Health and saftey Flashcards
What are the CDM 2015 regulations?
The construction Design and Management regulations aim to improve health and safety in buildings before and after construction.
CDM regulation apply to all buildings and construction work.
What items would you expect to find in the PCI?
- Information about the project, such as the client brief and key dates of the construction phase
- Information about the planning and management of the project such as the resources and time being allocated to each stage of the project and the arrangements to ensure there is cooperation between duty holders and the work is coordinated
- Information about the health and safety hazards of the site, including asbestos surveys, structural information, ground information, service locations etc
- Design and construction hazards and how they will be addressed
- Any relevant information from any previous existing health and safety file
- Requirements of the health and safety file
What are the key implications of the CDM regulations?
They place legal duties on the dutyholders to consider H&S on site and during the in-use phase of the project.
What would you expect to find in the CPP?
In the construction phase plan complied by the contractor I would expect:
-a project description
- The proposed process for managing the works including inductions, training, welfare, communication
-Arrangements for for Controlling Safety Risks eg traffic
- Arrangements for Controlling Health Risks eg dusty work
- the health and saftey files requirements
What would you find in the H&S file?
the health and safety file should include:
- information to help plan further maintenance of the building
- A description of the project and works
- any residual hazards remaining, for example encapsulated asbestos and surveys
- technical details regarding structural elements of the building
-any hazardous materials used
- the location of significant services such as the incoming power, water or gas mains
What is a F10
a F10 form is notification to the HSE that there is a notifiable construction project, for a project to be notifiable it must have more than 500 works days or more than 20 people on-site any any one time over 30 days or more.
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 2013
The reasonable person must report any death, reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence to the HSE
The responsible person is the employer or contractor
What incidents are reportable under RIDDOR?
-Death and major injury, including loss of consciousness or loss of a limb
-occupational diseases
-Dangerous occurrences such as explosions, structural collapse or collision
- Gas incidents
What does COSHH stand for
Control of substances hazardous to health
it regulates the use and storage of chemicals that could be harmful.
What H&S precautions do you take when going on site?
I wear my 5 point PPE including safety boots, hard hat, hi-viz, gloves and eye protection. and I receive a site induction
Who do you inform that you are going onsite?
I sign in at the site office, and let the site manager know I am here.
I make sure my line manager is aware of my movements.
What does PPE stand for
Personal protective equipment
How did a CSCS test benefit you?
It made more better aware of health and safety issues to consider when visiting construction sites.
What does CSCS stand for
The Construction Skills Certification Scheme
On your case study project, what measures did you or your company take to ensure good standards of H&S?
- My company undertook the role of principal designer producing the PCI documentation before the work began.
- During site visits I wore and made sure others wore the correct PPE
- including health and safety on the progress meeting agenda
- By raising any health and safety concerns
-complying with my companions H&s policies
What is a risk assessment?
A calculation for assing and recording risk.
A risk assessment is where each expected risk is examined by accounting for its likelihood of happening versus the impact of the risk materialising.
Mitigation measures can then be accounted for to reduce the risk to tolerable levels.
What are the 5 steps to risk assessment?
- identify the hazards
- decide who may be harmed and how
- Evaluate the risk and consider precautions
- record your findings and implement the measures
- Review and update regularly
What is the role of the HSE?
The HSE is a regulatory body. Its role is to prevent work-related death, injury, and ill health:
What are the powers of the HSE?
- They can conduct site visits without notice
- they can issue enforcement notices
- They have the power to close a business or site
- Initiate prosecutions
What is your company’s health and safety policy?
- All work will be carried out in accordance with statutory requirements
- all reasonable measures will be taken to avoid injury or ill health
- As far as reasonably possible Ridge will provide a safe working environment for employees and those affected by its works
-Ridge will fully comply with the duties placed upon it within the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
What is the health and safety at work act 1974?
- The act is the primary legislation regarding h&S in the workplace in the UK
- it places statutory duties on all employers to provide and maintain equipment and systems needed to carry out works
- Employers with more than 5 employees must have a written h&S documents
-The act also applies to employees they must take reasonable care of their own and others around them health and saftey
What is the Building Safety Act 2022
The legislation brought in after the Grenfell tragedy which aims to improve the design and construction and management of Higher-risk buildings.
It came into force in 2023.
it has introduced new duty holders similar to those of the CDM regulations, these apply to almost all building projects:
- principal designer must be appointed in writing before construction begins
-Principle Contractor
- the Client
The BRPD’s role is to audit the design process and challenge design changes to ensure compliance with building regulations.
What do you do if you suspect a material contains asbestos?
Prior to a construction project, I would suggest the client undertake a RAD survey to confirm the presence of an ACM and ensure that the material is not disturbed in the meantime.
During construction, the contractor should seal off the area while a sample is taken, and then a licenced carrier should remove any ACM.
What is the RICS surveying safely publication?
- Surveying safely: health and safety principles for property Professionals 2018
- this document outlines RICS guidance on safety during carrying out professional surveying work
What other guidance is available for health and safety?
- The HSE have a guide ‘Health and Safety in Great Britain’
The construction industry is notorious for accidents and deaths on-site. What measures are taken to prevent this from occurring?
- Making sure there is adequate time for work to be undertaken so short cuts are not taken
- make sure everyone on-site or visiting the site feels comfortable to raise h&S concerns
- making sure everyone on site is suitably trained and and has up-to-date training
- make sure there is management and planning in place for the highest risks, such as falls, fire, and vehicle movements.
Which accident kill the most operatives in construction?
Falls from height.
What is the CCS?
The considerate contractor’s scheme aims to improve the interactions between contractors and the public through cleanliness, communication and engagement.
What are RAMS
risk assment and method statment
What does the word hazard mean?
anything that could poetntially cause harm or damage.
In a risk assessment what does risk mean?
Risks are the likely hood or chance that a hazard could cause harm or damage
Who is the national regulator for work pace helath and safety?
the HSE
When does a employer have to prepare a written H&S policy and record the significant findings of risk assessments?
When they employ 5 or more people
What does a risk assessment tell you?
the likely hood and serveirty of foreseeable risks and thier control measures .
When should PPE be considered?
PPE is the last resort for H&S, the risk should be elimiated or reduced through other measures first.
What are the 5 steps of managing risks?
- identify the hazards
- assess the risks
- put in place control measure
- record findings
- review controls
What is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety?
the health and saftey at work act 1974
Under the H&S at work act 1974 whihc two grouples do employers have a general duty to?
Their employees and the general public
What is the main legislation for managing risks and risk assessments at work?
The managment of H&S at work regulations 1999
At what height does a worker need to be considered working at height
Any height great enough to cause personal injury if there is no percautions in place.
What three things do fires need to start?
Fuel, oxygen, iginiation
When must you keep a written record of your fire risk assessment?
employ 5 more people
What is the quailifcation for working on gas applicances?
Gassafe registered
If somone has died of a work place related accident who does this have to be reported to under RIDDOR?
the HSE
When is a project notifable?
more than 20 works onsite at anyone time and over 30 days on site OR 500 worker days
What is the online form for notifying the HSE of a project?
Give an example of risks that affect lone workers?
Violence, working in isolated areas, mental health
The person who has a legal duty to manage asbestos in a building is the dutyholder, give an example.
The person who owns, manages or controls the building
When should you review controls put into place via a risk assessment?
When the controls may no longer be affective and after any changes in the workplace