Head & Neck Outcomes Flashcards
What are the 10 craniofascial muscles?
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labii inferioris
Levator labii superioris
Orbicularis oculi & oris
Zygomaticus major
P, D, A, I Buccinator
P: alveolar processes of maxilla & mandible, pterygoid hamulus, and pterygomandibular raphe
D: angle of mouth
A: compresses cheek when blowing
I: buccal branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Depressor anguli oris
P: mandible
D: angle of mouth
A: depresses angle of mouth (frown/sad)
I: buccal & mandibular branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Depressor labii inferioris
P: oblique line of mandible
D: skin of lower lip
A: depresses lower lip (pouting/sad)
I: mandibular branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Frontalis
P: Superficial fascia of eyebrows
D: Epicrancial aponeurosis
A: protracts the scalp & elevates eyebrows and nose (surprise or curiosity)
I: temporal branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Levator labii superioris
P: inferior orbital margin
D: lateral aspect of upper lip
A: raises and everts upper lip (showing sadness)
I: buccal & zygomatic branches of facial n.
P, D, A, I Nasalis
P: maxilla lateral and inferior to nasal notch
D: bridge and ala of nose
A: transverse fibers compress & alar fibers widen nasal aperture (flaring nostrils in anger or exertion)
I: buccal branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Obicularis oculi
P: orbital margin & medial palpebral ligament
D: superficial fascia of eyelid
A: palpebral sphincter (closes eyes/winkin)
I: temporal & zygomatic branches of facial n.
P, D, A, I Obicularis oris
P: angle of mouth
D: superficial fascia of upper lip
A: oral sphincter (closes mouth/kissing)
I: buccal & mandibular branches of facial n.
P, D, A, I Platysma
P: lower border of mandible
D: superficial fascia of skin of the neck overlying clavicle
A: wrinkles anterior nuchal skin (Conveying tension or stress)
I: cervical branch of fascia n.
P, D, A, I Zygomaticus major
P: Zygomatic bone
D: angle of mouth
A: raises angle of mouth (smiling/happiness)
I: buccal & zygomatic branches of facial n.
What are the 7 Extraocular Muscles?
Inferior oblique
Inferior rectus
Levator palpebrae superioris
Medial rectus
Superior rectus
Lateral rectus
Superior oblique
P, D, A, I Inferior Oblique
P: maxilla latera
D: nasolacrimal groove to inferolateral, posterior aspect of sclera
A: elevation, abduction, & extortion of the eye
I: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Inferior rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: inferior aspect of sclera
A: depression, adduction, & extorsion of eye
I: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Levator Palpebrae Superioris
P: inferior aspect of lesser wing of the sphenoid
D: tarsus and skin of upper lid
A: elevation of upper lid
I: superior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Medial rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: medial aspect of sclera
A: adduction of eye
I: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Superior rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: superior aspect of sclera
A: elevation, adduction, intorsion of the eye
I: superior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Lateral rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: lateral aspect of sclera
A: abduction of eye
I: abducens n.
P, D, A, I Superior oblique
P: Superomedial, posterior aspect of the orbit
D: superb lateral, posterior aspect of the sclera passing around trochlea (superomedial, anterior aspect of the orbit)
A: depression, abduction, & intorsion of the eye
I: trochlear n.
What are the 4 muscles of mastication?
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
P, D, A, I Masseter
P: zygomatic arch
D: angle of mandible & lateral aspect of ramus
A: elevation, protraction, & retraction (deep fibers) of mandible
I: mandibular n. (V3)
P, D, A, I Temporalis
P: temporal fossa
D: coronoid process & anterior border of ramus of mandible
A: Elevation & retraction (post. Aspect) of mandible
I: mandibular n. (V3)
P, D, A, I Lateral pterygoid
P: infratemporal surface of sphenoid & lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
D: neck of mandible and TMJ disc
A: depresses mandible, protracts & acts with ipsilateral pterygoid to rotate the mandible to produce side to side movements while chewing
I: mandibular n. (V3)
P, D, A, I Medial pterygoid
P: Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate & adjacent maxilla
D: medial aspect of angle of mandible
A: elevation of mandible and acts with ipsilateral lateral pterygoid to rotate mandible for side to side movements during trituration of food
I: mandibular n. (V3)
How many Anterolateral neck muscles?
P, D, A, I Anterior digastric
P: digastric fossa of mandible
D: intermediate tendon
A: depression of mandible or elevation of hyoid
I: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (CN V3)
P, D, A, I Posterior digastric
P: temporal mastoid notch
D: intermediate tendon
A: depression of mandible or elevation of hyoid
I: facial n.
P, D, A, I Genio hyoid
P: inferior genial tubercle of mandible
D: anterior aspect of body of the hyoid
A: elevation of tongue and hyoid or depresses mandible
I: ventral ramus of C1 vis CN XII
P, D, A, I Longus capitis
P: anterior tubercles of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
D: basilar occipital bone
A: flexion of the head & neck (bilateral) and ipsilateral rotation (unilateral)
I: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C1-3)
P, D, A, I Longus coli
P: cervical vertebral bodies
D: cervical vertebral bodies & transverse processes
A: flexion, lateral flexion of the neck, and ipsilateral rotation
I: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C2-7)
P, D, A, I Mylohyoid
P: mylohoid line of mandible
D: midline raphe and anterior asepct of body of hyoid
A: elevation of the floor of oral cavity
I: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (CN V3)
P, D, A, I Omohyoid
P: superior border of the scapula medial to scapular notch
D: lateral aspect of the hyoid passing through an intermediate tendon sling loosely associated w/ clavicle & 1st rib
A: depression of hyoid
I: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
P, D, A, I Anterior scalene
P: anterior tubercles of middle cervical vertebrae
D: scalene tubercle of 1st rib
A: elevation of 1st rib (forced inspiration) & lateral flexion & contralateral rotation of neck
I: lower ventral rami of cervical spinal n.
P, D, A, I Middle scalene
P: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
D: 1st rib
A: elevation of 1st rib (forced insp.) & lateral flexion & contralateral rotation of neck
I: lower ventral rami of cervical spinal n.
P, D, A, I Posterior scalene
P: lower cervical transverse processes
D: 2nd rib
A: elevation of rib (forced insp) & lateral flexion and contralateral rotation of neck
I: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C6-8)
P, D, A, I Sternocleido mastoid
P: lateral aspect of mastoid process & superior nuchal line
D: manubrium & medial 1/3 clavicle
A: flexion, ipsilateral lateral flexion, extensrion of head and neck, & contralateral rotation of the head
I: accessory n & C1-2
P, D, A, I Sternohyoid
P: posterior side of proximal clavicle & adjacent manubrium
D: inferior border of body of hyoid
A: depresses hyoid
I: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
P, D, A, I Sternothyroid
P: posterior aspect of manubrium & costal cartilage of 1st rib
D: thyroid lamina
A: depression of elevated larynx
I: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
P, D, A, I Stylohyoid
P: styloid process of temporal bone
D: body of hyoid bone
A: elevation & retraction of hyoid
I: facial n.
P, D, A, I Thyrohyoid
P: thyroid lamina
D: greater horn of hyoid bone
A: depression of hyoid or elevation of thyroid cartilage
I: ventral ramus of C1 via XII
P, D, A, I Cricothyroid
P: cricoid cartilage
D: thyroid cartilage
A: tension and elongation of vocal folds
I: external laryngeal n. (CN X)
What are the posterior muscles of the neck?
Splenius capitis
Longissimus capitis
Semispinalis capitis
P, D, A, I Splenius capitis
P: ligamentum nuchae and lower cervical & upper thoracic spinous processes
D: lateral 1/3rd of superior nuchal line
A: extension & lateral flexion and ipsilateral rotation of head
I: dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.
P, D, A, I Longissimus capitis
P: upper thoracic transverse processes
D: posterior margin of mastoid process
A: extension & lateral flexion & ipsilateral rotation of head
I: dorsal rami of spinal n.
P, D, A, I Semispinalis capitis
P: upper thoracic & cervical transverse processes
D: occipital bone between sup & inf nucal lines
A: extension & contralateral rotation of the head
I: dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.
Name the 4 Suboccipital muscles?
Rectus capitis posterior major & minor
Obliquus capitis inferior & superior
P, D, A, I Rectus capitis posterior major
P: spinous process C2
D: lateral aspect inferior nuchal line
A: extension and ipsilateral rotation of head
I: suboccipital n.
P, D, A, I Rectus capitis posterior minor
P: tubercle on posterior arch C1
D: medial aspect inferior nuchal line
A: extension of head
I: suboccipital n.
P, D, A, I Obliquus capitis inferior
P: spinous process of C2
D: transverse process C1
A: ipsilateral rotation of neck
I: suboccipital n.
P, D, A, I Obliquus capitis superior
P: transverse process of C1
D: area between superior and inferior nuchal lines on occibital bones
A: extension and lateral flexion of head
I: suboccipital n.
What are the deep cervical fasciae?
Investing/Deep fascia of extremities
Pretrachial fascia
Prevertebral fascia
Carotid Sheath
What are the contents of the investing/deep fascia of extremities?
What are the contents of the pretracheal fascia?
Thyroid cartilege
What are the contents of the prevertebral fascia?
Cervical vertebral column (C5?)
What are the contents of the carotid sheath?
Internal jugular vein
Common Carotid a.
Cranial n. X (vagus n.)
What anterior muscles of the neck are suprahyoid muscles?
What anterior muscles of the neck are infrahyoid muscles?
What are the 2 major triangles of the neck? What are their boundaries?
Anterior triangle
-Mandible, midline of neck, ant. aspect of SCM
Posterior Triangle
-Clavicle, anterior trapezius, post. aspect of SCM
What triangles are found within the anterior triangle?
Submandibular Triangle
Submental Triangle
Carotid Triangle
Muscular Triangle
What triangles are found within the posterior triangle of the neck?
Supraclavicular Triangle
Occipital Triangle
Describe the borders and contents of the Muscular Triangle
Anterior aspect of SCM
Midline of Neck
Superior Omohyoid
Contains the anterior mm. of the neck.
Describe the borders and contents of the Carotid Triangle
Anterior aspect of SCM
Superior Omohyoid
Posterior Digastric
Contains the common carotid artery.
Describe the borders and contents of the Occipital Triangle
Anterior Trapezius
Inferior belly Omohyoid
Posterior aspect of SCM
Contains the trunks of the Brachial Plexus andd Cranial Nerve XI
Describe the borders of the Submandibular Triangle
Anterior Digastric
Posterior Digastric
Describe the borders of the Submental Triangle
Anterior Digastric
Hyoid bone
Describe the borders and contents of the Supraclavicular Triangle
Posterior aspect of SCM
Inferior Omohyoid
Contains the Subclavian Artery and Thyrocervical Trunk with it’s 4 branches.
(notably transverse cervical & suprascapular)
Name the pharyngeal arches?
Mandibular Arch
Hyoid Arch
Third Arch
Fourth Arch
Sixth Arch
*5th arch got reabsorbed :(
What structures orginated from the Mandibular Arch?
Mm: mm. of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior digastric
Trigeminal n. (CN V3) *sensory & motor
What structures originated from the Hyoid Arch?
Mm: mm. of facial expression, posterior digastric, stylohyoid
Facial n. (CN VII)
What structures originated from the Third Arch?
Stylopharyngeus m.
Glossopharyngeal n. (CN IX)
What structures originated from the Fourth Arch?
Mm: Cricothyroid, inferior pharyngeal constrictor
Vagus n. (CN X) -superior laryngeal
What structures originate from the Sixth Arch?
Intrinsic laryngeal m.
Vagus n. (CN X) -recurrent laryngeal
What is special about the digastric muscle?
The digastric muscle has dual innervation as a result of the pharyngeal arches.
What are the parasinus cavities of the skull?
Frontal Sinus
Ethmoid Sinus
Maxillary Sinus
Sphenoidal Sinus
What bones contribute to the 4 walls of the orbit? Which walls?
Roof: Frontal bone & lesser wing of sphenoid
Medial Wall: ethmoid bone & lacrimal bone
Floor: maxilla & zygomatic bone
Lateral Wall: zygomatic bone & greater wing of sphenoid
*6 bones total
Name the 3 cranial fossae
Anterior Cranial Fossa
Middle Cranial Fossa
Posterior Cranial Fossa
Name the boundaries and contents of the anterior crainial fossa
Orbital surface of frontal bone & lesser wing of sphenoid
Frontal lobe of brain, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract
Name the boundaries and contents of the middle cranial fossa
Body and greater wings of spenoid bone, petrous and squamous parts of temporal bones
Temporal lobes of brain & pituitary gland
Name the boundaries and contents of the posterior cranial fossa
Occipital bone & mastoid part of temporal bone
Brainstem & cerebellum