they are geographically next to the Mediterranean Sea to get them on board to help fight the pirates.
After signing Treaty of San Ildefonso what territory goes to France?
Louisiana Territory
what is the first country that Napoleon invades and beats?
What does “ The day that France takes New Orleans, we must marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation” mean?
If Napolean tries to take New Orleans and we may have to ally with Britian. Jefferson has been Pro France for everything but now he sees that a militaristic France next to us it can be bad.
Why did Napoleon want the Louisiana Territory and why did he lose interest in it?
he wanted it to be a food haven for a colony he had in Haitian. There was a slave uprising, and they overthrew the French so, Napolean lost interest.
What did Napoleon promise to U S A and how long was this offer good for?
He will give Usa access to the Mississippi river and New Orleans and this offer is good for 1 year.
Who does Napoleon think to sell the Louisiana territory to? Who does Jefferson send to meet with Napoleon in the palace of Versailles?
USA; Robert Livingston
What treaty did Jefferson go through to get the 15 million dollars?
A treaty called “Louisianna Treaty” as we know as “Louisiana Purchase.”
What did Jefferson have to do to the constitution to get the 15 million dollars?
He had to bend the constitution.
Did the federalist party support the Louisiana treaty? Why not?
No because Louisiana would be Jeffersonian, but the treaty still got ratified.
Where is the federalist party most strong? Where is the Jeffersonian Party the strongest?
The Federalist party from New York to Pennsylvania is where the federalist party has been the strongest. Everything else is Jeffersonian.
New England states meet in NY in Essex County and start succession movement called what?
New England Essex Junto