Heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output Flashcards
What is the definition of heart rate?
The number of times the heart beats per minute
Resting = (72bpm)
What is the definition of stroke volume?
The volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle per beat
Resting = (70ml)
What is the definition of cardiac output?
The volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle per minute
Resting = (5L/min)
What is bradycardia?
A resting heart rate below 60bpm
What are the three things that affect resting heart rate?
Fitness level
How do you calculate maximum heart rate?
When does stroke volume occur?
During ventricle systole as the ventricle walls contract to eject blood Ito the aorta
What is the equation for cardiac output?
Heart rate x stroke volume = cardiac output
What is the resting heart rate of an untrained athlete and a trained athlete?
Untrained = 72bpm Trained = 50bpm
What is the resting value for stroke volume for an untrained athlete and trained athlete?
Untrained = 70 ml Trained = 100ml
What is the resting value for cardiac output for an untrained athlete as trained athlete?
Heart rate responses to exercise:
What happens to the heart rate during sub-maximal exercise?
There is a slight anticipatory rise before exercise There is a rapid increase Then heart rate plateaus Rapid decrease Returning to resting heart rate
Heart rate responses to exercise :
What happens to heart rate during maximal exercise?
Anticipatory rise Rapid increase Slower increase Rapid decrease Slower decrease
Stroke volume responses to exercise:
What two factors allow stroke volume to increase?
Increased venous return, meaning there is a greater volume of blood returning to the heart filling the ventricles
Starlings Law, increases end-diastolic volume in the ventricles and therefore greater stretch on the ventricle walls - ejecting a larger volume of blood from the ventricles
Stroke volume response to exercise:
Why does stroke volume plateau during sub-maximal exercise?
Maximal intensities does not allow enough time for the ventricles to completely fill up with blood in the diastolic phase
Cardiac output responses to exercise:
Cardiac output increases in line with exercise intensity and plateaus during maximal exercise
What is the HR, SV and CO of an untrained athlete at rest?
HR = 70bpm SV = 70ml CO = 5L/min
What is the HR, SV and CO of an untrained athlete at sub-max intensity?
HR = 120 bpm SV = 120 ml CO = 10 L/min
What is the HR, SV and CO of an untrained athlete at max intensity?
HR = 200-age SV = 120 ml CO = 20L/min