Health & Safety Flashcards
What is HSE?
Health and Safety Executive. Independent watchdog in UK.
What services does HSE provide?
Protect health and safety by controlling risks in the workplace.
Helps businesses adapt to changes in H&S law.
How long should HSE data be kept for?
Technically forever, subject to nature.
What is a CPH&SP?
Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan.
Outlines plan for work to be completed safely.
What is CCS?
Considerate Constructors Scheme.
Not-for-profit founded 1997. Focuses on three areas: Respecting community, environmental care, workforce value.
What type of accident kills the most construction workers?
Most common health risks in construction?
- Height working.
- Falls.
- Moving equipment.
- Noise and vibration.
- Asbestos.
- Electricity.
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment.
Examples of PPE?
Hard Hat.
Steel toe boots.
Hearing protection.
What actions do you take to maintain HS on site?
Avoid restricted areas.
Attend site induction.
Report issues to site management.
If you are going to visit a site solo, what should you do beforehand?
Inform my manager.
Carry out an assessment of risks on site.
What is a CSCS card?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme.
What are the types of CSCS card?
CSCS cards come in a range of colours showing experience, qualifications, seniority of the worker.
Public injured and taken to hospital, what do you do?
Report to HSE. Site management to investigate cause of accident.
What is a prohibition notice?
Requires work to stop immediately, as work activities represent a risk of serious injury. Must not resume until the risk has been mitigated.
When should an AED be used?
During cardiac arrest. It delivers an electrical shock to the heart to to restore normal rhythym.
What is asbestos?
Fibrous mineral, previously widely used due to strength and heat resistance.
When was asbestos banned in the UK?
Types of asbestos surveys?
Management Survey - manage ACMs during occupation and use.
Refurbishment/demolition survey - where the premises needs refurb or demo.
3 most common types of asbestos?
Crocidolite - blue, most lethal.
Amosite - brown, second deadliest.
Chrysotile - usually white, most common type.
What to do if you find asbestos?
Stop work immediately.
Report to site manager, maybe HSE.
Tested by competent contractor.
Regulations in the UK for asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
RICS guidance for asbestos?
Asbestos: legal requirements and best practice (for property professionals and clients) 2021.
Where is asbestos commonly found?
Cement gutters.
Corrugated roofs.
Floor and ceiling tiles.
Insulated boards.
What is an asbestos management plan?
Register and detail how it’s managed in a property.
Methods for managing asbestos?
Main health concerns of asbestos?
Asbestosis - chronic lung disease.
Asbestos lung cancer.
Mesothelioma cancer.
Pleural thickening.
Hierarchy of H&S risk control?
RAMS stands for what?
Risk Assessment and Method Statement.
RICS publication on executing your role safely?
Surveying Safely 2018.
What kind of document is RICS guidance on executing your role safely?
RICS guidance.
What is a “safe person”?
Everyone assumes behavioural responsibility for everyone else’s safety at work.
When is an employer required to have a written H&S Policy?
Every business must have a policy.
Can be verbal if under 5 people in the business.
5 H&S Regulations applicable to projects?
H&S at Work Act 1974.
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
CDM Regulations 2015.
Working at Height Regulations 2005.
Principles of H&S at Work Act 1974?
RTW (Risk Training Welfare)
Employer risk assessment requirements.
Adequate training of staff.
Adequate welfare provisions.
Key principles of LOLER?
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998.
Planned by a competent person.
All equipment is fit for purpose.
Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.
Legal limit before protection is required is 85 dB.
COSHH regulations?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.
Limit and control exposure to e.g.:
- Chemicals.
- Dust.
- Fumes.
- Gases.
- Biological agents.
What is the meaning of corporate manslaughter?
Business or organisation is found to have causes a person’s death.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurances Regulations 2013.
Must report:
- Fatalities.
- Injuries.
- Diseases.
- Dangerous occurences.
- Gas-related incidents.
CDM Regulations 2015?
Construction (Design & Management) 2015.
- Ensure all parties on a project consider H&S of those undertaking works.
Commercial vs Domestic clients?
Business vs own home works.
Under CDM, who must make arrangements for managing a project?
Does CDM apply to own-home works?
DIY, no. Anyone else, yes.
What phases of a project does the Principal designer vs principal contractor own under CDM?
Designer is pre-construction, contractor is entire construction phase.
F10 notification?
Form sent to HSE to notify them of a project.
When is a project notifiable to HSE?
More than 30 days work with more than 20 workers at once time.
OR, lasts more than 500 person-days.
What is the Pre-Construction Information Pack (PCIP)?
Provides information in clients possession to relevant CDM holders.
What is in a PCIP?
- Environmental restrictions.
- HS File.
- Access.
- Working hours/noise.
- Emergency evacuation.
What is a H&S file?
Ensures those who may carry out future works are aware of risks. To plan and manage work to reduce risk.
Who produces a H&S file?
All duty holders are responsible. Principle Designer coordinates.
Who should the designer pass the H&S file to when complete?
Client and end user.
What CSCS card do you have?
White - Academically Qualified Person.
What does CITB stand for?
Construction Industry Training Board.
Which regulation pertains to PPE?
PPE regulation 1992.
What are the 5 parts of CDM?
Client Duties.
Health & Safety Duties.
General Site Requirements.
What are the objectives of the H&S at Work Act?
Protect from injury/illness.
Ensure safety of employee/vistors.
Control of hazardous substances.
Sections of RICS guidance on H&S?
1 - Personal Responsibilities.
2 - Relevance to RICS groups.
3 - Assessing hazards/risks.
4 - places of work.
5 - Occupational health & hygiene.
6 - Visiting site.
7 - Fire safety.
8 - Residential property surveying
9 - General procurement.
Requirements under HSWA 1974 for firms with more than 5 people?
Must have a written H&S policy.
Must publish significant findings of a risk assessment.