Head & Neck Outcomes Flashcards
What are the 10 craniofascial muscles?
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labii inferioris
Levator labii superioris
Orbicularis oculi & oris
Zygomaticus major
P, D, A, I Buccinator
P: alveolar processes of maxilla & mandible, pterygoid hamulus, and pterygomandibular raphe
D: angle of mouth
A: compresses cheek when blowing
I: buccal branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Depressor anguli oris
P: mandible
D: angle of mouth
A: depresses angle of mouth (frown/sad)
I: buccal & mandibular branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Depressor labii inferioris
P: oblique line of mandible
D: skin of lower lip
A: depresses lower lip (pouting/sad)
I: mandibular branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Frontalis
P: Superficial fascia of eyebrows
D: Epicrancial aponeurosis
A: protracts the scalp & elevates eyebrows and nose (surprise or curiosity)
I: temporal branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Levator labii superioris
P: inferior orbital margin
D: lateral aspect of upper lip
A: raises and everts upper lip (showing sadness)
I: buccal & zygomatic branches of facial n.
P, D, A, I Nasalis
P: maxilla lateral and inferior to nasal notch
D: bridge and ala of nose
A: transverse fibers compress & alar fibers widen nasal aperture (flaring nostrils in anger or exertion)
I: buccal branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Obicularis oculi
P: orbital margin & medial palpebral ligament
D: superficial fascia of eyelid
A: palpebral sphincter (closes eyes/winkin)
I: temporal & zygomatic branches of facial n.
P, D, A, I Obicularis oris
P: angle of mouth
D: superficial fascia of upper lip
A: oral sphincter (closes mouth/kissing)
I: buccal & mandibular branches of facial n.
P, D, A, I Platysma
P: lower border of mandible
D: superficial fascia of skin of the neck overlying clavicle
A: wrinkles anterior nuchal skin (Conveying tension or stress)
I: cervical branch of fascia n.
P, D, A, I Zygomaticus major
P: Zygomatic bone
D: angle of mouth
A: raises angle of mouth (smiling/happiness)
I: buccal & zygomatic branches of facial n.
What are the 7 Extraocular Muscles?
Inferior oblique
Inferior rectus
Levator palpebrae superioris
Medial rectus
Superior rectus
Lateral rectus
Superior oblique
P, D, A, I Inferior Oblique
P: maxilla latera
D: nasolacrimal groove to inferolateral, posterior aspect of sclera
A: elevation, abduction, & extortion of the eye
I: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Inferior rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: inferior aspect of sclera
A: depression, adduction, & extorsion of eye
I: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Levator Palpebrae Superioris
P: inferior aspect of lesser wing of the sphenoid
D: tarsus and skin of upper lid
A: elevation of upper lid
I: superior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Medial rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: medial aspect of sclera
A: adduction of eye
I: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Superior rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: superior aspect of sclera
A: elevation, adduction, intorsion of the eye
I: superior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Lateral rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: lateral aspect of sclera
A: abduction of eye
I: abducens n.
P, D, A, I Superior oblique
P: Superomedial, posterior aspect of the orbit
D: superb lateral, posterior aspect of the sclera passing around trochlea (superomedial, anterior aspect of the orbit)
A: depression, abduction, & intorsion of the eye
I: trochlear n.
What are the 4 muscles of mastication?
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
P, D, A, I Masseter
P: zygomatic arch
D: angle of mandible & lateral aspect of ramus
A: elevation, protraction, & retraction (deep fibers) of mandible
I: mandibular n. (V3)
P, D, A, I Temporalis
P: temporal fossa
D: coronoid process & anterior border of ramus of mandible
A: Elevation & retraction (post. Aspect) of mandible
I: mandibular n. (V3)
P, D, A, I Lateral pterygoid
P: infratemporal surface of sphenoid & lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
D: neck of mandible and TMJ disc
A: depresses mandible, protracts & acts with ipsilateral pterygoid to rotate the mandible to produce side to side movements while chewing
I: mandibular n. (V3)
P, D, A, I Medial pterygoid
P: Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate & adjacent maxilla
D: medial aspect of angle of mandible
A: elevation of mandible and acts with ipsilateral lateral pterygoid to rotate mandible for side to side movements during trituration of food
I: mandibular n. (V3)
How many Anterolateral neck muscles?
P, D, A, I Anterior digastric
P: digastric fossa of mandible
D: intermediate tendon
A: depression of mandible or elevation of hyoid
I: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (CN V3)
P, D, A, I Posterior digastric
P: temporal mastoid notch
D: intermediate tendon
A: depression of mandible or elevation of hyoid
I: facial n.
P, D, A, I Genio hyoid
P: inferior genial tubercle of mandible
D: anterior aspect of body of the hyoid
A: elevation of tongue and hyoid or depresses mandible
I: ventral ramus of C1 vis CN XII
P, D, A, I Longus capitis
P: anterior tubercles of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
D: basilar occipital bone
A: flexion of the head & neck (bilateral) and ipsilateral rotation (unilateral)
I: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C1-3)
P, D, A, I Longus coli
P: cervical vertebral bodies
D: cervical vertebral bodies & transverse processes
A: flexion, lateral flexion of the neck, and ipsilateral rotation
I: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C2-7)
P, D, A, I Mylohyoid
P: mylohoid line of mandible
D: midline raphe and anterior asepct of body of hyoid
A: elevation of the floor of oral cavity
I: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (CN V3)
P, D, A, I Omohyoid
P: superior border of the scapula medial to scapular notch
D: lateral aspect of the hyoid passing through an intermediate tendon sling loosely associated w/ clavicle & 1st rib
A: depression of hyoid
I: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)