Higher Cortical Function Flashcards
this lobe Makes up 1/3 of all cerebral cortex and includes:
Primary motor, Premotor, Frontal eye
Field, Supplementary motor, Prefrontal, &
Broca’s area
one notable structure is the motor homunculus?
frontal lobe
structure contained within Broadmen Area 4?
primary motor cortex
structure contained within Broadmen Area 6?
premotor cortex
structure contained within inferior part of Broadmen Area 8?
frontal eye field
structure contained within Parts of Broadmen Areas 6 and 8
supplementary motor area
structure contained within Broadmen Area 9,10,11,12,32,46,47
prefrontal cortex
structure contained within Broadmen Areas 44 and 45
broca’s area
what is the effect of a lesion on the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe?
Lesions cause loss of initiative, careless dress, loss of sense of acceptable social behavior
lobotomy once used to treat this
affiliated with Phineas Gage
what is a lobotomy?
surgical severence of nerve fibers connecting the frontal lobes to the thalamus for relief of some mental disorders
the is lobe makes up 1/5 of the total cortex and includes: Primary and secondary somatosensory, Gustatory, Association
noted for its sensory homunculus (exhibits somatotopic organization)?
parietal lobe
structure contained within Broadmen Areas 3,1,2?
primary somatosensory area
structure contained within Broadmen Areas 43?
primary gustatory cortex
structure contained within Broadmen Areas 5,7,39,40?
parietal association cortex
this medical condition, afflicting the parietal lobe, is due to loss of the ability to
recognize the shapes of the objects by
handling them?
this condition is due to:
Failure to recognize side of body contralateral to injury
May not bathe contralateral side of body or shave contralateral side of face
Deny own limbs
Objects in contralateral visual field ignored
parietal neglect syndrome