Anatomy Clinical Correlates: Abdominal Region Flashcards
What is it called when the bladder and the umbilicus communicate?
urachal fistula (fluid leaks out umbilicus)
Between which 2 muscles does the blood supply for the anterior and lateral abdominal wall run?
transversus abdominis muscle and internal abdominis oblique muscle
What is a direct inguinal hernia?
a herniation of the abdominal contents through Hesselbach’s (Inguinal) triangle (Inferior epigastric artery, Lateral border of rectus abdominis muscle, inguinal ligament)
What is an indirect inguinal hernia?
a herniation of the abdominal contents lateral to Hesselbach’s (Inguinal) triangle (Inferior epigastric artery, Lateral border of rectus abdominis muscle, inguinal ligament)
Which is more common: direct inguinal hernia or indirect inguinal hernia?
indirect inguinal hernia
Which is a surgical emergency: direct inguinal hernia or indirect inguinal hernia?
indirect inguinal hernia
Which is in the inguinal canal: direct inguinal hernia or indirect inguinal hernia?
indirect inguinal hernia
What is a hydrocoele?
presence of excess fluid in a patent portion of the processus vaginalis
Why does spermatic cord torsion warrant immediate surgery?
It cuts off the circulation to the testes, eventually leading to necrosis.
Why is spermatic cord torsion considered a congenital anomaly?
The testes should be extremely well anchored, meaning that something went wrong with this process in development
Why is spermatic cord torsion more common in winter?
Because the cremaster muscle is sensitive to temperature change. Rapid temperature change causes rapid contraction which can cause torsion
Duodenal atresia is associated with what?
Chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy 21
What is the condition of hypertrophy of the stomach muscles that causes projectile vomiting?
pyloric stenosis
What is the condition called when the ventral pancreatic bud splits and wraps around the duodenum in development called?
annular pancreas
Most ulcers occur in where: the stomach or the duodenum?
Are ulcers along the lesser curvature of the stomach most often benign or not?
Carcinomas of the gastroduodenal area most often metastasize to where?
the liver
What structures belong to the foregut?
esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas
What is a common cause of GI bleeds in children?
Meckel’s Diverticulum
What portion of the bowel is most often involved in diseases such as Chron’s disease?
Lymphoma of the bowel occurs most often in the ileum why?
Due to the large amounts of lymphoid tissue (Peyer’s Patches)
Malrotation of the gut and midgut results in what?
excessively mobile intestines which can twist significantly causing a volvulus (obstruction, bleeding, loss of arterial supply)
The persistence of the Vitelline duct that causes an outpouching on the distal ileum is called what?
Meckel’s Diverticulum
What is an omphalomesenteric fistula?
When a Meckel’s Diverticulum communicates with the umbilicus. Feces can leak out.
What is an omphalocoele?
A herniation of the abdominal contents through the umbilical ring due to failure of the midgut loop to return into the abdomen.(10th week)
What is a gastroschisis?
Herniation of abdominal contents through abdominal wall due to incomplete fusion of the lateral folds (4th week)
Which condition, omphalocoele or gastroschisis, results in the intestines being covered in the amniotic sac?
Which is more serious, omphalocoele or gastroschisis?
Congenital megacolon is also called what?
Hirschsprung Disease
What causes Hirschsprung Disease?
Failure of neural crest cells to migrate to the colon.
The dilation of the colon in Hirschsprung disease occurs proximal or distal to the sight of failed neural crest invasion?
If due to portal hypertension, blood flow is redirected from the left gastric vein to the esophageal veins, what syndrome occurs?
Varices (dilated veins in the esophagus)
If due to portal hypertension, blood flow is redirected from the superior rectal vein to the middle and inferior rectal veins, what syndrome can occur?
internal hemorrhoids (life threatening)
If due to portal hypertension, blood flow is redirected from the paraumbilical vein to the superior and inferior epigastric veins, what syndrome occurs?
Caput Medusa (dilated paraumbilical veins)
If due to portal hypertension, blood flow is redirected from the splenic vein to the left renal or colic veins, what syndrome occurs?
Which of the 4 contributions to the diaphragm is involved if there is a congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
pleuroperitoneal membrane
What is main deficit seen in congenital diaphragmatic hernias?
reduced development of the lungs due to the abdominal contents herniation into the pleural cavities.