Anatomy and Physiology 2 Flashcards
Lewy Body
alpha-synuclein, an intracellular eosinophilic inclusion
Parkinson Disease
Loss of Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta
Parkinson Disease
Pill rolling tremor
Tremor at rest, Parkinson
Cogwheel Rigidity
Shuffling gait and expressionless face
D1 in Striatum
Increases stimulation to Cortex
CAG repeats in Chromosome 4
Huntington Disease
Decreased levels of GABA and ACh in the brain
Huntington Disease
Atrophy of Caudate Nucleus
Huntington Disease
Choreiform movements, aggression, depression, and dementia
Huntington Disease
Sudden, wild flailing of 1 arm +/- IL leg
Sudden, jerky, purposefuless movements
Slow, writhing movements; esp seen in fingers
Sudden, brief, uncontrolled muscle contraction
Sustained, Involuntary Muscle Contractions
Writer’s cramp
Sustained eye twitch
Blepharospasm, Dystonia
Action tremor; exacerbated by holding posture/limb position
Essential Tremor (postural tremor)
jerks; hiccups
Can get better with EtOH
Essential Tremor (postural tremor)
Tx of Essential Tremor
Beta-blockers, Primidone
Uncontrolled movement of distal appendages; tremor alleviated by intentional movement
resting tremor, Parkinson
Slow, Zigzag motion when pointing/extending toward a target
Intention tremor (cerebellar dysfx)
Cause of hemiballismus
CL subthalamic nucleus (lacunar stroke)
Kluver-Bucy Syndrome
hyperorality, hypersexuality, disinhibited behavior
BL amygdala lesion; associated with HSV-1
Disinhibition and deficits in conc, orientation, and judgment, may have emergence of primitive reflexes
Frontal Lobe Lesion
Spatial neglect syndrome (agnosia of CL side of the world)
Right Parietal-Temporal Cx
Agraphia, Acalculia, finger agnosia and left-right disorientation
Left Parietal-Temporal Cx
Reduced levels of arousal and wakefulness (coma)
Reticular Activating System (midbrain)
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Symptoms
Confusion, Ophthalmoplegia, Ataxia, memory loss, confabulation, personality changes
Mamillary Bodies
May result in tremor at rest, chorea or athetosis
Basal Ganglia Lesion
Lesion to Cerebellar Vermis
Truncal ataxia, dysarthria
Lesion of Subthalamic Nucleus
CL hemiballismus
Paramedian Pontine Reticular Formation Lesion
Eyes look away from side of lesion
Frontal Eye Field Lesions
Eyes look toward lesion
Correcting serum sodium from low to high too fast
Pons will die (central pontine myelinolysis)
Correcting serum sodium from high to low too fast
Your brain will blow, cerebral edema/herniation
Locked-in syndrome
acute paralysis, dysarthria, dysphagia, diplopia and LOC
from massive axonal demyelination in pontine white matter
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