Competency Examples Flashcards
Summarise your work in Cost Audits of Sub-contractors?
I ensured that the client was made aware of all outstanding issues with the Sub-contractors payment methodology and what the sub-contractor agreed to change as a result. For example the sign-off process was inadequate without sufficient controls.
Summarize a time you acted ethically?
Contractor submitted wrong rates.
Advised that these should be reduced to match agreed rates.
They agreed and reduced the amount submitted in the AfP.
Cost Estimating and planning, how did you provide value-for-money for the client?
- Prelims benchmarking at 28% rather than standard 14%.
- Advised client to instruct contractor to reduce prelims.
- Value of prelims reduced by 20% by increasing the working window by an hour each side of the normal hours.
- Logistical costs were benchmarking higher, so this made up the additional cost.
Example of construction tech knowledge in practice?
- Heathrow metal floor grommets.
- Back of house.
- Plastic floor grommets were half the price and did not need to be aesthetically pleasing.
- £100k cost saving.
- Re-use of glazed screens, saved £250k.
- Feature lighting not needed, removed £100k from the cost.
Example of contract practice, SALUS AfP?
- £700k AfP.
- Disallowed costs within the AfP, such as additional prelims that were not utilised that month.
- Charges for works on public holidays when works were not taking place.
Example of when you advised the Client to shut down the contract?
- Option E not incentivising the contractor to complete works within budget.
- Advised to move the remaining small amount of works to a TSC contract to close out retention.
Example of when you worked on Option C contract?
I calculated Pain/gain shares on 13 Option C contracts.
Tell me about how you shut down the contract at NNEP?
Underperforming on older framework contracts, and shut down the historic framework to move works onto new compliant framework.
Forecasting was not being updated, despite being in the contract.
Were weren’t the RAG options given weightings?
It was clear from the initial RAG that Option 1 performed the best, even if given weightings as it was the best performer in the key objectives and throughout.
What were the luminaire requirements at Heathrow?
British Lighting Standards apply.
Process control room 300 lux. Walkway/corridor 50 lux.
What incentive packages are applied to Heathrow Option E contracts?
X clauses.
X5 sectional completion.
X7 delay damages.
In terms of quotation timescales, how did you change this?
The contractor needed more time in order to produce a particularly complex quotation, so discussions were held to allow the contractor more time under the contract for that particular CE.
Example of underperformance of a contractor?
Contractor was unable to provide adequate resources to complete one of the projects due to other projects at the same time ongoing.
Example of when you negotiated with a contractor?
Negotiated how to allow for scope that was needed but they had not received any quotations for. It was understood that a value needed to be included, but provisional allowances weren’t allowed under NEC.
What procurement regulations does Heathrow use?
Competition Law, not PCR
Competition Act 1998
What is the role of the RICS?
Advance knowledge, uphold standards, and inspire professionals.
How does the RICS operate?
The RICS operates with a set governance structure, with the Privy Council sitting above the RICS governing council, which sits above the SRB and the RICS management board.
What are the requirements of RICS royal charter?
Promote the usefulness of the profession, uphold standards, and act in the public interest in the UK and globally.
What is a certificate of insurance, and why is it important?
It certifies that a firm holds insurance and the details of that insurance.
What is informed consent?
Informed consent is where there is a conflict of interest identified to the client, but the client wishes to proceed anyway.
What are some examples of data barriers?
Sharepoint, document passwords, physical barriers between departments in offices.
How do you ensure public confidence is maintained through your work?
Ensuring that all work is value-for-money.
How do you encourage D&I through your work?
Running a social value charter with National Highways.
Always ensuring to do a D&I moment before meetings.
How did you advise on Ethics?
I completed cost assurance of subcontractors at Network Rail, Thames Water and Thames Tideway.
While at NNEP, I advised the client that the contractor was using greater rates than allowed under the framework agreed rates, and advised the contractor to reduce these rates. This is ethical to ensure that public money used on this project is value-for-money.
How did you advise on ethics in terms of National Highways?
I advised the ways in which the roads can be inclusive for accessibility reasons for speech and hearing impaired.
How do you handle negative feedback from a client?
I first discuss the matter in detail with the client, to understand their reasoning. I then discuss this feedback with my manager to make sure an action plan is in place.
How are client objectives important, and what is T&T’s commission management plan?
T&Ts commission management plan involves highlighting a clients key priorities and values, making sure that we align to their needs. For example at Heathrow this involves Net Zero by 2050.
How did you act beyond requirements?
I helped to provide support in producing a flow chart to support alignment of governance deadlines between the client and the contractor. This sped up the governance process by 3 weeks, allowing projects to proceed through gateways faster. I also worked outside of my contractual hours where required.
How did lessons learnt impact your work at NNEP?
At the end of projects, lessons learnt were undertaken, and as such I advised the client to utilise NEC4 TSC contracts. This saved the client time relative to a PSC or ECC contract.
What are some styles of communication?
Verbal, body language, written, visual.
How do you lead meetings with the contractor to negotiate quotations?
At Heathrow, I negotiate tender submissions on the Security Programme framework, which I review against scope, take-offs and benchmarked rates to ensure value-for-money.
How do templates help in client care?
They ensure consistency and certainty, making benchmarking easier, and allowing easier readability.
What is the HSAWA 1974?
Principles include providing a safe working environment, providing PPE, training staff on H&S.
What is CDM 2015?
Governs health & safety during the design stage of projects to ensure that it is considered and recorded.
What is COSHH?
Covers substances such as dust, fumes, gases. Asbestos, radioactive and flammables not covered.
What is RIDDOR?
Ensures that injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurences are reported to the HSE, and that projects are notified to the HSE.
What are the asbestos regulations?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
What is included in a site induction?
Safe paths, potential risks, required PPE, emergency procedures.
What is your role under CDM?
Why is your role designer under CDM?
I review and asssure information submitted, while considering H&S.
What H&S issue have you reported to the site manager previously?
One member of staff was consistently not wearing his goggles, a key element of 5 point PPE. I advised and they were told to wear it going forward.
What financial statements is a company required to submit?
Balance Sheet.
Cash Flow Statement.
Income Statement.
What is your businesses current financial position?
Most recent year-end figures of £1.3bn in Net Revenue.
CBRE will grow this in January to £2.5bn.
How do you consider a contractors financial position when looking at tenders?
I review their financial statements and consider financial ratios such as liquidity ratios, gearing ratios or profitability ratios to ensure they are financial stable.
What is T&Ts current business plan?
Vision 2025, soon to be replaced by vision 2030.
Net Zero by 2040.
Becoming a market leader in commercial management.
How do you contribute to T&Ts business plan?
By providing good quality and diligent service to my client. By ensuring that I consider sustainability in my work with the client.
How do you avoid and manage conflicts?
Ensure that all communications are as clear as possible, and providing prompt responses. Answering any queries that the parties may have.
Ensuring that all parties have a mutual understanding of the contract documentation.
In regards to your case study, given the chance again, what would you do differently?
As this was my first project at Heathrow, now I have more confidence I would ensure to ask more questions on scope in regards to the PM, to avoid last minute changes in each cost plan before the deadline.
What is the impact of adjudication on construction contracts?
Allows disputes to be solved quicker than previously, and with less adversarial attitude so the parties can hopefully continue to work together.
Rights under GDPR?
Right to:
- informed
- access
- Erasure
- rectification
- automated decision making
- etc.
Principles of GDPR?
- lawfulness
- purpose
- data minimisation
- accuracy
- integrity
- confidentiality.
Risks of using BCIS?
May not be as specific to the client as client project data would be.
What was the most recent D&I newsletter you read?
Reverse mentoring is a scheme that T&T do annually, allowing junior employees to voice their opinions on EDI to senior management, in a safe space.
What is part M of the building regulations?
Access to and use of buildings.
What are 4 examples of protected characteristics of the equality act?
Age. Race. Sex. Sexual orientation.
What are the pillars of sustainability?
Why is the construction industry important in sustainability?
40% of global emissions.
We have the power to influence the worlds future.
RICS wants to be a leader in this as well, as one of Tina Paillet’s pillars.
What is part L of the building regulations?
Conservation of fuel and power.
Could you tell me 3 example of UN SDGs?
No Poverty. No Hunger. Clean Water.
Difference between NRM1, 2 and 3?
NRM 1 - order of cost estimates and cost planning.
NRM 2 - bills of quanties.
NRM 3 - OCE and cost planning for maintenance.
What is the difference between CapEx and OpEx?
CapEx is initial outlay costs.
Opex is operating costs, for day to day after capital expenditure.
Why is WBS important?
It breaks down the different elements of a project so they can be capitalised and amortized over the lifecycle of a project.
How does value management judge a project budget and schedule?
SPI and CPI.
How do Heathrows gateways align with the RIBA plan of works?
G2 broadly aligns with RIBA stage 2/3. G3 broadly aligns with RIBA 3-4. G4 aligns with G5 and it goes from there.
What is the difference between an OCE and a cost plan?
OCE is a point in time estimate. Cost plans are based on more mature design and can evolve through a project and form the baseline.
How do you advise on the accuracy of contractor quotation submissions?
At Heathrow, I compare benchmark rates against market rates, and compare quantities against drawings provided by the architect. I advised the client that the contractor submissions did not cover the full scope, and asked the contractor to further uplift their quotation so that the client would have a full submission.
What did you advise at SALUS in regards to design economics?
I compared quotations against previous quotations to ensure that inflation was accurate against BCIS indices.
At Heathrow, what advice did you give to the project team?
I advised the client that the calculated benchmark rate of 14% was not being met, and that the client should ask for a reduction in the value of 28% that the project had. This reduced the value of preliminaries by more than 20%. This was less than expected due to the logistics costs being greater for that particular project.
What did you advise in regards to value-for-money, on design econs and cost planning?
I produce VfM reports at the G3 stage at Heathrow, breaking down the contractors submission at an elemental level.
What are some sustainable construction methods?
SUDS, electrical plant, using recycled materials, ensuring energy efficiency of buildings.
Name 3 examples of modern methods of construction?
CFA piles, pre-fab modules, 3D printing, pre-fab piles.
What construction techniques have you seen on site?
Installation of raised access flooring on site.
Steel top, high density particle, steel sheet, and pedestals on top of screed and slab.
What does the wildlife and countryside act do?
Legislation to protect specific animals such as great crested newts, badgers, bats, birds.
What is an example of protecting species on site?
Bird nets to reduce the risk of bird strikes on planes at Heathrow.
Why would an electrical JCB be used instead of petrol?
To ensure that passenger experience is unaffected in terms of fumes indoors. This also protects staff operating while the excavator is used.
How deep were the excavations?
Around 1m in depth, to replace the flooring and substructure in that particular part of the building.
What assumptions did you make in regards to the disused hotel?
Raised access flooring used instead of trenching.
Ceiling height assumptions based on prior projects.
What did you advise on Heathrow Terminal 4?
I advised the client on cost of two different solutions for floor grommets. I advised that the plastic grommets would be more effective at fulfilling the scope at a lower cost compared to the metal option. I did this through value engineering and saved the client £100k in the process.
What else did you advise on Terminal 4 in regards to construction tech?
I advised the client to re-use existing glazed screens instead of installing brand new screens. Firstly saving money to the value of £250k and also aligning with their environmental goals.
What did you advise at Heathrow in regards to feature lighting?
I advised the client that feature lighting in back of house areas were not required. These lights do not serve a functional purpose and only specifically highlight certain areas of the terminal. Money to a value of £100k was saved as a result.
What did you learn during your law and surveying professional practice module at university?
I learnt the impact of different laws on construction contracts, including the impact of HGCRA and LDEDCA.
What is the relevant legislation in regards to procurement?
Previously PCR for infrastructure projects, to be replaced by the Procurement Act from February 2025. Heathrow used competition law.
What are the key introductions of the HGCRA 1996?
Right to adjudication.
Interim payments.
Right to suspend performance for non payment.
What are the key introductions of the LDEDCA?
Oral contracts.
Part suspension of performance for non payment.
Pay less notice.
Default notice.
What contract documentation did you draft while at NNEP?
Flow charts to improve the understanding of contract governance processes between client and contractor. The X1 clause was also negotiated to be included due to the high inflationary pressure at the time in 2022.
For contract practice, what did you advise in regards to early warnings?
I advised the PM whether an early warning was acceptable under the contract, such as one whereby the contractor had found antiquities on site and thus had to temporarily halt works until the antiquities were dealt with.
For contract practice, what did you advise in regards to compensation events?
The contractor had applied for a CE in relation to not being given access to site, this was a fair CE and I advised the project manager that this was allowed under the contract.
What else did you advise on SALUS?
I advised on a £700k value AfP, and reduced value for disallowed costs. I advised that costs were included in the application that were not justified by the contractor records, as they said they had not yet received a quotation. As a result I disallowed this cost until they were able to provide evidence.
What did you advise in regards to the Option E contract?
I advised that the Option E contract was moved onto an established TSC contract, and that the small remainder of the works were carried out under a Task Order on the new contract. This contract had increased incentive packages to ensure the contractor performed well.
What did you advise in terms of Option C contracts?
I advised on the pain/gain share and advised when the client needed to uplift their funding for particular projects. This allowed the client to gain understanding of their projects progress against budget and the potential gain or pain made.
What are the four primary methods of procurement?
Design-Build, Traditional, Management contracting, construction management.
What are the main methods of tendering?
One stage, two stage, negotiated, open, selective, negotiated w/ dialogue.
What is included within a PQQ?
Insurances, financial statements, previous experience, health & safety.
What is FTS?
Find a Tender Service.
How did you deal with governance during procurement?
I made sure that governance deadlines were met in regards to the level of funding on different projects.
What KPI’s were used while at NNEP?
I advised on the use of collaboration, forecasting and number of defects.
How did you review pricing for first stage before the second stage?
Made sure that the price for the design after the first stage was fair, as the programme supplied did not reflect this. I advised to the client a review of phasing is completed to align with client requirements before proceeding to stage two.
What did you review in terms of procurement at Heathrow?
I reviewed procurement of all 144 lanes to be installed at Heathrow airport, and produced a cost plan to price this budget for governance before the contract was awarded to Smiths. These are capitalised as ACWP on each cost plan.
What incentivisation packages are included in Heathrow NEC Option E contracts?
X5 for Sectional Completion. X7 for delay damages. Guaranteed maximum price elements are also used.
What did you advise in terms of the schedule of cost components?
The framework SoCC did not include software costs that should instead be covered under the contractors OHP.
How is cash flow management important to a business?
Allows the business to make financial decisions on future investments by understanding their income and outgoings each month.
In project finance, what did you advise the client?
I lead the team in closing the historic framework to move the works onto the regulation compliant framework. Forecasting was not being updated each month, despite being submitted. I then advised the client of this and told them that they would be better suited on the new compliant framework. The client was previously not enforcing the agreed forecasting KPI’s, and I advised the client to enforce these going forward.
How did you advise the client in terms of strike action?
I calculated the daily run rate for staff at that particular point in the project, and highlighted the possible increased cost as a result of 3 days of strikes. This allowed the client to understand the cost impact of the strikes on their cash flow in advance due to my advice.
How did you review month-end forecasts at Heathrow?
I reconciled the cost on EcoSys to the CE’s on CEMAR, and produced a RoM based on G3 benchmarks at a value of 1.5m. By ensuring that these changes in contract value are captured between the G2 and G3 gateways, I advise the client on the possible increases in funding they need to request from the airlines.
What do you advise in terms of programme cost allocations?
I ensure that welfare costs are captured within each cost plan for all projects within the security programme, so are not project specific. I make sure the allocation from the project controls team is reasonable.
Why are assumptions and exclusions important in cost planning?
They provide a basis for your costs, where there is uncertainty. They also make it easier for the user to read the cost plan and understand what scope is covered within the plan and references.
In quant and costing, how did you advise the client on preliminary values at Heathrow?
I based the prelims on the P6 programme to calculate a weekly rate based on benchmarks from other security programme projects with Mace. This is also compared against airport-wide data.
What did you advise Heathrow in regards to the sub-contractor costs on quantification and costing?
I advised the client that the sub-contractors costs greatly exceeded the benchmarked rates, and advised the client to request a resubmission with the evidence I had produced. This saved the client 0.5m as a result.
What did you advise the client on preliminaries?
I advised the 28% benchmark was more than double the benchmark rate of 14%.
What Z clauses were used at NNEP?
Nuclear indemnity.
Not embarass the MoD.
What are the timescales for compensation events?
Contractor 8 weeks to notify the client, if not notified by the PM.
Client 1 weeks to respond.
Contractor 3 weeks to provide a quotation.
Client 2 weeks to respond, with an extra 2 weeks if the contractor hasn’t received a response.
What is clause 10.1 under NEC?
Act as stated in the contract. 10.2 is To act in the spirit of mutual trust and co-operation.
Under contract admin, how did you advise the client around the global staff tracker?
I assessed payments and advised the clients PM on replying to early warnings and CE’s, correcting timescales where needed. I also reconciled the global staff tracker to find that people were overbooking time over two contracts and overcharging the client.
In Contract Admin, How did you decide the compensation event wasn’t accepted?
It did not have any substantiation and the contractor was unable to provide.
What percentage penalties were applied to the KPIs at NNEP?
5% typically if a KPI wasn’t met.
How does a QCRA work?
Quantitative cost risk analysis uses a basis of estimate that I provide. The likelihood is taken into account and a monte-carlo simulation is completed which gives outputs at P50, P80 and P99 value at Heathrow.
What is the difference between TRA, terminal float, and total float?
TRA is the time risk in relation to a project, and adds prolongation costs in terms of preliminaries.
Terminal float is the amount an activity can be delayed without delaying the whole project.
Total float is the difference between planned completion and the contractual completion date.
What is the difference between a PSC/ECC and a TSC?
TSC is typically used to maintain assets, while ECC is used to build assets. However, the TSC task orders were completed in a way that each required a programme and the projects were a smaller scale.