Broadmann Associated lesions Flashcards
Lesions – paralysis/paresis of contralateral body area
Primary motor cortex – Broadmann area 4
Lesions – apraxia (inability to perform voluntary movement in the absence of paralysis)
Premotor cortex – Broadmann area 6– programming of movements
Lesion – deviation of eyes to ipsilateral side and paralysis of contralateral gaze
Frontal eye field – Inferior part of area 8– conjugate eye movement to contralateral side
lesion in the left inferior frontal gyrus – supplied by MCA superior division
Broca’s area – areas 44 and 45– functions in speech
what cortex is affected by the following characteristics:
Lesions – loss of initiative, careless dress, loss of sense of acceptable social behavior
Leucotomy or lobotomy (severance of nerve fibers) for severe behavioral disorders
Prefrontal cortex
Lesion – ipsilateral ageusia (absence/impairment of sense of taste)
Primary gustatory cortex – area 43
Astereognosis – loss of the ability to recognize the shapes of the objects by handling them
Supplied by MCA inferior division
Parietal association cortex – areas 39 and 40 (neglect syndrome, astereognosis)
failure to recognize side of body contralateral to injury
Parietal Neglect Syndrome
Lesion – difficulty in recognizing distance and direction of sound (when sound comes
from contralateral side)
Primary auditory cortex – areas 41 and 42
Lesion – aphasia (slow speech, impaired articulation)
Auditory association cortex – area 22 (Wernicke’s area)
prosopagnosia (form of visual agnosia) inability to recognize faces – damaged in Alzheimer’s disease
Bilateral lesion of 20 and 21
Lesion – homonymous hemianopsia (blindness in one half of the visual field of one/both eyes)
Striate cortex, primary visual cortex – area 17
Lesion – visual agnosia (loss of ability to recognize familiar objects/stimuli)
Occipital lobe – areas 18 and 19