Diversity inclusion and teamworking Flashcards
What are some type of teams?
- Design teams
- Project teams
- departments/ office teams
What are some examples of teamwork you have demonstrated?
- On various projects, I have been involved in project and design teams, where we have worked collaboratively to overcome issues. I like to gather the team together to brain storm solutions and agree next steps.
- For instance, on Franks Lane, the method of replacing the floor covering that was trapped below the staircase supports was covered by a provisional sum at the tender stage. At the pre-start meeting, I invited the named joinery and flooring sub-contractors so an approach could be agreed on-site with all parties. This was then confirmed in writing, and a fixed cost was provided for the project.
What is work place diversity?
Workplaces that are made up of people of different from different backgrounds, faiths, races and genders create better workplaces.
It increases the talent pool and can bring new viewpoints.
What are some advantages of a diverse team?
Diversity can improve productivity, creativity, enhanced cultural awareness, and reputation
a lack of diveristy can lead to a insulator working enviroment which sitffles inovation and creativity leading to stagnation.
What are inclusive environments?
inclusive environments are the places that can be accessed, used safely, easily and with dignity by everyone, no matter ability, neurodiversity or faith.
it does not phsyically segergate or discriminate or isolate.
it should be well designed and functional, efficent and sustainable
Why are inclusive environments important?
Encourages independant living, addresses the needs of a aging population, improved reputation. and the benifit everyone and meet legal requirments
What legislation or Regulation relates to inclusive environments?
The equality act 2010
the human rights act 1998
Part m of the building regulations
Please explain your understanding of inclusion within the workplace?
Inclusion in the workplace means making all employees welcome and making them comfortable to be who they are.
What is meant by unconscious bias?
When assumptions and judgements are made unconsciously based on a person’s race, gender, age, or disability
What is equailty and anti-disrimination law for?
To protect indiviuals from being unfairly treated or discriminated against
Which rule of conduct relates to diveristy and inculsion?
Rule 4
What is diveristy?
having a broad range of people with different backgrounds, educations, classes, race, gender, sexuality and religons
What is inculsion
inculsion is making sure you promote equity to allow all people to contribute fairly and feel comfortable in the workplace
What is equity?
Equity is providing what indiviuals need to perform rather than offering the same to everyone. Some people need more help than others.
give an example of how to build a collaborative team?
Investing in relationships, focused HR pratices, having the right team leaders,
What is ISO 44001
the international standard for collabartive bussiness relationships - this covers customers, suppliers and within a bussiness.
What does reasonable adjustment mean?
Making changes to accomdate disabled indivuals needs
What legislation requires reasopnable adjustemnts to be made?
the equaility act 2010
What does the NPPF say about inclusive enviroments?
Section 8 relates to the provison of healthy inculsive and safe places, it highlights that it is important to provide inculsive quailty developments
What is approved Document M of the building reulations?
This is the building regulation part that relates to access to and use of buildings inculding facilities for disabled occupants or visitors.
What is BS 8300
Part 2 of The british standard inculdes reccomendations for inculsive and accessble design of buildings and spaces within them.
What is inculsive design?
it seeks to create buildings and spaces that welcome all people. consider the needs of people with phsyical, nuerodiverigent and congitive diffculites.
Explain the inculsive design overlay for the RIBA plan of work?
the overlay introduces inculsive design in 5 key roles:
project manement team
design team
construction team
asset manament team
Give an example of an inculsive eniviroment
a place or space that is usable by everyone, provides choice and is convenient.