Ethic Flashcards
What are the RICS 5 rules of conduct ?
Rule 1 - Members must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their professional obligations, including obligations to RICS
Rule 2 - Members and firms must maintain their professional competence and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals who have the necessary expertise
Rule 3 - Members and firms must provide good-quality and diligent service
Rule 4 - Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion
Rule 5 - Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public confidence in the profession
Who is the current RICS President
Tina Paillet FRICS- 2024
When was the RICS founded?
1968 - first president john clutton and received its royal charter in 1881 - granted self -regulation
Who is chair of the RICS North West Region?
Stephen Ashworth
What is the RICS’s Motto?
Est modus in rebus”, which is Latin for “There is measure in all things
What is Lionheart?
An independent charity run specifically for RICS professionals.Confidential advice & support.
Your set up your own practice tomorrow, what do you need to do?
- Inform the RICS
- responsible principle
-register with RICS regulation
-client account - Complaints handling procdure
- Staff training and CPD
- Use of designations
- register with companies house & for VAT
What must RICS Regulated firms have and produce?
- Complainst handleing system
- Annual returns submitted to RICS
-25% + partners are MRICS, Responsible principal
What must you do when closing a practice?
- Inform RICS
- return clients money
- Inform PII
- Provide run-off cover
- retain client files for run-off period
What does the royal charter mean with regards to RICS?
- Consumer protection and example of prestige for body
- self governance
What are the bye-laws
Bye-Laws sit under the royal charter and form the laws for the RICS. Regulations sit under the Bye- laws. - BYE LAW 2 - Membership and registration
Why do you want to become a charted surveyor?
To be recognised as a professional capable of providing a high level of service
You suspect money laundering is occurring, what do you do?
Consider informing the national crime agency by sending a suspicious activity report
What is the RICS Matrics?
A body aimed at newly qualified surveyors. APC support, CPD sessions and networking.
What are the RICS requirements for qualified members?
Minimum of 20hrs a year CPD (min 10hrs formal) submitted 31st Jan every year, professional & ethics standards every 3years. Failure = fixed penalty caution, on record 10years, 2nd £150, 3rd disciplinary panel (expulsion
What do you do if a client overpays you?
Return excess funds including any interest that has accumulated.
Name different types of documents the RICS produces and what they require.
Professional statments - mandatory requirements - RICS Property Measurement Professional Statement, CoI, CB/C/ML&TF, CMH.
Guidance notes - recommendations - RICS SS. CoMP, TDDofCP
RICS Code of Practice - mand / recommended - approved by RICS,
International standard - mand,
RICS Info Paper - best practice.
Name 2 cases relating to negligence.
- Donoghue v Stevenson 1932 - Donoghue drank a bottle with a snail in it, manufacturer owed a duty of care to customer.
- Merrit v Babb (2001) - surveyor sued for negligence by former client when firms PII cover was cancelled when firm became insolvent.
- Limitations Act restricts claims of negligence to 15years.
What does the Governing Council do?
Main governing body - sets strategy, provides oversight. Elected members from globe.
What does the management board do?
Direct RICS affairs under delegation from the governing council. Non members / members & executives
What does the Standards and Regulation board do?
Standards, entry & admission to the profession, education & qualification. Members & non members - reports to Governing Council
What does the Audit committee do?
Monitor integrity and effectiveness of financial reporting, internal control & risk management systems. Operates independently of the other boards.
Who sits on the Executive Team?
Justin young - CEO - responsible for products, pro standards, reputation
What does the Nominations Committee do?
oversees and approves changes to global appointments. - succession and planning for gov council - appointment panel - members and non-member
What does the Presidential Nominations Committee do?
Assists Gov Council in election of Seniour Vice Presient. Members, non members & executives.
What does the Remuneration Committee do?
Sets level of remunerations for seniouremployees. - salerys
What does the Finance Committee do?
Accounting globally.
What is the role of the World Regional Boards?
Deliver RICS strategy at world regional level, oversee plans and allocating resource.
What is the role of the Market Advisory Panel?
Advise Management Board on implementing 3year rolling research & activity plan, forming the RICS business plan. Members, executives & non member
What is the role of the Regulatory Tribunal?
- provide an independent judicial body
Give an example when you have adhered to the 5 ethical standards:
1 - act with integrity and be honest and straightforward = when providing options for a refurbishment for Leeds i made sure to include all the relevant information, so they could make an informed decision
2 - Maintain professional competence- ensure services are provided by competent individuals. When undertaking a targeted inspection of damp in great moor coop i not large levels of wet rot in the floor joist . I advised the client that they should enlist a structural engineer to determine if the joists are salvageable
3 - Good Quality and diligent service - When undertaking any condition survey, i ensured to take a methodical approach. Recording down the weather taking plenty of photos and notes, and then display this in a Professional report in a logical order with my recommendations.
4Treat others with respect and encourage diversity - When undertaking surveys od the NHS I ensured to not take any photos with patients in. RLB - head of future professionals and undertook BFR .
5 - public confidence, take responsibility and prevent harm - When undertaking a condition survey at next store i noted that a fire exit was being blocked by storage - i informed the manager
What are the roles of the professional groups?
Provide technical advice - professional statements
What is IES?
International Ethical standards - to sustain critical roles of ethics in professional practice - RICSS founding member
What is the RICS’ opinion on diversity?
A priority of RICS, must become core of strategy, create inclusive workforce, eliminate discrimination and promote equal opportunities.
What is the RICS’ view on fee negotiations?
Negotiations are permitted - change to scope of service must allow competitors to adjust price, fee cutting and collusion avoided.
What is the internal structure of the RICS?
What statuatory considerations must be made when setting up a business?
- Buisness names Act - companies must disclose company infor
- GDPR (General data protection regulation)
- Money Laundering Act
- Equality Act
What penalties can the disciplinary panel issue?
Caution, Reprimand, Undertakings, Fines, Conditions on members continued membership, Condition on firms continued membership, Expulsion, Removal of firm.
What are the new rules brought in for firms?
Rules for the registration of firms - 2022
1- interpretation (what a firm, material change, member means)
2- communication (types)
3- firms required to register ( i.e firm providing services to the public)
4 - Firms eligible to register ( at least 25% of the firms principals are RICS members )
5- Registration of practice devisions (surveying services - rule 3 satisfied if the other divsions dont provide survying services ect
6 - Procedure for registraion - application to register to the RICS
7 - Responsible Principal - all firms must have - head of regulation must be satisfeied with them and must be either RICS member or (when nt practicable for the RP to be RICS - that they have suffient experience ect )
8 - Obligations of registration - comply with the rules of conduduct ect
9 - Deregistration
10 - review and appeal - descison by registraion panel - 28 days
11- limits on appliactions for registration and readmission
12 - publication
13 - Fees
What are the 5 principles for better regulation?
What are some of the recent topical issues you know of surrounding the RICS?
What is the RICS Ethics Desicion Tress?
If members are unsure if decisions are ethical, use the tree to arrive at the correct outcome.
What is a recent article you have read in Modus?
What do each of the coperate governance bodies do within the RICS?
Governing Council - main govt bidy, strategy / oversight.
Management Board - reports to Govt Council, oversee RICS affairs.
Regulation Board - standard setting, entry to the profession and regulatory process, penalties.
Audit Committee - monitors financial reporting / risk managment.
What can a member of the RICS recieve a fixed penalty for?
Rule 2 of Rules of Conduct in regards to Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Professional Obligations under Rules of Conduct in regards to providing information to RICS
Rules 13 of the Rules for the Registration of Firms in regards to payment of Fees
What are the 3 types of conflicts of interest?
-Party Conflicts - duty conflicts between 2 clients relating to the same project. e.g dilaps on both sides
Own Interest Conflict - interests conflict with the person or firm,
Confidential Information Conflict - breaching confidential information from one party to another - Undertook schools applcaition for funding - was asked if nearby school had applyied
When should informed consent be used with regards to a conflict of interests?
Only when both parties have written confirmation for you to proceed / when no one else could possibly perform this task.
What is an information barrier and when is it used?
Used when members of the same company may be acting for competing clients. May use digital blocks, may be physical - work in meeting rooms
Give an example when you have experienced a conflict of interests.
I was asked to
What is monthly three way reconciliation?
Checking clients accounts against : bank statements, cash books and balance sheets
- check for errors
What are the requirments of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information ot the Payer) Regulations 2017?
- Undertake customer due dilgence checks, keep records of checks 5 years, maintain internal procedures to prevent, report to NCA with SAR (nATIONAL Crime agency with susipisious acrivy report)
What are the penalties of the Proceeds of Crime Act?
Principal offence - 14years & unlimited fine, Secondary offence - 5years & unlimited fine.
What do you know about the Terrorism Act 2000?
Offence if you have cause to suspect someone to be involved in financial activity with terrorists. Penalities - 15years.
What are the requirements of the RICS Professional Statement - counter bribery and corruption, money laundering and terroist financing?
Members - not accept bribe, knowledge of laws, report activity.
Firms - not accept bribe, procedures, gift register, max Euros10k for cash transactions.
What are some of the sections of the Serious Crimes Act a Chartered Building Surveyor needs to be aware of?
Proceeds of crime, computer misuse, protection of children, miscellaneous.
What is corruption ?
misues of public Office or power to gain private advantage or vice versa
What is Money laundering ?
- Concealing the source of the proceeds of criminal activity to disguise their illegal orgin
What is reliance with regards to money laundering?
- a party may rely upon thrid parties customer due diliance checks, however is still liable
What changes have been made by the RICS in regards to PII?
1 July 2024, RICS requires listed insurers to provide PII cover for fire safety claims for professional services carried out in respect of buildings 5 storeys and above on the following basis: Negligent act, error, or omission (rather than the full civil liability basis);
What is a bribe?
The offer, promise, giving, demanding or acceptance of an advantage as an inducement for an action that is illegal, unethical or breach of trust.
What laws are applicable to bribery?
Bribery Act 2010, Money Laundering Regulations, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, RICS Guidance - Countering Bribery, Corruption, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
What is defined as an offence under the Bribery Act?
Section 1 - Offer of a bribe
Section 2 - acceptence of a bribe
section 6 - bribe of a foregin offical
Section 7 - not having adequate policies in a firm to deal with a bribe
What are the penalties for the above?
Up to 10 years imprisonment and unlimited fine for firms / £5k for personal.
What is a Politically Exposed Person?
- a politically figure who is more likely to be at risk of bribery or corruption
What is unconscious bias and when have you over come this?
A unconscious favouring or discrimination to a social group or gender. I have encountered this within my work when the majority of people I work with have been from the same ethnic background. I attempt to overcome this by participating in educational days at schools in poorer communities to help develope surveying as a genuine career possibility.
Why did the RICS go from 12 ethical values to 5 standards?
The 5 cover what the previous 12 did, but more consise, designed to appeal globally.
Can disciplinary decisions be appealed?
Yes to the Appeal Panel - 7 days after decision
What are facilitation payments?
Payments to officials to speed up admin processes. Not illegal in all countries - illiage in the uk
How would you determine the level of insurance required for your new company in it’s first year?
Dependant on: projected TO, value of projects working on, risk of work undertaking.
What would you do if you thought you saw a colleague collect an unoffical cash payment?
I would report to the company’s money laundering officer & managing partner. I would consider reporting to the police if I was certain this was a bribe.
How do you ensure your company’s compliance with the RICS Rules for firms?
I would discuss the matters with the company’s responsible principle. I have recieved training on how the company complies with the rules for firms within my induction and recieve refresher training every 3years.
What are Royal Charters?
Granted by the sovereign, provides the organisation to to govern its own affairs
What ways can you get involved with the RICS?
Matrix events, Lionheart, Professional Groups, working groups, Insight Communities, Leaders forums, sector forums.
who is the CEO
Richard Collins
What does contra proferendum?
Judges will favour the party who hasn’t written the contract as the written party is deemed to have an advantage where there is ambiguity
What is Quantum Meruti?
Where work has been completed before a contract is signed, the contractor is legitmetly owed the price for the works
What is the role of the RICS?
Enforce industry standards by ensuring members work to a high professional standard and maintain ethical standards
What is collusion?
a non competitive secret, ullegal agreement between rival companies to disrupt market equilibrium
What is the new homes ombudsman
The New Homes Ombudsman Service (NHOS) was set up in 2022 to provide a free and independent service to people who have bought a new build home and have concerns about the buying process, snagging or building defects that arise within the first two years from reserving the property or completing the purchase.
You see that a colleague is having some unwanted attention from a male colleague and it has happened a few times, what action if any would you take and what is this?
Consider this as a potential form of workplace harassment. I would go and speak to the male colleague and tell him its not acceptable behavior, I would also report to my senior.
You set up your own business but you decide to go off on a skiing holiday for 2 weeks, you break your leg and the doctors say you must have complete bed rest and no access to emails or work phone, what do you need in place to cover this situation?
A Locum agreement
How many different types of RICS document statuses are there ?
RICS are in the process of reviewing its standards portfolio because the standards and regulation board wants to ensure that RFICS standards and advice documents are up-to date and easy to use
RICS have simplified their document structure :
- Professional standards = Documents which set requirements for competent and ethical practice = existing professional statements and guidance - mandatory and recommended
- example surveying safely
- Practice information =documents provide advice or practice support to RICS members and firms = definitions, processes, toolkits, checklists, insights, research and technical information or advice. not mandartory
What would you do if you considered your directors advice to be incorrect ?
Consider :
* The implications of the advice
* Is it legal ?
* Discuss with managers, colleagues
* Refer to the Ethics decision tree
How does your behavior differ professionally and personally ?
My approach and behaviour does not change
What information is required by the RICS for registration and in the annual return?
- Firm must be eligible to register = provides surveying services to the public - at least 25 % of the Firm’s Principals are RICS Members ( can be deemed satisfied if they have a plan to gain 25%/ supported by another RICS FIREM
- Responsible principal ( l take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Firm complies
with its regulatory and statutory obligations).
Type of business and staffing detail - statutory regulated activities such as for finacial services
- nature of clients
- complaints handling procedure and records
- professional indemnity insurance certificate
- whether the firm holds client money
How do you keep up to date with current affairs and topic issues ?
On mailing list, office discussion, CPD email group, magazines and publications, modus
Why do you want to become chartered ?
- gold standard in my profession
- Offers guidance and support from RICSW
- Designation will help my career
- lifelong learning
- Give back to up and coming surveyors
What is the RICS ethical decision tree?
The RICS decision tree assists me in making informed decisions, confirming my actions are ethical and legal
What are ethics?
Moral principles that govern an individuals behaviour.
Why are ethics important?
Act as an anchor to appropriate behaviour and ensure consistency and clarity in the market. It allows us to provide the best service for the client and recognise the wider public.
What does it mean to act ethically as a Chartered Surveyor?
Acting ethically means complying with standards and ensuring that you are acting on behalf of your clients best interests.
What are the three types of due diligence?
Simplified Due Diligence – Where you determine the business relationship is low risk of money laundering/terrorism
* Enhanced Due Diligence – for high risk customers and transactions with greater threat to financial sector
* New Customer Due Diligence – doing the checks to ensure your client is who they say they are.
What are the three benefits of regulation for firms?
- Confidence - for client as regulated firms are monitored by RICS regulation
- Professionalism - firms have to provide clear, impartial and expert advice
- Security - firms have to have recognised CHP, access to ADR and PII cover
Why does you firm have Terms of Engagement? What should be included in Terms of Engagement?
Creates a contract with the client and clear definition of what is expected and on what terms etc.
Sets out the proposed fee basis, payment of expenses and that a copy of the firm’s complaints handling procedure is available upon request.
How would you close down a practice?
- Inform the RICS
- Inform clients and arrange for them to be handed over to a new firm
- Return any clients’ money
- Set-up professional indemnity run-off cover for a minimum of 6 years
- Retain of copy of client files and record for a minimum of 6 years
How long should files be kept for?
- A minimum of 6 years before disposing and destroying them securely ( although can be sued for negligence for up to 15 years)
What do the new rules state about the use of the RICS logo and designation ?
- Use of the RICS logo has been restricted to members and regulated firms only
- The ‘regulated by RICS’ designation must be displayed clearly to ensure visibility
- Prescribed text that must be included in the terms of engagement
- Companies are only allowed to use ‘charted surveyors’ designation in trading name and not company name
How would you limit the risk of working with a client or contractor who may be financially unstable ?
- Screening process:
- Dun & Bradstreet credit check
- Company search (Account information from companies house )
- internet search (client website)
If your client asked you to lower your fees because of their limited funding, what would you do ?
The client would have to pay the required price for the level of service required or reduce the scope of works involved. I could consider if the scope of work could be reduced however on the client request i would not just lower my fees.
How do you know you are competent ?
Having the knowledge and skills to undertake an instruction. If you have dealt with that type of property and location and you’ve carried out that task, you are deemed as competent. This can be defined as :
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Attitude
- Training
- Experience
Can you advise somebody as an individual ?
Unless you have the correct insurances in place, you should not be giving any professional advice to anybody, friend or family or strangers. I would advise them to contact me during normal working hours as long as it does not become a conflict of interest and TOE can be defined etc.
How do ethics link with conduct rules?
Rules of conduct are a detailed description of how we are expected to carry ourselves and how to set the highest possible level of standard.
If faced with a situation that you felt was unethical, how would you proceed?
Using the decision tree:
* Do I have sufficient facts?
* Is the matter legal?
* Is it in line with RICS Professional and Ethical Standards?
* Have I consulted with appropriate people?
* Do I have clear reasoning in reaching my decision?
* Would I be content for my actions to be made public?
If answered no to any of the above, I would not proceed with the situation alone and would consult senior staff with direction on how to proceed.
Why are ethics important?
Prevents any issues with consistent behaviour
* Sets a standard of expertise and professionalism
* Promotes trust in the company and industry
What are the CPD requirements
Qualified/MRICS member – 20 hrs per year, min 10 hours formal
* Student member – 48 hrs per year (Min 24 formal)
What is the difference between formal and informal training ?
Formal has learning objectives and a defined learning outcome, i could reference the CPD decision tree for further guidance
What is your CPD strategy ?
My CPD plan is dictated by my skills and or knowledge gap considering future requirements and sectors etc. This is review bi annually to confirm i am getting suitable and appropriate CPD to my role.
What is a complaints handling procedure?
A procedure to allow and define the procedure for clients to raise a complaint. This may include ADR and relevant timescales for the process.
What must a complaints procedure include? 28
The procedure must include an Alternative dispute mechanism approved by the standard and regulation board. The procedure can be based on the RICS forms. Issued with terms of engagement, nominated person also details investigated within 28 days, record the complaints, advise PI insurers of complaint etc.
What is a Complaints Handling Procedure ?
A firm must have a CHP and maintain a complaints log
* If there is a complaint, it must be addressed to the Complaints Handling Officer and handled within 28 days of receipt. If the complaint cannot be resolved, it can be referred to an independent 3rd party
* You can be your own Complaints Handling Officer as a sole practitioner but most refer it to a 3rd party
What must a complaints handling procedure include?
A form to fill out
* Redress mechanism
* Details should be issued to clients with the terms of business
* Clear, quick, transparent and impartial and free of charge
* Names and contact details of nominated investigating person must be stated
* Complaint must be investigated within 28 days
* All complaints and progress and outcomes must be recorded
* Advise PI insurers of a complaint
* Two stages: 1 – consideration, 2 – referral to third party
What options are available if you couldn’t resolve the complaint?
- Property Ombudsman
- RICS Dispute Resolution
- Escalation
What is the property ombudsman?
Independent government approved body who provides redress to consumers whose complaints are considered on a case by case basis. They are not regulators and have no authority to take legal action or dictate action.
Where would you find the RICS requirements for professional indemnity cover ?
- Regulation document
- Professional indemnity insurance requirements
- 2024
In relation to professional indemnity insurance, what is the minimum limit of indemnity for turnover under £100,000(in the preceding year )?
- £250,000 = based on the predicted turnover based on the previous years turnover
- RICS defines 3 levels of cover:
- 0 -100,000 = £250,000
-100,001 - £200,000 = £500,000 - £200,001 + = £1,000,000 OF COVER
How many years after an instruction has been completed can a Professional Indemnity claim be made ?
15 years according to the limitations act
What type of cover would you need to cover a claim brought after a firm or member ceases to trade ?
run off cover
What cover do you need?
PII insurance - Professional indemnity insurance covers finacial loss, personal injury and property damage resulting from your negligent act or error while working for a client
PLI insurance - Public liability insurance is there to protect you if a member of the public is injured / property damaged
ELI - Employers liability insurance covers you and buisness if employee becomes ill or injured due to work
Building insurance