Headaches & Seizures Flashcards
Most common area affected by partial seizures
Medial temporal lobe
Simple Partial Seizure
Consciousness intact
can be motor, sensory, autonomic or psychic
Complex Partial Seizure
Impair consciousness
Seizure that affects one part of the brain
Partial (Focal) Seizure
Disorder of recurrent seizures
Continuous Seizure for >30minutes or recurrent seizures w/o regaining consciousness between seizures for >30minutes
Status Epilepticus
Causes of Seizures in Children
Genetic, Trauma, Stroke, Infection
Causes of Seizures in Elderly
Stroke, Tumor, Trauma, Metabolic, Infection
Causes of Seizures in Adults
Tumors, Trauma, Stroke, Infection
3Hz, no postictal confusion, blank stare
Generalized absence seizure (petit mal)
Quick, repetitive Jerks
generalized myoclonic seizure
Alternating Stiffening and movement
Tonic-Clonic Seizure (grand mal)
Tonic Generalized Seizure
Drop seizure (fall to floor)
Atonic Generalized Seizure
A unilateral HA for 15min-3hrs, excruciating periorbital pain with lacrimation and rhinorrhea
Cluster HA
Tx of Cluster HA
Inhaled Oxygen, Sumatriptan
BL HA >30minutes, typically 4-5hrs long, steady pain with no photophobia or phonophobia
Tension HA
Tx of Tension HA
Analgesics, NSAIDs, acetaminophen amitriptyline for chronic pain
Unilateral, pulsating pain, photophobia, or phonophobia, may have aura 4-72hrs long
Irritation of CNV, meninges, or BVs (release of substance P, CGRP, vasoactive peptides)
Prophylaxis of Migraines
Propranolol, topiramate, CCB or amitriptyline
Abortive therapy for migraines
Triptans and NSAIDs
Repetitive shooting pain in the distribution of CNV that last <1min
Trigeminal Neuralgia
sensation of spinning while being stationary
Delayed horizontal nystagmus in positional testing
peripheral vertigo
Semicircular canal debris, vestibular nerve infection, Meniere disease
Peripheral vertigo
Directional change of nystagmus, skew deviation, diplopia, dusmetria
Central Vertigo (could be from posterior fossa tumor or stroke of vestibular nuclei)