Heather Moorlands Flashcards
What are the biotic features of a heather moorland
Grouse, Heather, cotton grasses, sundew, wavy hair grass
What are the abiotic features of a heather moorland
Is the heather moorlands a plagioclimax
Yes - as they are burnt every 15 years to stop their progression into a climatic climax (the formation of trees)
What is the first seral stage
First there is bare rock, lichens begin to colonise this rock (they are the pioneer species) The lichens chemically react and break down the outer layer of the rock. This provides minerals. These lichens then are out competed by the mosses and grasses due to the addition minerals
What is the third seral stage
These mosses and grasses die over time and add to the minerals to create soil (from their biomass). Heather then begins to out compete the mosses and grasses as the conditions change and more soil is available
What is the third seral stage
Heather begins to dominate the area. (plagio climax)
What is the forth seral stage
The heather moorland does not reach the 4th stage. it should begin to develop into a forest however they are burnt before this can happen
How has grouse adapted to the environment
the animal life such as Grouse have adapted to have a strong short beak to eat roots, seeds and flower. They have also adapted to blend into the heather due to their fur colour
Why is the heather moorland not a forest
Due to industrialisation, humans cut down trees for the resources which left the landscape barren. Furthermore, humans relocated large populations of sheep to the moorland which eat roots and shoots etc which limits ecological development
How is grouse shootings also limitng the ecological development
As they are grazing animals, the less grazing animal/…
How have humans tried to protect heather moorland
They have set up foundations and charities
State 3 types of heather
bell heather
cross-leaved heather
How do humans manage heather moorlands
Burn surface layer of woody heather every 15 years before it is mature at 25.
It created nutritious growth for grazing animals and taller heather is good for nesting birds
Why should heather moor lands be maintained
It brings in inome from farming and red grouse shooting and it is a iconic historic environment
How is heather valuable
Brings in stable diet for red grouse and deer
one of the major food sources of some hill sheep breeds like scotch black face
What is the aim of burning heather
To keep heather at its most productive stage
What happens if heather is not burnt every 15 years
Succession continues into its climatic climax stage and forest woodland replaces it
When was the heather moorland association set up
How does grouse shooting contribute to the economy
provides over 1500 jobs and £67.7 million a year to the UK economy
How many while red grouse are shot in the red month season
500,000 red grouse are shot in a 4 month season
What are the aims of the doorset heathland project
increase heathland by 560h
monitor results of management on bird numbers
offer management services to local landowners
raise awareness
What threats do heather moorlands face
invasive species such as pine and birch