Health and Safety Flashcards
What is the difference between a risk and a hazard ?
Hazards will harm, risk is the likiehood of somethig occuring
What us the assessing risk sequence within the RICS surveying safely guidance note?
1 - identify the hazard 2-Decide who might be harmed 3 - Evaluate the Risks and precautions 4 -record the findings and implement them 5 - review the assessment 6- advise all those affected
What is the hierarchy of risk control within the RICS Surveying safely guidance note
1 - eliminate 2 - substitution 3 -engineering control 4- administrative controls 5 - PPE
What does RIDDOR stand for and what does it require ?
Reporting of Injuries, Disease, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
- Employers must record all work related injures, death/ diseases -
-A report must be received within 10 days of the incident.
For accidents resulting in the over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker, you must notify the enforcing authority within 15 days of the incident, using the appropriate online form.
What are the control of asbestos regulations 2012 and what do they cover
A statutory duty on responsible person to manage existing asbestos. The duty holder must: not expose people, building work - undertake survey of location / condition / type,
When was asbestos Band ?
What did the CDM regulations change?
Removed the role of CDM coordinator and produced the Principle Designer
What did the BSA 2023 change to the CDM ? -check
duty holders under CDM have additional duties to plan, manage and monitor their activities in relation to building regulations.
- Clients
- designers
- principle designers
- contractors
- principle contractors
What is a risk assessment ?
a systematic examination of tasks assessing the likelihood hazards will occur and the impact they will have
What are the requirements for a F10 (notifiable)?
500 person days or over 30 working days with 20+ workers on site at any time
What is the role of the PD under CDM 2015?
- Manages H&S pre construction
- Advise client of PCI - additional surveys
- Helps designer eliminate risks
- Produce H&S file
- Liaise with PC
- Ensure communication of pre team
What are the clients responsibilities under the CDM Regs 2015?
- Suitable arrangements for managing a project
- appoint appropriate duty holders
- suffient time &resource
- maintain and review management arrangements throughout the project
- Provide PCI to designers an cons
- ensure PC prepares CPP prior to start
- ensure PD pres H&S file
- Notify HSE if F10is required
What are the contractors responsibilities under the CDM Regs 2015?
- plan and carry out work minimising H&S risks
- Liaise with client &PD for duration to manage risks
-Welfare - Ensure subcontractors have the relevant skills
- site inductions
- secure site prior to the start of the works
- liaise with PD - share Info from pre - con
What are the designers responsibilities under CDM Regs 2015?
- ensure client is aware of duties
- take into account PCI
- Eliminate risks/ mitigate
- provide info to PD, Client and contractor
- communicate to designers and contractors
What is a method statement ?
Document detailing the process a task will be carried out
- will include hazards, PPE/ Equipment to be used and methods of control
what are the three main types of asbestos ?
Chrysotile - white, Amosite- brown, crocidolite - blue
What is the difference between licensed, notifiable non licensed and non licensed?
Notifiable = HSE must be notified 14 days before its removal
Licensed asbestos removal is work that needs to be conducted by an HSE-licensed contractor because the risk involved is deemed to be high
-Non-licensed asbestos removal means that the contractors do not need to be HSE-licensed to carry out the work as it is classified as lower risk - e.g. removal of floor tiles, textured decorative coatings- they still require training
What is a risk register?
Log for risks, addresses them, assesses the likelyhood & impact, means of reducing, costs.
What is COSHH?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regs 2002. Assesment required if working with or around substances.
What is the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005?
Consolidates previous legislation, requires responsible person to take reasonable steps to remove the fire risk and ensure safe escape. Requires FRA
What does the Workplace (H, S and Welfare) Regs cover?
Maintenance, ventilation, lighting, space, workstations.
What are the 9 protected characteristics detailed in the Equality Act 2010?
Age, race, sex, gender reassignment, disability, religion, sexual orientation, marriage, pregnancy.
What is to be included in a Construction Phase Plan?
- Key dates
- working together/communication, identify H&S dangers and how to overcome them
- Welfare
- Traffic management measures
- Waste disposal
How do you know the correct number of toilets required on a construction site?
The HSAWA 1974 sets the requirements for welfare provisions at work
What height is required for edge protection?
1100mm - Part K
What is on the front of surveying safely ?
- A cube pattern - 2edi - November 2018
What are the principles of the RICS Surveying Safely guidance note?
The safe person concept = each individual assumes safety for themselves and others then everyone will be safe, provides organisational and individual responsibilities
What is a Dynamic Risk Assessment?
- a risk assessment completed immediately prior to completing the activity
Where does an F10 form need to be kept?
In the construction site office for all workers to see.
What documentation are you aware of surrounding legionnaires disease?
HSE Legionnaires’ disease - Technical guidance HSG 274
What certificates may be issued after an asbestos removal?
- Disposal certificate, certificate of reoccupation, air clearance certificate
What is the SMSTS?
Site Management Safety Training Scheme - evidence of further qualifications for site managers and h&s focus
What does CSCS stand for and what card have you got?
Constructions Skills Certification Scheme. Academically qualified car = if i pass APC = Professionally qualified person card
What is an Approved code of practice are you are aware of?
Approved Code of Practice Legionnaires’ disease L8. Details risk assessments, control measures and role of the competent person
What form is used to notify the HSE of asbestos removal works?
ASB5 form - completed online on the HSE website
What is the most common cause of injuries on construction sites?
Does CDM cover domestic projects?
Yes incorporated within CDM 2015- clients duties automatically passed onto the contractor, or client can elect PD
When is a PD required ?
When there is or is likely to be more than one contractor- HSE
Who can be a PD?
Anyone with relevant skills, knowledge & experience. AT RLB must have level 3 qualification.
What is your companies lone working policy?
Complete LW assessment prior to works. Onsite - ring line manager when driving to site, ring when arrived, complete a dynamic risk assessment, ring when inside & every hour after, ring when leaving & when home.
What was included with the lone working risk assessment?
Address, contact details, line manager details, known site hazards, hours of work, purpose, asbestos review, PPE required
What checks did you undertake prior to attending site on your desktop risk assessment?
Asbestos, checking local area on google maps - nebourghing properties, as built drawings, previous survey details, travel time.
What are the principles of RICS Surveying Safely?
“Safe Person” scheme - look after your own safety then everyones safety will be ok.
What were your roles as lead designer for the project?
- Ensure Client is aware of duties
- Take into account PCI
- Eliminate Risks -if not mitigate
-Provide info to PD,Cli, c - Communication to designers &Cons
What is the hirarcy of risk control in surveying safely guidance
1- eliminate 2- subsistion 3 - Eningering controls 4 - adminstative controlc 5- PPE
Who is responsible for H&S during construction phase?
PC is responsible for minimising H&S risks
What are the HSE working at height regs risk control measures?
1 = Avoid WaH where possible
2 = prevent falls by using safe spaces / correct equipment
3 = minimise the distance / consequences of falls
What type of dust extraction is required ?
Class M extraction = products extract most of the dust that is produced at construction sites or workshops,