Healthy Term Bby Flashcards
Normal birth weigh lies in the range_____
2.5kg- 4.0kg
What nutrients are transferred to the baby through the placenta?
Iron Vitamins Calcium Phosphate antibodies
What stress is felt by the bby during the labour?
Hypoxic environment during contractions
Foetal Hb helps release O2- prolonged labour reduces fetal reserves
Placental insufficiency (smoking/drug use/ pre-eclampsia)
Growth restriction or excess
Increased cortisol and adrenaline enhances adaptation
What phsyiological changes occur with the first cry?
Alveolar expansion
Change from foetal to newborn circulation
Decreased pulmonary arterial pressure
Increased PaO2
Wht is the APGAR score?
- score out of 10
- 0,1,2 each category
Heart rate
Respiratory rate
Normal APGAR score______
> 8
What is the normal “feed” for well grown term bbies?
- little caloric intake in first 24 hrs
What is injected to prevent hemorrhagic disease of the newborn?
Vit. K (IM or oral drops )
—–prevents GI bleeding, LUNG AND CNS
What infections should the mother be screened for?
- Hep C
- TB
- Gr. B streptococcus
What vaccinations can be given to mom and bby?
Maternal Pertussis and Influenza virus
Hep B at BIRTH
BCG in first month
What screening tests are done with newborn?
Cystic fibrosis
Metabolic disease
- thyroid fxn test (HIGH TSH in hypothyroidism; low T4)
Name metabolis conditions is the bby screened for
- pphenylketonuria (PKU) medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) isovaleric acidaemia (IVA) glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) homocystinuria (pyridoxine unresponsive) (HCU)henylketonuria
When is the neonatal examination done?
- within 24hrs of deliverh
What head abnormalities are seen in a newborn?
- overlappin sutures (sliding of skull bones)
- Moulding
- caput s; swelling an dedema under outer layer of skin; reduced in 12 hrs
- ; bleeding in btw bone perioosteum and the epicranial aponeurois
- epidural
What abnormalities of the eyes are seen on wqa
- cataract—can be cortcally blind
- look for red reflex
- conjunctical hemorrhage
- IRIS abnormality
- squints
What are some abnormalities of the ear that may occur to the new born?
- position (esp. with moulding of heads)
- patency of ext. auditory canal
- pits
- folding
- –family hx of hearing loss
What abnormalities may occur with a bby’s mouth?
- shape
- philtrum
- tongue tie
- palate
- neonatal teeth
- ebstein pearls (white pearl seen on gum and penis?)
- sucking/ rooting reflex
What is indicative of the side with facial palsy ?
- lack of nasolabial fold
What to check for, for respiratory ?
- chest shape, nasal flaring, grunting, tachypnea
- in drawing
breath sound
What needs to be screened under the CVS system?
- femoral pulses
- apex
- thrills/heaves
- heart sounds
- color/saturation
What to check for under the GIT system?
Moves with respiration Distension Hernia (in boys) Umbilicus Bile stained vomiting Passage of meconuim Anus- check for fistulas ---gastroschisis (isolated abnormality)
What geniitourinary things should be checked for?
Normal passage of urine
Normal genitalia
Undescended testes
What MSK things are searched for>
Movement & posture Limbs and digits Spine Hip examination ---SPINA BIFIDA common in Scottish Popn
What neurological things are looked for?
Alert, responsive Cry Tone Posture Movement Primitive reflexes