Hemiplegia Flashcards
Non-progressive condition of paralysis on one side of body as a result from a CNS lesion
Where does it occur and why
Occurs on opposite side of lesion
- do to the crossover of nerves at the pyramidal tracts in medulla obglongata
Transient ischemia attack (TIA)
If lasts for less then 24hrs
●Cerebrovascular pathology
●Head trauma
●Brain trauma
Most common causes of stroke leading to hemiplegia
●Thrombotic stroke- 66%
●Embolism- 5-14%
●Hemorrhage- 14-20%
Commonly affected areas
●Internal capsul
-can result in motor Dysfunction
Vestibular system
-can cause HT in antigravity mms (mms that hold is up right)
Commonly affected areas
●Internal capsul
-can result in motor Dysfunction
●Vestibular system
-can cause HT in antigravity mms (mms that hold is up right)
Circumducted gait
Swing affected leg forward to clear the floor
Hemiplegic shoulders
Adduction + internal rotation of shoulder with retraction of Scapula
- results in Inferior subluxation
Neglect of affected side
Disassocite with affected limb, deny ownership
Cognitive impairment
Difficulty with language comprehension + memory
Inability to properly organize attempts at movement
●Result of cerebral vascular accident (CVA), make modifications to tx + hydro as hypertension protocols
●Special care when treating SCM
●artherosclerosis present- no deep pressure
●Do not place head in extension + rotation