Histology Flashcards
How fast is the peristalsis in the esophagus?
what kind of tissue lines the esophagus?
Non-keratonized stratified squamous epithelium
What is produced in the submucosa glands of the esophagus?
What makes up the Musculo Externa of the upper third of the esophagus?
All skeletal muscles
What makes up the Musculo Externa of the middle third of the esophags?
skeletal and smooth muscle
What makes up the Musculo Externa of the lower third of the esophagus?
All smooth muscle
What controls the skeletal muscles of the upper third of the esophagus?
Vegal stimulation
What are the layers that make up the intestinal wall?
Lining epithelium, Lamina propria, Muscularis Mucosae, Sub Mucosa, Muscular Externa, Mesothelia Cells, Peritoneum
What is more internal Circular muscle layer or Longitudinal muscle layer?
What lies between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers?
The Myenteric Plexus
Where are payers patches and other lymph tissue located?
In the submucosae
What are two significant differences to tell apart esophageal and gastric epithelial lining?
Stomach has gastric pits and villi
What are the ridges of the stomach lining called?
What two pairs of regions in the stomach are alike in epithelial makeup?
Cardia and Pyloric; Body and Fundus
What is different about the body and fundus compared to the cardia and pylorus?
Body and fundus have more complicated, deeper and more compact arrangments of gastric pits
What layer are all the glands of the stomach located?
In the lamina propria, not in the submucosa
What type of cells line the stomach?
simple columnar epithelial
What do chief cells secrete?
Pepsinogen and gastric lipase
What do parietal cells secrete?
HCl and intrinsic factor
Where does Mucin come from in the stomach?
From neck glands in the gastric pits
What are the cells that secrete protein into the capillary system lining the gastric pits called?
Enteroendocrine cells
What kinds of secreting cells are found in abundance in the cardia and pyloric regions?
Mucus neck cells
What is the difference between cardia and pyloric gastric pits?
Pyloric pits are deeper and more convoluded
What cells make mucin in the duodenum?
Goblet cells
What large structures exist in the duodenum that house the secreting cells?
Crypts of lieberkhun
What is different about the epithelium in the duodenum compared to that in the stomach?
Brush border micro villi
What is the function of Paneth cells?
To defend the crypt of lieberkhun from bacterial infection
How big are villi?
0.5 -1 mm
What produces a alkaline mucus in the first two sections of the duodenum?
Brunner’s Glands
What is the function of Brunner’s glands and where are they found?
They produce an alkaline mucus and are found in the first two sections of the duodenum
What is a distinguishing feature of the Ileum?
Payer’s patches
What excretory cell is found in great abundance in the large intestine?
Goblet cells
What are the two findings that distinguish the appendix?
Debris and Lymphatics