History Final pt1 Flashcards
who did the federalist party nominate?
John Adams
who did the Democratic Republicans nominate?
Thomas Jefferson
who is Sally Hemmings?
After Jefferson’s wife Martha died Jefferson slept with a slave named Sally Hemmings and then Adams told the public that Jefferson is sleeping with his slave to get people on his side for presidency which the destroyed the friendship and they are now enemies.
What did the 12th Amendment say after it was ratified?
the president and the vice president have to be from the same party.
What 4 presidents did not participate in this swearing in ceremony?
Adams, John Q Adams, Andrew Johnson, and Donald Trump.
What tradition did Washington set when a president leaves office?
To be referred to as the “former president”
who is also attacking the U S A with ships?
The French are now attacking USA ships, so we now have Britain and France attack USA ships and taking men to join their armies
Who is the three ambassadors supposed to meet with?
Prince Talleyrand
Why does Adam send three ambassadors to meet with the french?
To stop the French impressment
What did the x y z people try to do to U S A?
Who meets with the three ambassadors?
Three French people referred to as XYZ
when did the letter say?
Talleyrand will meet with the ambassadors if USA government give 8-million-dollar to French & Talleyrand 3 hundred thousand dollars.
Where does John Adams take the extortion letter?
Congress and the house of representatives and the senate.
What 2 laws does John Adams make?
The alien and sedition laws
What undeclared war does the extortion letter lead to?
The quasi war between U S A and France.
What is the alien law?
Allow president to kick out or deport any immigrant that is considered dangerous to USA saying they are spies. Also, immigrants had to now wait 14 years instead of 5 for an immigrant to be a citizen and vote.
why was the alien law created?
To hurt the number of people to support the Jeffersonian/ Democratic Republican party.
what is the sedition law?
Shut down any newspaper that the president didn’t agree with, but it tended that he didn’t like the Jeffersonian newspaper. Only Jeffersonian/Democratic Republican newspapers are shut down around the country.
What are the two succession movements?
Jefferson: New England. Essex Junto and Lincoln (Confederacy).
What is the Virginia and Kentucky Resolution? What did this set up for?
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (now switched to democratic republican) argue states have rights that the federal government can’t take away, the constitution is a contract between states and federal government (setting up the idea of secession). States can nullify a federal law that they find unconstitutional.